
2 Post – 155 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

strange creature


normal size car problems*

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"bug" aka purposely making firefox unusable on one of the largest websites in the world so more people use chromium

(these allegations are based solely on prejudice against google and its subsidiaries, and do not necessarily hold true in reality)

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why do people use boost? heard it has ads in it. not to mention it collects and shares data. it baffles me why anyone would use it over something like voyager. (also its a proprietary app for a FOSS project)

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alternatively we could get rid of car dependency

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If you need to block your local instance admin then you probably shouldn't be using that instance...

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If nobody has guns nobody needs guns, pretty simple

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classic "protecting the children" to do something terrible excuse

You can also make it so you don't see any bot accounts at all, makes the experience 10x better.

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something something rewrite it in rust

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Wondering if I can turn that off somehow

have you heard of our lord and savior linux

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I completely agree that minority groups in America should arm themselves, it's unrealistic to think that guns will ever be banned in America, and better safe than sorry.

However, in an ideal world (and most places) nobody would have guns, hence nobody would need a gun.

lost mastodon user

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Female (optional)

And here come the conspiracy theories...

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Making fun of American "healthcare" is a global pastime.

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I don't trust myself with a gun, otherwise I'd get one.

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i visited this in person, they even sell mini versions of the statue with the cone on the head. kind of weird that the government still considers it "vandalism" at this point

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Don't respond.

if a post has a score of -10, it needs to disappear

So I can make 10 accounts and have free reign to delete anyone's post? No dice. There's already systems in place to prevent this from happening, some things just slip through the cracks. (There's a reason this is a rare occurrence)

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Just allow cookies for those websites. You can do it by clicking the lock to the left of the search bar and enabling "Always store cookis/data for this site"

"gets railed" i thought that was supposed to be a list of bad things


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I don't buy games that won't run on linux.

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Step 1: Go to bed at 22:00

Step 2: ?????

Step 3: Fall asleep at 04:00

Company making billions of dollars wants to continue making billions of dollars.

id say its more ethical to pirate adobe software than pay for it

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infp 4w5 evangelion radiohead femcel daughter sounds awesome though

The people bypassing the paywall aren't going to pay in the first place, no point in wasting resources on it.

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or yknow... just get rid of car dependency

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I haven't seen anyone defending Joe Biden supporting the Palestinian genocide, what?

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i saw this and said "is that mercury"


Meanwhile Kagi partnering with Brave.. I think I'll stick with SearXNG (which also can do this, and is free).

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I use Strawberry personally.

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linux users in question

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For the record, Mark Venuti and Khiel Coppin both claimed to have a gun. Obviously doesn't excuse the misidentification, but gives them at least some benefit of the doubt. Most of the rest are instances of racism. ACAB

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As far as I know you don't need a VPN to use Soulseek, but it's obviously always recommended to use one over not using one.

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If I have to purposely go look for it the this community isn't being "invaded".

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Yes, that person is me.

Would you rather us vote for Trump?

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