Christian blasphemy rule to – 89 points –

I-is this real..?

Someone unironically drew this..?

I looked into this one before, it is not an actual Ben Garrison piece. The fact that I had to check says a fair amount on its own, though, yeah?

I wish this was the top comment, I'm so tired of lemmy users falling for obvious parody. Admittedly this one is less obvious than most, given Ben Garrison's whole thing.

Buddy with the sheer amount of people unironically drawing Trump as literal god it's hard to tell the difference

I'm really not saying "everyone should know this is parody", because it's possible for smart people to miss the point of anything sometimes. The clues here are pretty obvious, but if you're skimming, you might miss them and just think this is normal BenG shit. (My main clue that stopped me from scrolling is that this doesn't quite look like his art style.)

What I do think, however, is that people should apply a filter before jumping into the comments with stuff like "this is beyond parody". No, this is actually parody. Someone thought about the fact that it might be parody but was so committed to their first impression that they didn't scratch any deeper.

You can tell is isn't a real Ben Garrison because there are still things left unlabelled

It's Ben Garrison. This is pretty tame compared to his usual Trump egg gargling

The fact that "heterosexuality" is on there drives this beyond parody. I doubt Garrison sees the irony.

Garrison is without a doubt one of the most obtuse and absurd comic creators out there, but this one is a well known fake.

Yes "freedom" where your free to do what ever the repukes say you're free to do

I'm so glad I don't live I'm america