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Neither, especially with Pocket. There's something about an add-on integrated into a browser that makes me worry about privacy. I hate how pocket is bundled in Firefox and take great pleasure in disabling it in the browser's config file. If it was something that could be downloaded on your own I might have had a different opinion about it. I just make a bookmark folder for articles I want to read later. It takes a few extra seconds to store and access but I think it's worth it.

I recommend Linux Mint. It's very beginner friendly and you don't need to use the console too much if that kind of thing bothers you. The GUI even looks very similar to a Windows 10 environment.

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Maybe buy the original on Steam soon just in case they pull a Rockstar.

We desperately need smaller vehicles to counter the behemoth light trucks that are in the road today. Everything about these kei truck bans just scream corruption and incompetence from politicians to domestic auto manufacturers.

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I'm willing to bet they'll start adding telemetry features in RPiOS for "quality purposes" a few years from now.

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Would it kill them to put dividers there?

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Cars shouldn't have Internet connectivity and telemetry collection at all. I don't care what "quality of life" improvements they bring, if they use it to spy on and profit off their customers after paying for the vehicle then it should be banned. I know most people don't give a shit about their privacy but when it starts affecting their wallet, they will.

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Also it has to be easily readable.

That's a tall order for a state that has a terrible education system.

This is what happens when the Union wasn't firm enough with the seditionist South post Civil War. The Restoration Era was too kind and short lived to the traitorous bastards that allowed their shit ideology of racism and secession to stick around the South.This allowed their ideas to fester and metastasize over the decades into Jim Crow laws, Confederate romanticism, and the idea of rebellion being something that is punished by a slap on the wrist.

The fact the Jan 6 traitors were prosecuted with extreme leniency is only giving these bastards all the more encouragement to ramp up their calls for another civil war. The next time we win I say apply the penalty for treason on all combatants and bar anyone associated with their movement from ever holding office again.

So this is how democracy in the US can end. A Democratic president who's resisting the overwhelming cry of the people to stop supporting a genocidal fascist who will then lose the presidency to our own domestic fascist out of their protest. When the government's been deliberately unresponsive to the will of its people for so long I guess this is its inevitable conclusion.

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They're likely the last group the C-suite listens to so it's probably a good idea. Shame it won't happen.

I tried recreating that experiment with my dogs over several months and can confidently say they pee anywhere from 7 seconds to almost a minute.

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They filter out those who score too high.

The surveillance would be a double edged sword. If they were to be hacked, all sensitive information that was going through their PCs could be compromised.

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Most railways are privately owned by freight companies which passenger trains must also use. Because of this, freight trains always get priority for using the rail first while passenger trains have to wait for the line to clear before proceeding.

The year is still young but he isn't so fingers crossed!

Sir this is America. We only do hardcore capitalism in this country, preferably to the detriment of the average citizen and benefit of CEOs and stockholders the way God intended. /s

It was always two weeks away from being revealed/voted on.

I started playing this the other day on a standard PS4 and the frame rate can be really choppy at times. A PC port taking advantage of modern hardware would be amazing. The art direction's already perfect, it just needs to run at a frame rate that doesn't make it difficult to time combat maneuvers.

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At first glance he looks like one of those smaller deformed titans.

I bought a house after saving for 6 long years.

I heard this same argument from people all the time. Until it affects you in a meaningful way to change your mind, it'll be too late.

Have you entertained the idea of agreeing to a hybrid job and sorta just appear fewer and fewer times in the office? It's been working for me so far.

I think they're slowly losing the goodwill of its customers with the decline of their hardware (and to a lesser extent software) quality and refusal to have easy access to its catalog of older games. Their insistence on taking legal action against their fanbase ranging from pirates to Smash Bros Melee tournament enthusiasts, and YouTubers who like to feature their games has personally turned me off from their offerings. Sure they may have yet another amazing Zelda or Mario game in their next gen console but it'll be a lot easier to ignore when I already have a huge backlog of games in PC.

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As an engineer I can say it can be a "hurry up and wait" kind of job. Around the 20% mark of a project timeline I'm 80% finished but then have to rely on a non-responsive authority to answer me back over some obscure part of the project. After that I just nag them and the project manager about it in email to cover my ass then do fuck all until they respond. At the 95% mark they answer back and I have to hurry up to finish. It can be stressful at times but it's not bad otherwise.

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It's very common to drink raw milk in Mexico so it's possible it was contracted through there.

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Vista sucked for sure, but Windows 7 was pretty great IMO. I was dragged kicking and screaming into the shit that's Windows 10 because Steam stopped supporting 7.

In a software ecosystem where almost every program or site you interact with expects some form of steady cash flow in a combination of subscription paywalls, pervasive surveillance, and intrusive ubiquitous ads then I think it does.

The trick is to crouch down, raise your pitch a little, and call them to you. If your dog's not too excited they'll come over without much fuss. It also helps if you have a treat on hand.

Have you considered gog? They may not be betting heavily on Linux or have as a big of a selection but their games are DRM free. You can even install gog Galaxy, a game manager similar to Steam.

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The real tragedy is knowing some of the kindest and most educated people I've met are still willing to vote for this monster. I can't tell if they have some ulterior motives or they're just willing to play dumb over loving a dictator because they believe in some fantasy that Trump's not a bad person deep down.

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I wonder when these protests will turn into actual oil executive assassinations like in Ministry for the Future. We're already rushing our way into a heat wave mass death event.

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"I've been called worse by better people".

Great. Now do Xenogears next.

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They're no longer communist and they're getting a lot of money from Putin so they don't give a shit. Similar deal with China. They may be communist on paper but they still play ball with them by giving the corporations a place to build shit with cheap labor and materials. They also have a huge consumer base so you better believe these stupid McCarthyists are fondling Xi Jinping's balls for acess to their markets.

It won't even cover a band-aid with these vultures.

Everybody wants to save the world. They just want it done their way.