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At the tail end of a massive maintenance shutdown (16 hr days for everyone, for 2 weeks) the mill leadership started a site-wide meeting with pictures and stories of their recent trip to Japan. How they went golfing, the great meals they had, their trip to the mountain, etc. They finally wrapped that up and proceeded to tell us that cost of living raises were going to be small that year due to them being “unsure about next year’s profit margins”.

There was a pretty steady wave of resignation letters for the 6 months following that meeting.

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Have you met babies? They are eating, pooping, suicide machines.

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Throw in a decade or two of “marijuana is bad and will leave you addicted and homeless” just to grow up and find out “nope that was primarily just a few greedy bastards shoving opiates down our throats” and wham, you’ve got yourself a generation primed for escapism.

Let’s say you break your leg. Your first reaction is usually “HOLY FUCK FUCK FUCK THAT HURTS” and your mind will do anything to try to escape it. But if you turn your attention towards it and focus on it directly, you can start to slightly diminish it by picking it apart. Is it a throbby or stabby pain? Is there an underlying itchy sensation? If you accept the pain and embrace it, it helps reduce it by seeing it for what it is and, more importantly, is not: You are not dying, even though your brain is reacting like you are.

The Buddhist mindset is kind of like that, but for all of your reality. The zen doesn’t come from running away, it comes from seeing and accepting everything as it is and understanding that the only thing you can control is your mind’s reaction to it.

Signed, Someone who’s broken a lot of bones and done a lot of meditation (still a shit Buddhist though)

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A suggested edit:

But has now divorced him in favor of a Democrat-aligned LGBTQ-supporting, drag show-hosting bar owner who was groping her in the theater she was kicked out of. She was also giving him a handy.

This brings me joy and I want to make sure her support network is fully aware of it.

A link to what I’m sure is a trustworthy source: https://www.tampafp.com/colorado-rep-boebert-apologizes-for-theater-behavior-now-faces-questions-on-boyfriends-background/

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And global warming, and economic policy, and generally accepted medical practices, and immigration, and religious rights, and gun violence, and and and

In fact I’m usually quite shocked when anything comes out of their caucus that can loosely be interpreted as the truth.

Celebrities, oddly enough, typically enjoy attention and the best way to get that is relevance maintained by frequent appearances. Many popular shows (even up-and-coming ones) have cameos from otherwise unrelated actors.

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Option 1) An on/off switch for my uterus without medical intervention. Periods are bullshit.

Option 2) Night vision for my eyeballs so I can dodge dog toys during midnight bathroom ventures.

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My industry has largely moved to uniforms. I say we get them all coveralls and be done with it. It’s a job, not a fashion show.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if the initial purveyor of poo was a researcher, because they are always hauling weird shit around. I was once asked why I was carrying around 40 toothbrushes and when I responded with “for fish stuff”, the looks only turned more confused. I can only imagine being a well-traveled researcher trying to return through customs with my latest batch of study materials.

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A tired dog is a happy dog. I would recommend a VERY long walk or a trip to the dog park when you get home from work. Being kenneled all day and night with a brief respite while you are home and awake will lead to some serious pent-up energy, especially in puppies. We have two large dogs we’ve had since puppies and avoided rampant destruction by having a long yard for them to play in, but it requires us to be out there with them playing fetch and running them silly every day when we get home and again before bed. If we don’t, they just sit around outside begging to come in because ultimately they want to be around us.

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Don’t limit yourself, hoses are also great for spraying unruly children and innocent passersby!

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Some fish have little “hairs” on their body that are very similar to the “hairs” humans have in their ears to detect sound. As part of a trial to regrow damaged “hairs” in people with noise-induced hearing loss (soldiers, factory workers, etc), we had to uh, induce some damage so there was a test subject for the drugs. Turns out, tooth brush heads work really well for transmitting high-frequency waves through small volumes of water. Also turns out that I was not cut out for trials requiring living things. It was rough on the psyche.

They already found him guilty in the 2022 defamation case. The 2019 case is for the same thing (at a different time, he did it more than once) so the judgement effectively covers both cases. He’s already been found guilty, now it’s just time to determine damages. Again.

And if he keeps repeating the same lies, they’ll keep charging him. Now it’s just a game of “will he stfu or go broke first?” My chips are on “broke”.

Moving to a rural/secluded area has been the best thing ever for my mental health. My commute is gorgeous and there’s nothing better than waltzing around outside naked in the sunshine.

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We went to a county show, they asked veterans to stand, no one did. Our child even nudged us to be recognized. ~We~ met in the military and live in red country, very rural. We stayed sitting.

We don’t have the right to ask children to do this any more.

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I wonder how the “I just want to live my life” crowd squares that mindset with republican policies. Because so far the only people fucking with my life have been the republicans. No you cant smoke weed, yes you must have a baby, go fuck yourself for healthcare, but here’s some tax cuts! (Just kidding, those are only for the rich people). Also, I hope you like video because we are banning alllll the books.

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Have you seen what the cops here do to handcuffed people already on the ground? You’re fucked either way, may as well try to stay in a defensive posture with the ability to (try to) ward off physical attack.

Also, police confrontations aren’t known for creating calm environments. People make rash and sometimes unreasonable decisions when they are scared or feel threatened.

I got called by a military recruiter right before I graduated high school. I had nothing better to do so I signed up to take the entrance exam. After a music festival and somewhat still drunk I took it and actually did very well. The recruiter told me I should go into the nuclear field. I said “ok”. Then they split us up into our rates and I became a mechanic after learning they spend the least amount of time sitting still (that was my only criteria). I thought the work was interesting and the nuclear power plant was fascinating to me, so I went to university after my stint was up and became a mechanical engineer. Now my specialty is project management in a manufacturing plant. I get to run around and climb on things and nerd out whenever I want and I love it.

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As someone who’s witnessed the US Military’s “use or lose” budget in action, I’d put $100 on a lot of it being jammed in a closet, sitting at the bottom of an ocean, or conveniently lost to fire in a desert somewhere.

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Well now you made me go and google it. Some snippets from the top results:

Evolution. Most female mammals have an estrous cycle, yet only ten primate species, four bat species, the elephant shrew, and one known species of spiny mouse have a menstrual cycle. As these groups are not closely related, it is likely that four distinct evolutionary events have caused menstruation to arise.


To understand why menstruation evolved, we have to think of it as a by-product of spontaneous decidualisation. In most mammals, decidualisation – the thickening of the uterine wall – is controlled by the embryo: it occurs in response to fertilisation rather than in preparation for it. In menstruating species like humans, spontaneous decidualisation is one way the parent tries to wrest back dominance of their uterus from an increasingly invasive embryo. The uterine lining now responds only to the parent’s hormones rather than the embryo’s, and the parent controls whether or not they get pregnant. They put their defences up preemptively, by sealing off the main blood supply from the endometrium before the embryo implants there. Not content with this, the embryo evolved to burrow through the endometrium until it reaches the arteries, where it tears through the wall and rewires the blood vessels so that it can bathe directly in the parent’s blood. The (arguably) ungrateful parasite pumps out hormones to make the arteries expand around it, and paralyses them to prevent the parent from cutting off its supply. It produces more hormones, which act directly on the parent to maintain pregnancy and increase the availability of nutrients. The parent defends themselves as best they can: their endometrium fights against the embryo’s invasive proteins, their immune system attacks the invading cells, and their own hormones try to counteract those of the embryo. The tug-of-war rages on.

Well that’s just metal af.

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That’s probably the most apt description I’ve heard yet.

Thank you for your service.

My nickname has been “Crash” for most of my life because I’m a very accident-prone person. Over the years I’ve learned to slow down and move with purpose by taking a split second to think “what am I about to do here?” before taking action.

I notice when I’m in a rush I tend to stumble and drop things a lot so I try to avoid that by planning ahead when I have time. This usually means getting seasonings out while the pan is still heating up, getting my things around for work the night before, or just generally preparing for what I know is coming.

I’ve also learned to NOT stand up quickly near cabinets (I have scars from this lesson), push doors all the way open if I’m passing through (it’s always that one belt loop), and not leave things lying around in the middle of the floor (some dog toys are worse than legos). Just generally trying to be more aware of your surroundings.

I’m an industrial project engineer and I’ve always referred to it as Professional Cat Herding. I get handed a goal (replace some piping, fix a tank, build a new thing, etc) and I have to get the operators input on what they need to run the system easily, I need the maintenance people’s input to make it easier to work on, I need the process owner’s input to make it optimized for production. All of these inputs will change a hundred times as there are always multiple crews/groups with different priorities and a lot of them oppose each other.

Once I have the design in place, I need to wrangle a group of laborers, a crane operator, the scaffold builders, the painters, the electricians, the inspectors and the parts so everyone and everything shows up at the same time to the party. That means meetings to make sure they know what the goal is, training completed to get them on site, lead times on parts sorted out, etc.

When everyone and everything finally shows up it’s mostly just running around like a maniac to make sure work goes smoothly with no injuries or major setbacks by ensuring everyone is communicating well with/through me. Halfway through there will be an internal request to change some aspect of the job and it’ll be on me to weigh the pros and cons of modifying a project mid-way through. These requests are denied 90% of the time, the rest cost a fortune to implement.

So ultimately, what it takes to do a good job is communication, patience, and attention to detail. For larger jobs that interrupt production or maintenance, a well-timed delivery of breakfast burritos helps as well.

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Food. Jfc does America love food. Celebration? Throw a bbq. Mourning? Better bring a casserole. Meeting? Where’s the donuts? Wealth is synonymous with healthy food: fresh fruit, smoothies, and whatever hot new protein food strikes your fancy. What do you eat? How do you carry it? How do you drink it? How do you mix it? How do you cook it? It’s fucking absurd.

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Bring back nudity.

I give my brain alternative stimulus that doesn’t require a phone or eye movement. Also known as: daydreaming. I think about what I want my future garden to look like, how I’m going to work through my next building project, or anything that I can neutrally think about until my body can relax enough to pass out. It can’t be anything that elicits strong emotions or I’ll get all riled up and toss and turn forever.

I just went back to this feeling this morning. My husband brought up gold panning and I remembered I had some gold flakes from childhood, a very fond memory of mine. Then I remembered it was among the items stolen out of my garage to day before I gave birth to my kid. We had just moved so everything was in boxes and easy to transport. Including my camera. I only have one photo of the day my kid was born, thanks to a kind nurse.

I hope that thief got what they needed. :/

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Found in western North America from the Pacific Northwest to central California. Which the name was a dead giveaway for because everything over here has that dude’s name stamped on it in some form or another.

I do that with cupcakes and muffins too. Saves the best part for last and you get a higher tasty-to-meh ratio.

We picked up a 12 year old civic hatchback before Covid for 5k and it was in immaculate like-new condition, low miles. It got totaled right after our other car’s engine finally wore out. I then found a 10 year old Toyota for 16k. It was the lowest price in a 200-mile radius for cars/small trucks with under 150k miles on them that weren’t limping/totaled/savaged.

It was fucking flabbergasting.

It’s also my birthday! But no relaxation for us, I invited everyone over to help me build a giant patio cover in exchange for a steak dinner. I’ll consider not breaking my back a wonderful present.

Hey now, windows and balconies were doing the heavy lifting (dropping?) earlier this year. Must have been a shortage in poison due to the embargos.

This is the best sports reporting I’ve seen a while.

As someone who’s spent years on and off meds, I find a yearly dose of shrooms does the brain good. For me it mostly reminds me that the universe is waaaaaay larger than myself so all the anxiety and doom-and-gloom depression I get is just fucking pointless. I can enjoy the flowers a little more, or any of the small things in life because it just…. Doesn’t fucking matter.

I guessed I’ve missed that so far. Who?

It started off almost refreshing but the ads slowly (very slowly, over the span of weeks) moved to more… loosely defined messages. The imagery went from color to black and white. It came across as less of a questioning statement to more of a… I don’t even know. It induced that uncomfortable feeling you get when someone is fake-happy but aggressive about it.

Industrial project engineer. Consequences of losing those jobs? No more new production plants and maintenance forces would quickly get overwhelmed trying to handle upgrades on top of routine maintenance. Profits would plummet. Plants would shut down.