
15 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just a rabbit who enjoys AI art, veganism, knitting and some other stuff. I'd like to join Starfleet one day.

Tell me more about your veiny melons.

Thank you as always, I really appreciate the breakdowns and transparency. Also thank you for reminding users that you're all volunteers and actual people running this, I've seen a lot of awful entitlement recently and some really unpleasant posts

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I don't know what this means but thanks!

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As a millennial this made me laugh far to much.

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I believe he did manage it, he was back on after the three days looking for tips on how to solve being constipated. What a champ.

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Thank you! I didn't think of that, changed it now.

This is some fun malicious compliance! I love the touch of having an open discussion to make it clear they're following guidelines

Absolutely! I'm posting multiple times a day some days and commenting a lot more. It feels a bit more like you get noticed but also doesn't feel like you're going to get your head bitten off just for speaking. And you can use emojis here πŸ‘πŸ‘‹

Hey! πŸ‘‹ There's a setting you can toggle on your account for 'show read posts' which should stop you seeing things you've already interacted with. That might help you out πŸ‘

The current status is that he's really active on lemmy still and will sometimes pop in on these type of posts and answer your questions.

He did do a follow up about how to take a poop when you haven't for three days lol. So he clearly had trouble getting started again but I think he's well now.

We need answers! #justiceformargot

As the instance rules? So if anyone posts an advertising post the account is banned? Or each person blocking and moving on?

I'm very pleased to hear that! I'll stop complaining and adding to the negativity 😌

Yeah I had the same thing with liftoff this morning. Clearing my cache and data then signing back in fixed it for me

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I can heaaaaar her saying this!

You two faced rat bastard /s

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Thanks for posting this, it made it a lot clearer for me and answered why I could still see the Beehaw communities I'd subscribed to

This is really interesting and good to know, thank you for sharing. I'm going to try and remember this for all my images going forward.

For posts that are image based does the OP need to describe them or is that covered somehow already by screen readers?

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Thanks for answering. What are you paying them for? To keep it clear of advertising, so bannning advertising accounts? Or something else? What about accounts on other instances, paying your instance owner won't affect them?

You can already donate to your instance, and should if you can afford it 😊

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Woo! Thanks for keeping this going in your spare time, hope you're getting time for cappuccinos! Congrats on the credits to you and all the team πŸ‘

Oh hi there! I'm a high vegan and if you fancy sharing pics there's shitty vegan food porn.

It's still fairly new and we're just starting on people submitting their pics but it would be great to have you! I'd love to see your vegan munchies for the inspiration ☺️

I'm a mod there so a bit biased though lol

Thanks, that's really nicely explained. I was being a bit silly but got to learn something!

Thank you for making this happen! Just signed up for a regular donation to help with costs πŸ‘


I love the Mr Bean in the kitchen lol

This is perfect, really captures the zeitgeist of this powerful moment in history.

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I've absolutely read a book, thought it was a bit predictable, got to the end and realised I've read it before 🀦

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Thanks for sharing this, just used it so all in on lemmy now!

I have a feeling that someone figured out it was because he was going away with a girlfriend for a few days for the first time or something. But I think I might just be spreading lemmy gossip about the legend πŸ’©

a meme of Tom Haverford from Parks and Rec saying it's beautiful I've looked at this for five hours now

I was just about to come here and say the same thing. I just found this out today so it's all shiny in my brain.

Hey there! If you read the sidebar for lemmy.world the links to donate are all there 😊

I think lemmy is too small at the moment to downvote in the same way people did on reddit. It's still growing and we need people to post content to build the site and everyone's engagement, downvotes for just disagreeing are going to discourage a whole new group of people who didn't post on reddit because of getting drowned out in the noise. Look in all the question posts about how people are enjoying lemmy and you'll see a bunch of them.

I've just been moving on and ignoring things I disagree with, no upvote is enough punishment in my eyes. Saying that I've been giving out upvotes to most things to encourage people to post and comment more. If something is clearly gross and offensive it'll get a downvote and possibly a report, but that's so rare in the communities I'm going to. If it's a really off topic comment or whatever then yes it's downvoted because it doesn't belong.

If there's something I really, really disagree with but don't want to get into a conversation about it I'll just block the user. That way I don't have to see or deal with their opinions I disagree with anymore and can just move on with my life.

I guess that's a really, really long winded way of agreeing with you lol. I've been a lot more liberal with the upvotes and have really changed my downvote behaviour too.

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I had a similar arc with D2. I was on it straight from work for hours for a few years, was a bit too much to be honest.

Then it became even more cyclical and the grind felt like I was Sisyphus, constantly working towards the next thing.

Haven't turned it on in years now and happy that way!

Yes! Upvoted because I just didn't expect it

Just to add on to this as the mod of a young community.

Mods can still see posts (and also comments I think) when you delete them on the communities they mod. Same with removed posts. So it's not just admins that can still see things once they're gone from most peoples view.

I'm using jerboa and can't open links inside the app either. I think it's a known bug and they're working on it.

I open lemmy in a browser and sub to communities that way for now. Hopefully won't be long till its sorted.

Giving you an upvote for FFVII, that was the game that got me into gaming. Still have the best memories of that one

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Thanks for keeping everyone updated while doing everything you're doing in your home life too. And again thanks for making lemmy.world happen.

Who on earth downvoted an update by Ruud though!?

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Le'me Lemmy drink some coffee