Man accosts 9 y/o cis girl at track meet, accuses her of being trans, while his wife calls girl's two mothers "genital mutilator, groomer, pedophile". Kelowna, British Columbia to – 4 points –

Cross posting from news, thought people might be interested in discussing it here.


transvestigators are a scary breed on conspiracy theorist. Reminds me of the capgras delusion.

These are the people claiming that "they can always tell" too.. Clowns.

Yes! So many female friends of mine with short hair have been challenged, sometimes really aggressively, in toilets and told to get out..

I don’t even have short hair, I’m just big. I’ve been confronted in bathrooms too. Even had a man follow me into the women’s bathroom shouting that I was in the wrong one.

It’s crazy.

I'm sorry that happened to you!

At least I am an adult, and can handle it. This poor little girl is only 9 years old! And it didn’t happen in a private bathroom, it happened to her in front of her classmates and an entire audience watching her track meet!

tfw you go around thinking about M I L L I M E T E R S O F B O N E and the way cis ppl "tell" is just.. hair.. that anybody can cut or grow out

Absolutely psychotic. How would you proceed with something like this? Harassment charges?