0 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

That an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent being created all of existence, knew everything that would ever happen and everything its creations would ever do, but still either doomed to damnation or lifted up to paradise each one of them as a result of them doing exactly what they'd been programmed to do

That and jokes about refusing to call it X

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Clearly whoever wrote this has not tried torrenting popular content ๐Ÿคจ

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Winning is good, right? Yeah, but not if it's too easy

That's how you feel about it, though, not an objective thing everybody feels the same about. I absolutely cheat whenever I'm finding a game too difficult, and I assure you, I'm still enjoying the game. I don't know what people get out of what I find to be the extremely infuriating act of repeatedly failing over and over until I finally get it right, but I have not ever felt the sense of accomplishment I'm told I should feel after finally beating something I struggled with. I feel angry and like I wasted a bunch of time when I could have been enjoying something more fun.

I'm just trying to have a good time, not compete with myself or prove that I can learn just the right way and right time to hit certain button combos or whatever.

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Water is in every beverage, this question is unanswerable.

Even without trying to be pedantic, what about Vitamin Water? Cuz my answer would genuinely be tropical citrus vitamin water. I could also do Mountain Dew, which btw contains water.

So the question becomes based on the exclusion of water without additives, which begs the question, why not lemon water then, and what amount of additives qualifies it as 'not water' anymore? If I use lemon extract and sugar does that count as lemonade? If so, why isn't water with lemon extract considered unsweetened lemonade?

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I think about this constantly. I'm constantly very upset about it. I've lost friends to cancer and freak accidents, and the loss of the internet is still genuinely the greatest tragedy in my life. The internet is, in large part, nothing more than a series of very customizable and semi-niche subscription packages and big box stores now. VR, particularly VR Chat, is close to/reminiscent of what it used to be like, so I cling to that, Lemmy, piracy,, and a few other things very tightly, but VR is starting to enter an era comparable to when cable internet started to become commonly available (and full of obnoxious unsupervised children), so it's on its way out; not to mention the continued attempts to ruin the internet archive, which will be, not hyperbolically, the greatest loss to our species since the destruction of Alexandria.

We had it all, and it got bought out from under us, and there's nothing to be done about it. People en masse don't even know what we're missing. I hate it. I'll never get over the obsolescence of specialized forums in favor of social media, in particular.

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I concur. It feels like Spacey is gonna just have his name cleared now for reasons we know not, but Marilyn Manson (for example) will forever be seen as a vile monster even though Evan Rachel Wood and Illma Gore are very clearly insane and creating this situation out of thin air

(Little about me to go with my divisive comment; I'm a victim of childhood SA, I believed ERW for a full year on principle before looking into the evidence, at which time it became inescapably obvious that she's a psychopath who's doing the absolute most with absolutely nothing based on reality behind it)

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gasp I can't believe it, queer people being misled by people who explicitly want them to not exist?!?

I'd be a thousand percent down if I didn't think it'd be a subscription service that only exists to exploit me

They forged an FBI document using a real agent's name in order to SWAT his house (the actual agent whose name they used has publicly stated that she had nothing to do with this case and never wrote that document), gave ERW's ex the agent's name with a fake number as the only contact to discuss custody of their son after illegally absconding to Tennessee with him under the pretense of being threatened by MM, filled said toddler child's head with so much fear of MM that he began drawing pictures of "the evil man" who is the reason he's not allowed to see his father anymore, gave several women a checklist of abuses to create a cohesive story and told them that a) just because they don't remember it happening doesn't mean it didn't and b) they're hurting the other women's chance for justice if they don't agree that it happened to them, just for a few examples. I think I'm using those words perfectly appropriately.

Claiming that someone is lying about SA without listing evidence could in and of itself be triggering, discussing SA at all could be triggering, one would assume that entering a thread about SA could be triggering. I'm not sure I agree that referring to these two as psychologically unhinged would be more triggering than any of the other content of this thread, or more specifically any of the rest of the content of my post accusing them of making it up. Incidentally, I'm using the term psychopath literally, not colloquially;

Individuals with psychopathy (Antisocial Personality Disorder) display a decrease of emotional response and lack of empathy with others. This individual might possess a superficial charm but deep down is manipulative and impulsive. A psychopath is characterized by a lack of regard for the rights and feelings of others, controlled and manipulative behavior, the absence of shame, and an inability to form emotional relationships (Morin, 2021). They are incapable of loyalty to individuals, groups or social values. They are grossly selfish, callous, irresponsible, impulsive and unable to feel guilt or to learn from experience

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Plex. I'm not sure if Jellyfin is foss, but if it is, I haven't felt like converting my library. I've put a lot of work into making it just right.

Steam, obviously.

other than video games, I think that's really it. I still use some others, like Spotify, but not primarily, I just like to have options.

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Pretty petty response to the hole in your grand sweeping statement left by literally millions of gamers.

Also "to be fair" is a phrase meant to give the benefit of the doubt to the side you're arguing against, not to reinforce your own argument.

God also created infertile husbands with lazy sperm and tiny urethrae, but that doesn't stop christians from turkey basting their way into six kids. God also created women with facial and arm pit hair, but that doesn't stop christian women from getting laser hair removal or their husbands from being conditioned to be grossed out by it.

And on and on and on, not even getting into like, removing cancerous testicles and going on HRT, removing a whole ass uterus and going on HRT.... Just talking cosmetic shit here.

Gender affirming care for cis people is and always will be a much bigger industry than it is for trans people. This has nothing to do with logic. Threads and discussions like this are great, but they will only ever be heard and understood by us, not them (this is a grand sweeping generalization, some people can obviously be deradicalized).

Edit: obviously the lazy sperm and tiny urethra thing isn't cosmetic, I'm dumb, but I don't feel like rewriting ๐Ÿคท you get it

Well I guess that's at least one good thing about Threads

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption
Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York
Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New York
Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong
Vampire: The Masquerade - Night Road
Vampire: The Masquerade - Heartless Lullaby
Wraith: The Oblivion - Afterlife
Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Heart of The Forest
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
Sonic Frontiers
Milk Inside A Bag of Milk Inside A Bag of Milk
Milk Outside A Bag of Milk Outside A Bag of Milk
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
Half Life: Alyx
Yakuza: Like A Dragon
Dark Souls
Hi-Fi Rush

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There also exist PC gamers though

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I'm on it right now. Got a new Thinkpad a couple weeks ago and just wasn't in the mood to install Arch the normal way when I finally had alone time at 11pm, gave Endeavour a shot and was like oh, this is convenient ๐Ÿคฉ

I just don't agree with your sentiment. I understand the points you're making are accurate reflections of history (modern and otherwise) but I don't agree that it's necessary to avoid labelling people when critiquing their behavior, regarding women or otherwise. Also "unable to learn from experience" is not analogous to "treatment is impossible", which I assume is where you got the assumption that I was saying that from.

Edit: I see that the person originally responding to me in this discussion is a mod, so if they'd like to clarify that they explicitly want me not to use the words I have in the way I have here then that's fine, but that's not what happened here as yet, so yea. These are my feelings on the subject. I understand yours, but I don't agree. I think what you're suggesting casts a far wider net over the issue than is necessary. I think she's a genuinely dangerous person with clear patterns of harmful pathological behavior and I don't think it's wrong or detrimental to all women to discuss it. I'm transmasc nonbinary, autistic comorbid with ADHD and chronic treatment resistant depression, and a whole host of other stigmatized and marginalized things as well, and I don't think it necessarily harms the entire conversation of mental illness as a whole to point out that people can do bad things in conjunction with or because of their mental illnesses, I think it's disingenuous to act like that's not an aspect of mental illness at all just because people can ignorantly group all neurodivergence together. I feel like your perspective is more about circling the wagons to control the attack, which I understand, but I think it limits potential discussion without providing any actual meaningful benefit to the communities involved.

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Some people will scream fascism at absolutely everything except actual fascism. That they consider freedom, and think you're a fascist for trying to stop it.

Insane world out there. At least there's Beehaw ๐Ÿ’–

CDisplayEx is great imo

So basically exactly the kind of thing normies will become totally obsessed with and will therefore be a massive success


It doesn't necessarily work online though cuz you can't hear that I'm saying it in the voice of Joey Lawrence from Blossom

I've installed Arch myself plenty of times, and I use Endeavour now just because I don't feel like spending the time. Automation is a wonderful thang.

I pirate. I don't justify pirating. I just do it, because I want things and have the ability to get them for free, so I do that.

This is what I use, with JDownloader

What else is there for movies and TV tho? 1337x and pirate bay are all I really know, and they're both pretty dubious.

I miss Demonoid so much ๐Ÿ˜ญ

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Raytracing is mostly fucked though, otherwise I'd be gaming exclusively on Linux as well. Aside from that though I've never had any issues with Nvidia on Linux.

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Honestly I've deleted a great majority of the threads I've ever made within minutes, and immediately regretted a huge amount of the comments. It's almost like people are being paid to be shitty on Reddit sometimes.

Same, and now one of my favorite things about the Switch and Steam Deck ๐Ÿ‘

๐Ÿ™„ it's gross that you hold your view in such high objective regard that you think it's your place to admonish me for not agreeing with you

Also I do know she's dangerous, not least of all because she's (as recorded in public court documents regarding custody of her child) actively discussing the details of an alleged series of assaults with her young child to the point where he's terrified of entering LA to see his own father and spends time drawing scary pictures of him.

Oh I just assumed every post you make has that cuz you're a mod, and I didn't notice till later; when I did notice, I didn't take your phrasing re: "probably" as a demand but a suggestion. Either way, point taken, thanks for letting me have a discussion anyways.


Edit; OH I thought you said "down TO 75lbs" my bad

I just want with, seemed obvious since I'm a queer tech nerd.

So far my problem with Mastadon and the Fediverse as a whole, though, is a seeming lack of goth/freak/alternative/underground culture, which is my main interest in online social spaces, but I'm making due, and as someone who hasn't really enjoyed microblogging in the past, I find myself using Mastadon more and more lately and really digging it.

how is that miserable?

Oh damn, sorry m8. Glad you found one that works anyways ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿค˜

This seems to act like games and their default difficulty options are commandments carved in stone when they're not. If I find a game to difficulty to enjoy and then find it enjoyable by cheating, that's what I'm gonna do.

Haha Malk as a first run? That had to be a treat.

It's genuinely my favorite game of all time, I only found out about it this year and I'm on my fourth playthrough (only finished twice, abandoned my brujah and am saving it for later cuz I wanted to play Malkavian, now I'm on Nosferatu).

If you like WOD lore on its own, check out Coteries of New York, Shadows of New York, and Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Heart of The Forest. They're incredible visual novels that I found captivating.

Redemption is a mess, but great if you love WOD/VTM and can deal with Doom ripoffs from that era, but it's genuinely frustrating to play a lot of the time. I admit I only love it because I'm a huge nerd more dedicated to the lore than I am interested in actual gameplay.

Swansong is buggy and badly animated, but the story was very enjoyable for me, and I think a lot of the problems people have with it are more... Let's say, things to complain about in a YouTube video, than issues actually worth being upset about as a fan.

The rest are basically text adventure novels, they're great but it's ultimately just reading a book in which you make choices about the direction (which Coteries and Shadows also are, but accompanied by absolutely gorgeous artwork and dynamic backgrounds).

Wraith: The Oblivion - Afterlife is incredible if you have VR ๐Ÿคฉ

It's not just that her behavior is harmful, it's that she's creating a whole false reality around it and controlling multiple narratives from every possible perspective. She created/co-opted a movement to go along with the Manson allegations, she moved across the country with her son to reinforce her narrative and used that as a way to hurt her ex husband, she used her power in the role of a child's mother to create a world in which there was a monster they must run away from at all costs to where the kid couldn't even play outside in Tennessee because of the monster in LA... And whenever she's confronted with the idea that what she's done is harmful to anybody she rewrites or reinforces the narrative that she's doing it for the right reasons and deflects any responsibility or awareness that she's done anything wrong (for example, when it looked like she was going to lose custody she suddenly decided it was in the child's best interest to go live with the father in LA, the very city she ran from in order to protect the very child she was taking away from LA).

I'm not saying everybody who hurts somebody is "pathological" or "psychotic". I'm saying ERW specifically exhibits a lack of capacity for empathy, a total lack of self awareness or awareness of the effects of her behavior, and has no concern or even acceptance of those effects as reality when confronted with them, and what she does and how she is is characteristic of ASPD.

I'm using Jerboa and it works great, according to a lower comment they also used to have issues but don't anymore, maybe give it another shot ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™‚

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The only real usefulness I've ever found is following musical artists to keep up with what they're putting out, but with Mastadon I've been using it as something of a news source and getting a lot out of it

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