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Joined 12 months ago

Is this not completely illegal? Dunno about the USA, in the UK age is a protected characteristic and you would be fucked for trying this. If it's real ofc.

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Luckily every study at every scale on UBIs has not found any loss in motivation. What it actually has shown is people use the financial breathing room to train up and get better jobs, thereby societally paying back more than they put in, in the long term. The kind of society that can implement UBI can also tax the rich intelligently and fairly.

Haha the irony of you coming out so strongly after your original statement is gold.

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Acupuncture can also fuck people up. Unsurprisingly it's dangerous to have someone with no medical training inserting long needles into your body.

Anyone benefiting from chiropractic probably just needs a real physiotherapist.

Styles are changing, I guess they're focus grouping it and people want cars from blade runner. No longer requiring a radiator or exhaust has actually produced some interesting designs.

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It has an endorphin release and people get addicted.

Yeah we should have just killed every German! That would show those dumb Nazis!

Like most Nolan films, it is pseudo-intellectual tripe that allows people to think they're smart because they can follow the plot of a simple Hollywood blockbuster produced for the lowest common denominator. Its cinematography is like they're making a tiktok to hold your atrophied attention span.

The fact that you refer to the plot as 'the most important and impressive complex storyline ever' portrays your age, how little film you watch, and probably why we shouldn't believe your take on either Barbie, Oppenheimer, or anything else.

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Do stacks of items only go up to 63 in the Minecraft Chinese release?

Most real peppers DO do this stuff.

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I went back to mp3s and flacs for my music a few years ago. And quickly followed that up with my own Plex server. Two of the best decisions I've ever made. If you're remotely tech savvy it takes no time at all and having every tv show, film, music, video that has ever released on all of my devices at any time within seconds is pretty sweet, for near-free

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Estimates are they need to lose 500K before they even begin to falter.

It just hasn't been proven. Its a fun hypothesis but it could be fucking anything.

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They're forums though, are forums social media? I don't think services people use anonymously and not for the primary purpose of interacting are social media. The stat has always been 90+% of people are lurkers who just look at memes. Doesn't sound very social. Scrolling lemmy and reading articles doesn't get at that part of the brain. We're not a social group, looking at each others lives.

What stops being social media if we broaden the definition. YouTube is social media if Lemmy is imo.

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What's the chimney made out of, I can't tell

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It implies a lack of justification, like there is no good reason girls hands are like that. Not sure why everyone is confused. It's a meme format that has been around forever.

Astonishing failure of reading comprehension. Its literally right there. He asked what she was LOOKING for.

I can't shake the feeling it looks like plastic, but that means we'll have imminent catastrophic failure.

Tell that to half of Lemmy. These people love punching Nazi memes.

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Please look into Nicks or Whites or traditional bootmakers. They will give you indestructible boots in all of the wide sizes. More expensive upfront but you can give them to your grandchildren if you do minimal care and pay the $50 to have them resoled as needed.

I was in the Army and getting up early is the thing. Up at 0530 every morning. It was very difficult for me and I had to put a lot of effort into discipline and routine to not die of sleep deprivation. I'm a massive night owl, 0300 every night if I could. It's definitely a component of genetics not just environment. I agree though, most people are strung out on caffeine, staring at their unfiltered computer screens at 0200 after not doing any exercise that week and wondering why they have sleep problems. Diet, light, and exercise have a massive impact on sleep.

Wow really? What do you find annoying about him?

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Wicked, they look wouldn't look out of place in Back to the Future

Don't ask me, I think we should just cut the whole thing off.

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You should look at polling more deeply. If you chuck an easy question like 'Are humans responsible for climate change?'' you'll barely get 50%. But if you then actually pose a piece of actionable policy like 'Would you support banning the sale of ICE cars in 2035?' You'll get 30%. So no. The will of the people is not meeting their climate commitment.

This will probably be the case for your other examples too. Public opinion is never as unified as you're making it seem.

Bristol has a very left wing lean, I've seen the graffiti around. It's a vocal minority. Public opinion is mainly indifference but condemnation of both sides, maybe a bit on Israel's side right now. The way Hamas has conducted themselves I would argue has seriously damaged the perception of the Palestinian cause.

Wild. I always thought he seemed fine. Pretty self-aware and just Canadian.

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While probably true, Teslas build quality is very questionable. It was probably a little of column A, a bit of column B.

No. I didn't say you weren't a prepper unless you did specific things. Some peppers do just fill a cabinet with guns and call it a day. But seeing as how much of a prepper someone is completely due to how prepared they are, the ones with seeds, animal husbandry skills, water management, air filtration, renewables, are obviously more of a prepper than man with lots of ammunition.

How would you know? You've never punched a Nazi.


Why are you changing 2 variables. Endurance is your ability to perform at a certain level for a period of time. Kipchoge has more endurance than me because he can maintain my 800m pace for 26 miles. Speed is literally only a consideration for sprinting. As soon as you're performing past that, it's all endurance. And when we look at all tests of endurance; iron man, ultra marathon, military fitness, triathlon, etc etc. Men come out on top.

That's because aspartame has not got the health impacts of sugar. It isn't sugar. So if you added aspartame, you're not adding sugar.

They do. I boycott Chinese made goods, and I don't make much money. It just requires a small amount of introspection on if I need the item. It has actually turned out I buy much much less because what I do buy is of quality and lasts.

Cosmetics, Household goods and food are easy and generally fairly locally made and produced, unless you insist on buying exotic fruits or stuff way out of season.

Clothes, shoes, anything fabric, again easy. Massive market of quality eco-friendly EU/US/UK made stuff that means I pay $30 for a lovely shirt that will last me decades than $5 a shirt that was made by a child in Myanmar and fall apart within the year. So I am slowly developing a modest wardrobe of high quality natural fibres.

You don't really need much else. But it just takes a moment to Google and consume conscientiously.

Some stuff is nearly impossible and is actually outside of your control like fuel and SOME electrical devices. But nothing can be perfect.

They just censor your comments straight up around here, like removed being unutterable on

The companies put the products in front of you, but the consumers made the decision to abandon domestically made goods.

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Yes I personally use Emby now, but I would recommend Jellyfin these days instead of Plex.

So you want to constantly be a slave to your consumerist impulses as you uncritically consume everything thrown at you, despite all the evidence that these companies can literally manipulate your perception of reality through targeted political advertising and echo chambers? Enjoy your terrifying dystopia, but at least you think you're getting a 'local deal' so who cares, right?

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You can enjoy it, but that doesn't mean it's good. I would just have fun with it if you don't see any problems. Otherwise if you're curious, go and find the reviews that outline very clearly how bad it is.

Most reasonable people? Anyone who doesn't LARP on the Internet?

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