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Joined 1 years ago

I like, but this is something parents should enforce, not the government.

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I'm still trying to wrap my head around them having 2000 employees. Makes absolutely no sense.

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Unfortunately it isn't what I wanted out of this game.

Loading screen to land on a planet, loading screen to leave my spaceship, no seamless entry into caves or buildings. Planets and space having boundaries. Can't use my spaceship to traverse.

Glad people enjoy it, but I was looking for something more akin to NMS or Star Citizen.

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Is that really the best gameplay they could show? Not much happened. Visually it's extremely outdated.

As long as they're not trying to charge $60 it's fine I guess. Edit: So it's $39.99 ಠಿ⁠ヮ⁠ಠ I'll have to wait on reviews.

Let's not even talk about Visa and MasterCard. They could choose to end your business at any time.

Why "a woman" specifically? And how would that be against her will?

14 more...

She's just the manager of the account, not publicly facing on OnlyFans. She was asked to complete a task well within her job description, that is not against her will, she is against the job. A before you say looking at genitalia wasn't in the job description I urge you to look up what facebook moderation is like.

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Goodbye jerboa, I'm sorry...

Should a self-driving car face more rigorous tests than actual human drivers? Honest question.

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I wish automakers were able to/would actually import some of their cheaper electric vehicles from east asian markets.

The Honda N-Van e would suit the needs of the vast majority of people. 124mi of range and only ~$8,000.

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Cool, will they include Governor Kay Ivey who used relief funds to build prisons?

She is not publicly facing on OnlyFans she manages the account. So her being a woman has absolutely nothing to do with your last sentence. Of course I won't debate your personal opinion, but she isn't being forced. It's a job within her job description.

Remember on September 10th, 2001 when Donald Rumsfeld publicly announced the Pentagon couldn't account for $2.3 trillion in transaction?

Or again in 2015 (2016?) when that number grew to $6.5 trillion with just the army alone? Yeah, no one does.

The poll of 1,165 adults was conducted Aug. 10-14 using a sample drawn from NORC’s probability-based AmeriSpeak Panel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. population.

That shouldn't be at the end of the article after I had to click on a separate article. Poor journalistic practices.

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Read the two sentence long descriptions on and use the same username and password if you're that lazy.

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This is the most upvoted post I've seen yet :⁠^⁠)

Sticking with LG the little AOD app icon that would pop up when you get a notification on the V60. Forgot how much I missed it.

Dude and if that room-temp superconductor is practical, we're getting some crazy stuff in the next decade.

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Just have to be patient while reddit continues to ruin themselves. They just got rid of ad personalization opt-out, what's next?

Are you intentionally making bad faith arguments?

No, lets keep this civil my guy.

She is a social media manager, onlyfans is social media regardless of the content that is usually posted. As for the reason I brought up Facebook moderation is, what do you think is usually posted there? Minion memes? Photos from trips? Well those moderators are often subjected to beheadings, rape, and other very graphic content. Do you think that was explicitly stated when they got hired?

Of course, Facebook isn't exactly the premier 'good place to work', but this is common throughout any industry that takes submissions for the populous. And I am not making any arguments whatsoever on whether or not she should actually have to see "comments from people talking about how they wanted to fuck me and my co workers.".

I don't know what you mean about harassment for life. She wasn't publically facing on the OnlyFans. And yes I have seen. You didn't answer my questions however.

Firstly, WTF is LGBTAIQ2S+?. Secondly, I haven't experienced any more bigotry here than I would on any other social media platform.

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Yeah, it's pretty simple.

Oddly, I can tell exactly how an apple will taste just by touching it. Shiny smooth apples are usually soft/mushy and have no taste. You want a rough texture with a little grip.

What do you mean by sexual abuse?

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The end goal of a social media platform is for users to use your platform. You want them engaging with content and ads. Rate limits are actually quite sensible if you want to prevent bots or data scraping, but the Twitter is being far too restrictive.

Lots of people are claiming to get rate limited after a few minutes of normal scrolling. Which makes me think these limits include replies as well. Realistically your not scrolling through, and Twitter isn't loading 600 posts for a least a couple hours. Even then, do you not want people using your platform?

Literally all you have to do is join another instance brother, that's how you distribute load. As for monetization, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

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I don't see how that's any different than what we have now. I'm donating to the Lemmy devs,, and through their individual donation pages.

Unless your saying there should be a centralized option, but I don't see a reason for that.

Same for me. Last time I posted there was eight years ago. I only keep it installed for the occasional message from an old friend.

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The novelty has worn off. I jumped on board and tried out every bot when they were first released: Bard, Bind, Snapchat, GPT—I've given them all a go.

It was a fun experience, asking them to write poems or delve into the mysteries of consciousness, as I got to know their individual personalities. But now, I mainly use them for searching niche topics or checking grammar, maybe the occasional writing.

In fact, this very comment was reformated in Bard for instance. Though, since Google integrated their LLM into search (via Labs), I use them even less.

Here are a few examples that could support the claim that Republicans have opposed net neutrality regulations:

  • In 2017, the Republican-controlled FCC under chairman Ajit Pai repealed the net neutrality rules that had been put in place during the Obama administration. This allowed ISPs more freedom to throttle or prioritize certain content and services.
  • Congressional Republicans have generally opposed legislation to restore net neutrality rules. In 2018, the Senate passed a bill to reinstate the rules, but it did not advance in the Republican-controlled House.
  • Major broadband providers like Comcast and Verizon have historically donated more to Republican politicians than Democrats. Republicans have received criticisms that these donations sway their positions against net neutrality rules.

Here are some sources that could counter or provide an alternative perspective to the claim that Republicans uniformly oppose net neutrality:

  • The conservative advocacy group FreedomWorks supported the 2017 FCC net neutrality repeal under Ajit Pai. However, they opposed a bill in 2012 that they argued would have given the government too much control over the internet. This illustrates more nuanced positions.
  • Former Senator John Thune (R-SD) proposed net neutrality legislation in 2015 that attempted to find a middle ground. It would have banned blocking and throttling but avoided heavier utility-style regulations advocated by Democrats. This demonstrated a more moderate Republican approach.
  • Polls indicate Republican voters are nearly as supportive of net neutrality protections as Democrats and independents. A 2018 poll by the University of Maryland found 86% of Republicans opposed the FCC repeal. This suggests public opinion within the party is mixed.

As for your last point, you act like any of those dinosaurs know how to.

Wow, shocked! If asa releases on Xbox it will be horrid. I quit after 30 hours of dealing with crashes and performance issues. That's just single player, official servers crash every 1-2 hours and roll back, deleting tames and wiping your inventory.

Yet some still defend wildcard as if they don't have nearly a decade of experience working on this game. It's obvious upper management is the issue , but I'm not supporting this crap again.

My LG V60 didn't have this problem. I used Niagara and Nova launcher full time on it.

I love it. My only gripes are the inside screen not continuing on the outside when you close it, but that could be changed with android 14 or another update. And it does get a decently warm sometimes.

I see a 2.9, Southern U.S. with Pixel Fold.

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This shit is the reason I haven't touched Minecraft in nearly two years.

It seems like this game took a lot of "inspiration" from FromSoft's titles. That's opening it up to critiques and comparisons to FromSoft's game design.

Like how the riposte mechanic doesn't look like it really impacts enemies in the same satisfying way.

Yes that's true.

Sample size isn't the problem, claiming 0.0000035% applies to the other 99.9999965% is one however. All they need to do is add 'surveyed' after Americans and there would be no problem.

No, it's there. Just depends on what your Internet situation is and where you're located.