Auto loans could pose a bigger threat to young Americans than student loans. For the first time, the outstanding volume of auto loan debt just surpassed student loan debt.

RealWarrenBuffett@lemm.eebanned from community to – 269 points –

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I wish automakers were able to/would actually import some of their cheaper electric vehicles from east asian markets.

The Honda N-Van e would suit the needs of the vast majority of people. 124mi of range and only ~$8,000.

Can I say I love that derpy little thing and I hope they sell it here?

i would love them here, too.. but kei cars would not fair well on u.s. roads vs all the heavy, oversized pickups and suv.

they would also not be nearly as economical, in terms of purchase cost or efficiency, when built for the u.s. market.

True, not to mention the road conditions as well.

I wouldn't mind a Tuk Tuk. Could use about half the year without issue. My daily commute doesn't involve highways and for repairs any motorcycle shop could handle it.

Only 124mi? Isn't that like the average American's commute to work one-way?

The average American drives 33 miles per day total.

didnt think id need an /s to joke about how car dependent we are :p