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Joined 10 months ago

Impressive how you write with total conviction, yet are utterly wrong.

How does Catholicism lead to an implicit commitment to Zionism?

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The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.

It's a Steam Group for an MW2 boycott, you're seeing the members of that group and what they're playing.

Was he?

The Trump administration has carried out 176 strikes in Yemen in just two years, compared with 154 there during all eight years of Obama’s tenure, according to a count by The Associated Press and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

You might, actually. Provided there is no available EU applicant.

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Basically every community that doesn't have > 1,000,000 subscribers on Reddit?

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This is a group of well earning people who try to blackmail the government into keeping the supply of doctors artificially low. What a noble bunch!

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Plastic is stored in the balls

1917 is good also


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China is already shrinking

Ahh, the "if you call me a Nazi I might as well act like one" defence.

Why would you want extensive public participation in an award ceremony? If you want a popularity contest just look at sales numbers. What purpose do awards even serve if they aren't curated beyond validating your own preferences?

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Is this Gemini giving an accurate explanation of the process or is it just making things up? I'd guess it's the latter tbh

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Your "resistance" consists of kidnapping Filipino crewmen. Truly a bastion against US tyranny

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They aren't the developers of Life is Strange, they made the spinoffs. LiS and LiS 2 were developed by Dontnod.

Hyperloop One shut down recently

Every major country is affected by this. India and China have as much interest in free passage through the Red See as the US or the EU.

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In comparison to the 30s and 40s when far right extremism was famously an exclusively German phenomenon

In this case there is. Background music is not fair use.

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This is not remotely internationally significant

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They weren't attempting a revolution, if anything, it was a coup. You don't need grassroots support for that.

Me, when I confidently spread misinformation about topics I don't even have a surface level understanding of.

Battery capacity has tripled in the last decade

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Why? Navalny is still alive. It's not exactly hard to understand that making your prominent opposition figureheads martyrs is a dangerous game to play.

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Does it? Looks to me like people are willing to use any service but mastodon as a Twitter replacement.

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"Hypocrisy" may be relevant to Lemmy commenters but it's not of material concern to geopolitics.

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Always amusing to watch him throw a temper tantrum

Blatant misinformation

Latest polls show indeed a huge drop in support for Netanyahu's party.

Russia has like the exact opposite problem

They're not stopping support for the UN, they're stopping payments UNRWA

The Netherlands has those laws because they are restricted by the EU. Germany isn't properly legalising weed either, instead it's a decriminalisation where the only avenues to procure cannabis are through non-commercial agriculture. Proper change needs to come from the European level.

There are reasons besides Israel to use the Red Sea. Like, a little known thing named the "Suez Canal", it's kind of a secret, very unknown, you should look it up.

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Intel was founded by Americans in America and is, to this day, american.

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Yes, 100 to 200 comments per thread are easily enough, but lots of medium sized subreddits don't even exist or are barely active on Lemmy.

I don't know where you have your ideas about Getman rent from but I assure you that, barring some rent-control, the German rental market is free.

You're so right! Chanting "Gas the Jews" is just a bit of trolling. No antisemitism to be found here!

There were definitely dead babies wtf do you mean? Has "there were no 40 beheaded babies" now morphed into "no dead babies at all" or what?

Collapse is when less junk food