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Joined 1 years ago

Thank you for proving this wrong.

But please let me live in this world where a dongfish has a horngus for just a little while longer.

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I'll gladly offer myself as a snack.

(it's not a vore thing I just meant that I look cute, like a snack, and support you)

(goddammit no one would have thought it was a vore thing if I hadn't said that)


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Blazing Saddles openly called out racism and made it the butt of almost all of its jokes. I think both it and Airplane could be made today, and would be received well. Why do you think differently?

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Yeah. It's suffering. There have been many studies which show that pets undergo extreme stress when humans decide to set off fireworks.

I'm sorry that you think it's a "little yapping dickhead", but it's still a living being with feelings. I don't think it deserves trauma just because it barks a little too much.

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In my defense, it still works. You just have to hold the case together exactly right while you press the power button, and a few of its features are locked behind being better than me at soldering.

There are few things in this world I love more than hearing someone talk about something they're passionate about, and I have this little feeling that you've got a good story and want to share it.

So, what's your latest project, OP?

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My disappointment is immeasurable... and my day is ruined.

Okay, do you want the good news or the bad news first?

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You don't think that openly mocking white people who use racial slurs would fly? How so?

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I would like a $300,000 grant, a research team, and two years to find the gender that Silinde is not attracted to.

Hi, it's me. Your friend.

Why do you think that would happen? Can you give me some examples of media making fun of racists and getting "canceled" as a result?

Oh my god, Darcy. I'm not a doctor. We've been married for 15 years, we've had this discussion SO many times, I just.... I don't know anymore.

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Cool, so in a few years we'll have a screen which isn't better in any noticeable way?

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That's pretty funny to me. I read the start of a King novel when I was probably too young for it (pretty sure it was It?), and just got bored with it. Never tried reading another for years. A decade or two later I tried the Dark Tower series and ended up binge-reading the first 5 books.

I really love those books, although I absolutely see their flaws and understand why people wouldn't like them.

Either way, I definitely don't think you need to be a Stephen King fan to enjoy them. I mean, I'm certainly not and I certainly did. Still haven't read any of his other works...

Sorry, Kat. I'm sure you're a legit snack, but idk if they eat insiders here. You might have to join the Gender Force in other ways.

(<3 btw, just in case my joke didn't land)

I'm torn. I very explicitly stated that this had nothing to do with vore. But I do love me a good LOTR reference

No one should ever be put in a place where they fantasize about using poison. I'm sorry that you've reached that point.

Smh why is everyone getting so worked up over a simple little picture of my own mortality?

Since my comment was removed, I'll just state objective facts: there was never any evidence to support the conspiracy posted by this 4Chan commentor. The hysteria around it eventually died out.

We've gotten very far from the topic on hand, but sure, can you recommend me a few books I haven't read?

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Lol, what did you say that got you banned?

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I understood maybe a third of the words you said, but:

Type SH does not have an interior third brake light. It's in the spoiler. Someone along the line must not have liked the spoiler and took it off. The trunk lid was obviously repainted. So anyway the car has no third brake light.

made me laugh. Thanks for sharing, and I sincerely hope you see it hit 300k, or at least get a bit more fun out of fixing it up.


You've just unlocked a core memory for me. Idk if it was Digimon World 2 specifically, but one of the World games had your Digimon pooping as a core mechanic, and I thought that was about the funniest thing that had ever been conceived. And, obviously, I also never got remotely close to beating it.

I might have to download it and see if: A) my humor has evolved at all beyond "lol poop" (probably not) and B) I can maybe beat it now (probably not)

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LMAO I bought Factorio a few years ago, fully intending to play it, after multiple people said "it is right up your alley"

Your comment, and the replies are to it, have made me very happy I never got around to it. I probably would have loved/hated it. For like 5 years of my life.

I want to learn how you would go from your current system, wherever you are in the world, to one without landlords. I'll cut the bullshit and just openly say that I don't think you've thought it through.

There are about a million pieces in the middle that are missing, and I promise you that none of them are pretty.

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I understand and absolutely agree with everything you've said, but I'm not asking for 100% certainty. I'm asking for A plan, no matter how absurd it is.

Every successful revolution in the history of the world has had an endgame. I'm not sure I see yours.

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Ahh, yeah. I understand why you haven't finished the Volkswagen project. I hope you do someday, though!

Or, you know, just take another swing at the ever growing backlog.

That's an interesting proposal. I can see how that would eventually fix the problem.

I'll have to look more into it, but right now I think I'm on board.

Holy shit. I never thought I'd live to see the effective prevention of side fumbling. We truly live in a world,

Legend of Zelda fans are being suspiciously quiet right now...

Turns out Mr Burns could've avoided, like, 90% of Evangelion.

A replica of what?

A replica of WHAT?!?

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Good question. I can't answer that. I probably should've been nicer.

OMG. I remember that fucking treadmill. That must've been the game. Brb, gonna do something I could never do as a kid (or be humiliated trying)

Art/media is part of the world/history

And they are created by human beings, who have every right to decide what their creations are worth to them and under what terms other people can use their creations. I whittled a pretty cool dragon out of a stick once. It's technically part of the world/history. That doesn't mean anyone else has a right to it.

Let us pay for things and have them, it's that simple.

Absolutely, if I am willing to sell you that thing for the price you are offering. If I am not, then the deal doesn't go through. That is how deals work. You cannot rent a car for $60/day and then decide "actually I'm going to keep this forever." That was not the deal you agreed upon.

Once it cannot be sold it should be publically available if someone who has it wants to make it so

Yes, I agree. In this case, though, the person who "has it" is the owner. Not the person who signed a deal saying "I myself will use this under the terms we have both agreed upon" and then proceeds to break those terms. Copyright law (in the US) is bullshit and needs a whole lot of reform, but if we're talking about media made recently? By a still living human? Yes, they should own what they create.

but many pirates are productive members of society or couldn't buy to begin with

Yes, I imagine this applies to both you and I as pirates. But as a productive member of society, I am fully aware that I am not entitled to anything owned by anyone else. I will not die if I don't see that new movie I want to, and I am aware of that. I know that me pirating is both immoral and illegal, and directly hurts others. I am willing to admit that.

I have no legal option to own you. Is it moral, then, for me to turn to illegal means to own you?

Now replace "you" with "content you created", and tell me how it's different.

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Lol, yeah. That was my bad.

LMAO okay, yes reading and writing are two separate skills. You got me there.

You never intended to speak to me in honest. I see that now. I'm cutting out.

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