little yapping dickhead rule to – 770 points –

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Yeah. It's suffering. There have been many studies which show that pets undergo extreme stress when humans decide to set off fireworks.

I'm sorry that you think it's a "little yapping dickhead", but it's still a living being with feelings. I don't think it deserves trauma just because it barks a little too much.

I don’t think anyone is actually enjoying the animal’s suffering, it’s more meant to be a humorous juxtaposition of the annoying dog yapping and the dog’s own dislike of sound. Upon further thought, it’s obviously not the same as annoyance because they display fear. Humor often comes in the first beat though, before deeper reflection.

I hate fireworks. They annoy me, but I’m also very aware of the affects of repetitive loud popping sounds. From pets to people/veterans with PTSD, they cause unnecessary suffering en massé every year. They also pollute, from the manufacturing to the smoke that most fireworks (to my knowledge) still emit, all for a pretty minimal gain. I still thought it was funny though, just from the base comparison of undesirable sound vs undesirable sound. That said, I’d run for president on a platform of “ban fireworks” either way

Also, these dogs tend to be poorly trained which is entirely on the owners. This meme would have more gross undertones if I owned a toy breed but I don't. Even my lazy lab mix/oversized catdog hates them if they don't have good manners. 😅 I look at this meme more as a slight on the owners tbh.

I agree with you, I still found the meme funny though

Idk being scared doesn't exactly equate to suffering. Once the fireworks stop the dog is fine. It's just scary because it doesn't know what's going on. I have been in that position many times lol I wouldn't say I was suffering. People who make such a big deal about it are usually the same people who are overly attracted to their dogs. They think of their dogs as a human child.

There’s a big difference between fantasizing about using the little yapping dickhead as a canon wad, and actually putting the yapping dickhead into a canon and firing it at a brick wall. Sure, I might think about poisoning my neighbors neglected dogs that do nothing but bark all day while I’m trying to concentrate, but i won’t, actually.

Poisoning the owners seem much more appropriate.

No one should ever be put in a place where they fantasize about using poison. I'm sorry that you've reached that point.