
2 Post – 122 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hot damn, that's EU-level based. Nicely done!

Christ, he's ACTUALLY managed to hit the Lizardman Constant with the dems.

Now hit it with the Repubs too. Come on Trump. You wanna turn on your ally. You wanna turn on your ally and throw him to your cult soooooo badly. It'll be really funny I promise

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In the interest of transparency, I don't know if this guy is telling the truth, but it feels very plausible.

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Hot damn. So I kind of understand why the Russians would dismiss this as a lie or a threat because yknow. War in Ukraine, Trump, etc, relations are bad to put it politely.

But can we talk about what kind of terrifying flex of power that is from US Intelligence? It's one thing to predict a terror attack on your own soil- sure your citizens quite rightfully won't like the privacy violations, but the national authorities are going to help you; so if your intelligence agency is worth the name it should stop most attacks.

But can you imagine having information access that's so damn good you can not only predict a terror attack in a nation that has an extremely vested interest in not letting you know what they're doing because they're running a war that you (and everyone else) don't like, but you feel completely confident TELLING THEM, which could risk your information sources if they're not properly hidden. This is like the Foreign Intelligence equivalent of being so far ahead of your opponent in a game that you start giving them sincere advice on how to play so that they don't get thrashed too badly.

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This is a good fucking take, have to say. She very obviously knows what she's talking about extremely well, has the best interests of those she represents at heart, and knows how to express it all clearly for the average layperson. You don't get a lot of politicians of that caliber.

No wonder the Republicans hate her so much!

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"Political endorsement can backfire"

You think she doesn't know this? Girl stayed as neutral as she possibly could for YEARS.

Her hand was forced; Trump put her in a position where if she didn't pick a side, then that would be an implicit but very clear endorsement of him. And as she definitely didn't want to endorse him... well, the rest is history.

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They haven't gone overboard with THIS one, because they already went way the fuck overboard years ago and never got back on board

Man I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and make my next machine a linux one

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Thank fuck for that. With any luck the better conditions will even give them the power to push back on management if management demands something stupid be added to a game.

In an industry as notoriously dreadful as game development, every bit of quality of life counts.


Bro how the hell did Boeing piss these guys off so much???? The closest my workplace ever got to a strike was when we literally didn't get a raise one year during Covid, and that was 62% to strike. We were all pissed at the company over that one for obvious reasons, but this...

To me this result off the back of a 25% raise says one thing: This isn't about pay. This was never about pay. EDIT: Nevermind! This is not a fucking 25% raise! This is a 6.25% raise every year for the next four years! This is NOT a 25% raise because of how it works in relation to inflation, and should NOT be treated as a 25% raise by anyone writing about it! It is presented as a 25% raise by Boeing solely to misinform and misdirect people! This is Boeing trying to wheedle their way out of paying their workers at rates above inflation ON TOP OF ALL THEIR EXISTING PROBLEMS!

Combining that with what we know about the company's culture of shutting down anyone with safety or wellbeing concerns in the name of faster cheaper production of aircraft...

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Hot damn. I've seen friction between upper management before but it's literally inconceivable to me that I would ever wake up and see that level of genuine hatred from like, one of my place's senior management tweeted out to an ex-CEO.

I guess Bobby was a very special guy to the Blizzard crew, huh?

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Somehow this is worse than Reddit. Sure Reddit isn't good, but at least Reddit was sane enough to understand concepts like 'working too much is deeply unhealthy both physically and mentally' and 'corporations should not hold absolute power'

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Insane how the Republicans made 'unconstitutional' into another meaningless buzzword in order to try and dodge the responsibility for Jan 6th.

Hot fucking damn, the russian bots are really out on parade in this comment section aren't they?

...Welp, not like they can parade IRL, so I guess they've got to take what they can get!

Shame the TikTok ban went through, but a 60 billion package should give some fresh strength to the defenders of Ukraine.

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I mean yeah, we WERE founded because we didn't want to support shitty business practices from Reddit but we wanted a good Reddit substitute

But we get good posts that aren't Reddit drama too

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That number is... eerily close to the percentage population estimated to be hardcore unshakeable Trumpers.

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Huh. Well, that's an interesting turn of events.

I mean, I'm not a lawyer, but the basic premise seems solid. US has that whole 'corporations are people' shtick going on, and... well, guess now it's time for that ruling to become inconvenient for the government.

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I will pay for an adblocker before I pay for an ad provider to stop harassing me

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You're not wrong, but the comparison I like here is Ruth Bader Ginsberg. She wasn't just doing her job well, she was one of the best Supreme Court Justicies EVER.

She didn't resign when the time was right, and as a result she died under Trump, a republican got her seat, and all the great things she did were swiftly demolished, wrecking decades of work over one single mistake: Not knowing when to step down.

Now I know the situation isn't perfectly comparable. But if Trump gets in, then every good thing Biden has done will be swiftly undone. This was a hellish dilemma, but if Biden wants to do his job well, he needs to do that by not letting Trump into the White House again.

MASSIVE Dwarven energy. This image is the closest you're going to get to seeing a bunch of children of the mountain sitting in their tavern, discussing their metalworking (hobby cars and bikes) and drinking brews that could atomize a human liver with a single sip.

Anyways I think these guys are cool

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Oh shit, they've actually captured the area and are holding it? That's pretty significant! If they can keep this up, then maybe they can force Russia to concede? ...Though any russian deal to end the war obviously won't be honoured, which does make it a bit of a conundrum. Still, this is a good thing.

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Gotta say, I'm a blue collar who also builds sensitive machinery, have been doing so for six years now.

There is a VERY sharp divide in how well I consider myself to have mastered certain aspects of the job.

Someone fucking kill me: I'm doing this job for the first time and I'm having to spend ages sifting through our processes that may not be documented in enough detail to do the job perfectly. The job is legally safe because I'm following the rules but god I don't like it. Takes about three times as long as a 'normal' task.

This is fine: I've done the job enough to know how everything goes together, what torque to use where, and if there's anything I should really be doing that isn't in the instructions, or if there's an instruction mismatch.

Mastery: I can not only do the job, I actually understand the explicit purpose and function of everything I'm putting together on an intimate level, and can use my knowledge of that purpose and function to make god damn sure that what I'm putting out is top quality. As probably the least sensitive example of this, this is stuff like knowing that the particular brand of no-mixing-needed paint we use can sometimes develop a sediment layer of its' pigments on the bottom that requires you to mix it with a stick for the paint to perform properly, and that you can tell when the paint is experiencing this issue because it'll be off-colour due to the lack of pigment; and if you don't resolve this issue the paint won't adhere to surfaces correctly and is liable to flake off.

I've been doing this for six years and there are only a handful of aspects of my job I consider myself to have complete mastery over. I don't think I'm the best worker out there, not by a long shot, but to me the idea that you can just lose and replace your workforce when dealing with complicated machinery is about as stupid as the notion that AI can replicate the human mind (It can't unless you abandon the von-neumann computer design).

"Until war aims achieved"

Alright I know the statement is one that's very dependent on context, but... man, that phrase could have come right out of Putin's mouth circa 2022 while he was trying to justify his invasion of Ukraine.

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ELI5: Why is the greek economy so fucked?

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Oh, this is handy, I specifically avoid these guys.

Not for ethical reasons or anything, just I had these weird frozen meatballs from them when I was like 7 and nearly vomited myself to death in a holiday caravan's bedroom before collapsing unable to move for an hour, conscious the entire time and simply unable to make my body respond. 1/10, not reccommended.

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I have to say, this is both incredibly impressive and absolutely fascinating. After such a long stalemate, it's wonderful to see Ukraine make such progress towards repelling their invaders.

Holy shit, there's a decent vegan cheese? I like my meat but I understand that the current status quo isn't sustainable, and cheese is the number two thing the vegan industry has been struggling with making a good substitute for (number one being bacon.)

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Foreseeable, and unfortunately the best move Trump could have made. Kamala would have just vaporized him

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Dude, the amount of firepower Kamala has given to the name of democracy is just incredible. I was apprehensive about dropping Biden but she's REALLY given the party new life.

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...Wait, that wasn't a basic standard lesson? Isn't an unsecured phone transmission basically a death sentence if if gets picked up since it tells people exactly where to fire artillery at?

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With the amount of damage she could do to the Republican election chances in a fair debate, by the time she's done with them they'll wish she just kicked them in the nards instead

Well the primary reason they would "backfire" is because Trump is perfectly consistent about being full of shit. There is literally no way that he's going to do something that benefits anyone other than himself. We've had 8 years to learn that.

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Lies, there's no knot in this list

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Ah yes, the crime of trying to keep your nation free and alive through appropriate defensive measures. How truly dastardly (/s)

Honestly this might be the single most pathetic threat that I've seen in a long time. Is it even a threat? Publicity stunt? Honestly I don't know or care, because we all know this statement means about as much as a Trump tweet.

Aside from the usual conundrum of "any way to not starve or become homeless that doesn't involve whoring out to corporations has been removed from society", Tesla... wasn't always like this. Musk didn't found it. Musk didn't build it. He just bought it so he could pretend to be clever.

Oh I like this topic! Fun fact, Ball Bearings are actually a SUPER important little thing and a major hallmark component of the industrial revolution. You need to be able to make really good ball bearings in order to make a rotating joint that's just decent, and churning out perfect little spheres by the tens of thousands was one of the first tests of the modern world's capacity to make things in industrial quantity.

Basically, a standard rotating joint (simplified) has an inner metal band, eight ball bearings equally spaced around the inner metal band, and an outer metal band that traps all the ball bearings between it and the inner metal band. This means that the two bands can be rotated with incredibly low friction and relatively low wear. This is used in basically every machine with moving parts, and trains absolutely fit that criteria.

But it's definitely not operated with zero wear, especially in machines that are constantly operated and weigh a lot, like trains. Ball Bearings can and will wear down during operation and need to be replaced semi-frequently.

As for buying them from China... I would assume that's totally possible, but China might not have enough stock, or they could be trying to leverage their position to sell the ball bearings at a high markup since Russia doesn't have the ability to buy elsewhere.

Holy shit, this is a REALLY misleading headline.

if it was just him quitting, that would be terrible; it would be an anti-war person giving up their power to legally obstruct the war.

It's "his opposition National Unity party will withdraw from the coalition government". Unless this article is missing something, wouldn't breaking up the coalition just basically completely paralyse Israel??

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For quality, I think it would be quite sensible to include figures from a few other countries. These findings mean very little when they lack context; we need to know how they compare to other big economies like the US, UK, Germany, Italy, Russia, China (if you can get accurate data on Russia and China), and Japan.

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Holy sunk cost fallacy, batman. How fucking much does it cost to operate an ENTIRE GODDAMN NUCLEAR REACTOR just to fuel a tech project that nobody wants???

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I wonder if a birth rate that stays low for a while might be what it takes to avoid future wars? Just in general, across all nations? Funny that the very things that have damaged society's faith in the future might end up mitigating conflicts in the future.

When manpower can no longer be replenished, then wasting it trying to pull off landgrabs can only be sustained for so long. Not just physically, but politically.

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