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I like cake.

The article is badly researched.

This “red-green” coalition banned new reactors, announced a shutdown of existing ones by 2022

The red-green coalition did not announce the 2022 date. They (Greens/SPD) announced a soft phase-out between 2015-2020 in conjunction with building renewables. This planned shift from nuclear to renewables was reverted by Merkel (CDU = conservatives) in 2010. They (CDU) changed their mind one year later in 2011 and announced the 2022 date; but without the emphasis on replacing it with renewables. This back and forth was also quite the expensive mistake by the CDU on multiple levels, because energy corporations were now entitled financial compensation for their old reactors.

The title is lacking context. The original quote from the article regarding expected economic damages reads „billions of rubles“.

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Getting rid of misinformation is great.

That is the goal. The OP article and especially the headline here is misleading.

This is what is in the original letter regarding violent images: „repurposed old images of unrelated armed conflicts or military footage that actually originated from video games“.

The issue is not violent images per se. The issue is misinformation through violent images that are unrelated to the current events.

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"Germany" = a German bank
"seizing money" = temporarily frozen bank account until a legal dispute is settled

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There is not. It‘s simply a strongly pro-Ukrainian website. Russian official propaganda and our tankies call everything that is critical of Russia‘s aggression „Nazism“ or „Fascism“. It is projection in its finest form, and borderline Orwellian.

The two words have lost all meaning in Russian propaganda and are simply used as a placeholder for „enemy“. They don’t seem to realize how absurd that makes them sound.

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What you imply is a common misconception. Puritans did not flee to America in the early modern period because they were religiously persecuted. They fled to America because they were not allowed to religiously persecute others anymore. They were scolded because of their religious intolerance not because of their religion per se.

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It's solely about legal issues if your AI has been trained on unlicensed data (Midjourney, Playground AI, etc.). We don't really have laws that handle these cases yet, so valve wants to err on the save side.

Everything else is still allowed. Even AI generated content is still allowed if it's trained on your own (or licensed) data.

I know that you are mainly looking forward to the new content, and that just quality of life improvements aren't the kind of things that make people buy the game and get excited for.

Nope. I'm preeeetty excited about QOL changes here. :-)

Are those computers connected to the internet? Security updates for windows 7 were stopped in 2020.

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but now I am not even sure he will be removed from the government

He has now been removed from the government.

The distinctions get blurry if you’re the sole user.

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Beyond All Reasons. It’s a spiritual successor of Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander using the Spring engine.

It’s also a great game in its own right, especially the various advanced unit positioning and selection features had me amazed. The graphics are good and the performance with many units is finally very good too, after some patches last year (or two years? I don’t remember).

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That is not legally possible in the EU. You can grant irrevocable usage rights, but you cannot give away your copyright.

I want a historically accurate trading simulation set in the early modern period: I want a multitude of ever-changing regional hard, soft and bookkeeping currencies, also bills of exchange, individual units of measurement for each product, paying in kind, putting sth. on the cuff, installments, various per item or volume based taxations, tolls, tithes, tenure, social privileges, staple rights, scheduled trade fairs, regulated fixed prices, lot sales, return freight, regulated transportational services, craft and trading legislation, significance of saint days, city level legislation, guilds and other corporations, the very relevant concepts of honor, contemporary obligations of social responsibility, familial structures and needs for a network of professional connections, monasteries as large economical entities, etc. pp.

All tycoons I have played just reproduce a shallow version of our current concepts of money and trade and skin it with historical images without even trying to research the historical setting they're in. They add complexity in many other ways that don't focus on trade (i.e. combat).

No fighting. No leveling. No building. Just trade.

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Freedom of speech is mostly an American concept. In most European states we „only“ have freedom of expression and opinion (a human right). Deliberately spreading propaganda, agitation and fake news is not covered by freedom of expression and opinion. On the contrary, it can be a criminal offense.

This is not the first time Musk thinks US laws apply to the whole world or that he is above the law of the countries his businesses operate in. A part of me hopes that he gets fined and then ignores the fine. He might just be stupid enough.

See? I called him stupid. That is an expression of my opinion. Using images of violence from 2010 and claiming that they are from 2023 is not an opinion.

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I don’t remember if it was like this with the game Myst specifically, but generally speaking: Some hardly solvable riddles were put into many point and click adventure in the pre-internet era, because they usually came with an expensive help hotline that they wanted you to call.

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Please remove yourself from Hungary and just move to Russia if you like Putin so much, Mr. Orbán.

"non-retroactive" clause directly in their contract

I also wonder how Unity‘s approach will work in countries where that is the legal default. I have a feeling that we will be seeing quite a few lawsuits next year, if they actually go ahead with their plans.

He drove me back into using RSS after more than a decade for staying up to date. Much better for the mental health. Thankfully, since Wordpress and also some other CMS have the RSS feature enabled by default, many websites have it even if they’re not advertising it.

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Please do note the official warnings of the BFS (Federal Office for Radiation Protection). Contamination of forests with Caesium-137 is a health risk in many southern Bavarian forests. It's half-life period is 30 years. The disaster was in 1986. That means it's still roughly half of it there and the layered forest grounds preserve radiation well.

If you're a mushroom forager on vacation in southern Bavaria - just don't do it. Or at least inform yourself which types of mushrooms you shouldn't eat in particular for radiation reasons.

General information and warnings (2022):

Specifically regarding mushrooms (2019):

I love the mechanics. But the naming could be much better. This is not WoW.

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I think he wants to go back to the Russian Empire. At least that is what he himself is referring to again and again in his pseudo-historical ramblings. He cherry-picks from history whatever suits him and his imperialistic goals.

There are still large areas in southern Germany where you’re not allowed to eat wild mushrooms and every boar that is hunted must be tested for radiation. That is because of the fallout from Chernobyl 38 years ago and 1400 km away.

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Spain is already phasing out nuclear energy currently and Sweden wants to do it after sufficient renewables are built. Among many other states.

Nuclear is just not profitable compared to renewables. France is exporting at a loss if one would consider all associated costs (privatization of profits and socialization of losses is creating bad incentives).

The German constitution makes no guarantee of free speech. It’s not a legally protected right there, and Germany is world infamous for not having free speech.

That's an internet meme and it is wrong. Germany ranks place 21 of 180 in the WPFI and rank 10 of 165 according to GSDI.

There is no state in the world with fully 100% free speech. Even in the USA there are limits to free speech; some are even considered criminal and some will land you in jail. What matters is what freedom of speech entails. Germany does very much have free speech - much more than the vast majority of countries on the planet. Meinungsfreiheit can be translated as freedom of opinion/expression/speech and is article 5 of our constitution as well as article 11 of the EU charta.

Russian propaganda campaign against Ukraine did not just start when the latest invasion began. Why would you assume said timing to be indicative of anything?

Also, a source for your claim would be appreciated. I do not remember reading anything of the kind before the current phase of the war.

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The concept of needing to register copyright does not exist in most countries. In many countries you just have it and you can enforce it.

Fediverse servers do exist outside of the USA so this is relevant for people who run those servers.

Internationally only the PLO is recognized as Palestine by many, and is granted observer status at the UN. But they don’t rule in Gaza anymore. The PLO lost Gaza to the Hamas during civil war in 2007. The leadership of Gaza is not recognized by anyone as a state. Russia, Norway and Switzerland are the only three states in Europe that uphold any official relation to them (for different reasons).

Almost all countries that do not recognize the State of Palestine (PLO) still have official formal relations to the entity in all but the name. Many simply cannot legally recognize it as long as it officially claims Israel’s territory as theirs.

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I like this change. Quality over quantity.

It is hard to read text with very long lines. Have you tried it? You need multiple text columns if you want to use more horizontal space (newspapers and large books have been doing this for centuries for this reason).

Creating columns was quite tricky before the widespread browser support for the relevant css. There was at least a decade with widescreen monitors but without proper (and responsive) column support in browsers.

That being said: Pages that are newer than let’s say 2020 don’t have this excuse.

Great news! I‘m looking forward to the expansion (haven’t played Factorio for years now), but I’m already happy about the regular Friday Facts that will certainly bring me joy.

I cannot confirm this for Germany. Here they especially try to get „gamers“ to sign up and therefor label most ads in pseudo youth and gamer speech, even puns. Their official slogan currently is „Wir schützen Deutschland“ (We Protect Germany). I like how hilariously descriptive and simple this is, considering how much marketing money probably went into that slogan.

The state of Palestine is not directly involved in this conflict.

I‘m using a RSS reader with rule based filters to remove uninteresting articles (to me) and upvote or downvote articles with certain keywords (for me). That way I can aggregate lots of media and have my own personal feed.

It takes some time to set up and fine-tune, though.

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Netanyahu is one of the worst things that happened to the state of Israel in recent times. He is not interested in peace.


Great point!

Theyd have to pay to keep it.

We don’t know that. The article, as well as the comment you responded to, explicitly state the opposite (ad-based free service).

It still features two separate system control panels where some features are only accessible in one or the other, and you have to guess which setting is where. However, the new system controls panels is indeed much more usable in Windows 11 than in 10, agreed.

The Sowjet Union (not just Russia) lost 13 million soldiers during the Second World War, over the duration of about 6 years.