Trump Vows to Ban Immigrants Who ‘Don’t Like Our Religion’

Flying to politics – 513 points –
Trump Vows to Ban Immigrants Who ‘Don’t Like Our Religion’

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What you imply is a common misconception. Puritans did not flee to America in the early modern period because they were religiously persecuted. They fled to America because they were not allowed to religiously persecute others anymore. They were scolded because of their religious intolerance not because of their religion per se.

Depends on if you mean Puritans in Massachusetts, or Quakers in Pennsylvania.

Puritans in Massachusetts are the reason Rhode Island exists and maintained indepedence when lots of early small colonies got absorbed into what became the other New England states. Roger Williams was like: fuck these guys, they said they wanted freedom of religion and I believed them. So after he obtained the land, he went back to the king to ratify the transfer which lead to borders that weren't easily dissolved.

I was way too unspecific and have corrected my comment. Thank you for pointing it out.

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