
1 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

James Stephanie Sterling after she started doing the stupid "ad spots" in videos for pogs and other memorabilia. They aren't real ads, but they were so damned obnoxious.

Lucy Pyre after she stopped doing FFXIV videos and went full on brainrotted degenerate.

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Samsung pushed an app in an update that plastered ads for charities all over my lock screen. Disabled that shit and my next phone isn't going to be a Samsung.

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That may or may not have participated in the time honoured qld police tradition of picking up aboriginal youth and dumping them in the middle of nowhere to walk home.

Lost a lot of my hobby subs and spend more time posting political crap now.

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MLK had the Black Panthers and Nation of Islam as looming threats. Gandhi is also the one who said "pacifism without violence is not pacifism, it is helplessness." A violent counterpart to a non-violent movement helps by being the stick to the non-violent carrot.

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Because union lawyers are on the side of the employee and thier job is to make sure the dismissal was for cause and procedure was followed. It's the same mentality that leads to people saying defense attorneys enable criminals. Like no, they're there to ensure your rights and check the power of the state.

Australia's version is a dns block. It only stops people who don't know how to google or change thier dns.

Being a landlord is supposed to be a job though. They're supposed to maintain the property and handle property related disputes between the tenant and the community. The problem is landlords aren't held to their obligations and are allowed to treat it as a passive investment. Liability for landlords and their property managers needs to be increased. Require a licence for landlording that can be revoked.

I think the hate is them essentially selling a difficulty slider.

Running out of old stockpiles to send. Western militaries have plenty to spare, but it'd be the ammo they actually use.

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And the tankies on lemmy wonder why those of us with Chinese descent don't like mainlanders. This. This is why.

We have the same system in Australia. Constitution sets a maximum govt term but a parliamentary majority can call an election at any time before then.

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Me: "do you close the bathroom door while shitting?"

Them: "yes"

Me: "why? You have nothing to hide"

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I was told by a Russian that they venerate beaurocracy. The documents show the objective truth and it doesn't matter that everyone involves knows that the contents is bullshit as long as the process has been followed to the letter.

I miss the age of videogame demos

Fuck the corps. That's what piracy is for.

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Selling character changes when you can't start a new game without deleting all game data and cache.

No one asked the residents huh.

The use case is being a buzzword they can use to scam cryptobros and the gullible.

They may not have to maximise profits but the shareholders will question every decision that doesn't maximise profits so the result is the same. That's why activist investors that push companies to more ethical behaviour are important.

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Good question. Maybe the same reason why Elon "humour is now legal again" Musk can't take a little teasing?

Anything for the 'gram.

We've got about 3k homeless out of a population of around 480k. The vacancy rate is under 1% because of all the short-stay scumbags. We really do need to start confiscating short stay property.

That becomes difficult when their homes are now uninsurable. If they can't find a sucker buyer to take it off their hands for enough that they can afford one elsewhere, they're stuck. The govt absolutely needs to step in. If only to save money on disaster relief efforts in future.

Gravity Rush was great and I'm disappointed no one has done anything similar since.

I was so disappointed when they discontinued factory tours because people couldn't keep their fucking hands to themselves when walking past the chocolate machines.

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Oh they were on Reddit. Before I left, you could find them on ChapoTrapHouse. After the Ukraine War kicked off, you could see them all over world news, Ukraine, noncredibledefense, credibledefence, and the various war update subs.

Because that's where the most active NCD community is.

Something something bOtH sIdEs.

If you're into the anime aesthetic: Nier Automata, Atelier series, and Recettear. I think FFXIII is fun but people would argue otherwise.

That's while they're in the air. How much extra power will it take to get the whole shebang airborne?

The ex-PM of Australia allegedly shat himself at McDonald's in Engadine. Allegedly. There's a plaque.

Parasites running unregulated hotels driving the smaller operators to list on airbnb as well.

Still using one with a jack. Other must haves for me are sd slot and tool less sim tray.

I'd argue that if you never played, then getting one of those packages would actually make you play worse than someone who's played from the start.

If twitchthots and onlyfans have taught us anything, it's that thirsty nerds will buy anything at any price from a pretty face.

But unlike g-sync and freesync, FSR2 isn't good enough to match DLSS3 yet.

Yeah, I'm just waiting for the Trilogy collection to be released and discounted to $60.

People keep saying they don't deliver but they have been delivering. The game gets a new build every quarter with updates and new content. Players are still technically playing a development build so it's full of bugs and only limited to one star system but that one star system is huge with 4 planets, 7 stations and lots of points of interest.

Same. I spent most of June trying to find a lemmy instance to join. Quit cold turkey on 1st July along with nuking my post history. Keeping my account till 31 July just in case they decide to revert my deleted posts.


Not sure about ESO and SWTOR. I know WoW has the token market that technically counts as turning money into power by selling tokens and buying clears.

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