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Joined 10 months ago

I think it's time the term "Y'all Queda" comes back.

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Florida is taking away the freedom of any person to eat whatever they want? Is anyone surprised?

If Trump went after my daughter and I were the judge on his case, he'd immediately go to jail and be fined to the maximum extent.

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Does anyone know what happened to all the Qanon people? I don't think I've heard much from that group in a while. Did they finally figure out they were getting played after all these years?

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Yo ho, yo ho... πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ

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Hear me out: Google makes money by selling ads. People who buy from those ads don't have an adblocker installed. People who are intelligent enough to block ads wouldn't buy from them anyway. If Google allows it to be too easy to block ads then their model collapses. I'm ok with jumping through a couple hoops to continue to block and Google doesn't lose anything while I get to still watch the content I like without wasting anyone's time. It's to Google's benefit to serve videos to only people who will actually buy that crap anyway. If Google or anyone wants to sell to me, they simply have to make a great product. If they do, I'll see it in use for it's intended purpose and buy it. For example, I didn't have to watch any ads to buy a Nintendo Switch years ago...

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Careful Nintendo. If backing up a game I purchased and playing it any way I want is stealing, then I might as well skip the first step.

He tried but his best lawyers messed up the paperwork.

Any legal experts in here? Can this be used as testimony for the judge/jury?

Ahoy tharr, Matey!

πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ 🦜 🏴 ☠️

I agree, but I think it's more than that. Even if you think Trump is telling the truth and all of this is a made up lie (even though there are other signs like cheating on his wife to sleep with porn stars and being caught on a mic saying he just grabs women by the pussy), IT'S EXTREMELY DUMB for him to keep talking about it!

Trump should be renamed to Xenu.

Shout out to Streamio + real-debrid + torrentio! πŸ–€πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ

Oooh this sounds awesome! How long does it typically take to get pushed out to the distros? I'm using Nobara at the moment.

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The system could only display 400-something colors at a time. Once you reduce the number of colors that can be used, you lose gradients so one color doesn't ease into another color. Due to this, art styles were typically different and used contrast to "pop" the characters and items visuals in game since being more realistic wasn't an easy (or possible) option.

Now that we can have millions of colors, you can do whatever style you want.

A similar thing happened as polygon counts went up.

πŸ₯΅ β˜•

Bro - sounds like you missed an opportunity to dual boot!

I agree, but so far the extremists have been proven right. Their way or the highway has, so far, worked for them to get them to where they are at: minority rulers within their party.

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Violence is more effective for kids?

Requesting source on that one. Here's what I found:

Definitely won't last forever, but hard to say how long they have. Hoping things fall apart for them sooner vs later so we can actually have a functioning government.

Thanks, I'm new to Linux so don't understand the process. How long until a stable release typically?

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Upvoting because this is just an opinion. Dems know they can beat him again. It's too early to blitz. A calmer approach next August - November will inform the folks in the political middle and it won't fire up Trump's base as much. When children get upset you calmly tell them the consequences; you don't jump up and down, cry and yell back at them.

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There we go! First he implemented a higher minimum wage and now adding sick time. Solid progress with the state legislators!

Ahoy, that's alright with me, matey!

I guess you round up.

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I took it as they are going up Shit Stream and are about to lose their paddles. 🀣

Glad there's still hope for some of them at least. I used to see "in two more weeks everyone will see X and Y on TV and the truth will be revealed" and then a month later something similar at a later date... I'd think "how many times can they do this until people give up?"

I think he's right behind DeSantis in many ways. Right on his heels...

Not a mistake, but their ToS change without consent probably wouldn't stand up in court.

Comment is welcome! Don't forget the prenup. Congrats!!

I'm guessing speaking or typing: "note" "pad" "notepad" "how do I write a note?" "Write something down" would all work.

To be fair this would probably be the same speed as me hitting windows key + R and typing "notepad".

I would think so. IANAL but I'm sure there's a ton of precedence for cases similar to this. HIPAA laws are very good for the people.

It doesn’t matter mathematically because I live in a dark blue district in a dark blue state, but I’m going to cast that vote.

I disagree with this part. It does matter because there's always so much talk about popular vote. I'm glad you're voting anyhow! πŸ‘

See guys - he just looks like a turtle. He's really a pussy.

With machines, just remember the "clicks" or "notches" to compare progress. You'll never really know the real weight because who knows the maintenance on them and the amounts of friction per machine that are inherent let alone the pivot points that allow for leverage that can vary.

Got it. Thanks for taking the time to explain!

I think it's mostly because it's in Arizona... Not exactly the tech capital of the U.S..

LOL! Love it

Ah, I see. No problem. You'd have to switch back and forth in that case or have two of the exact same TVs to compare at the same time. (Some sets do a better or worse job of up-scaling). You'd also have to take into account viewing distance from the TV. At a certain distance it won't matter, but as you get closer, it matters more and more. There are view distance calculators available online to help with that.

I've never heard this one! Hahahahaha! wow!

I agree, but most customers are still buying. I haven't liked any of the new offerings so I'm driving my old car and fixing it. If I had to buy, I'd go straight to the used market.