Republicans reject motion to impeach Joe Biden to politics – 455 points –
Republicans reject motion to impeach Joe Biden

House Republicans James Comer and Jim Jordan, who are leading an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden, refused to second a motion made by Representative Jared Moskowitz, a Florida Democrat, to impeach the president.

Moskowitz tried to put the motion on the table for a vote on Wednesday in an effort to call GOP lawmakers' bluff in what he called a "fake" probe.


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Does anyone know what happened to all the Qanon people? I don't think I've heard much from that group in a while. Did they finally figure out they were getting played after all these years?

They all conveniently sequestered themselves to truth social. They're still out there, they just don't share a forum with regular people anymore

Which means a few things:

  • They have a harder time growing outside the core
  • They're going to get even wackier as brand new dumb ideas don't get challenged
  • They will be even more rabid at any attacks from the outside

Honestly, people are so bad at challenging their ideas that mostly we just cause a backlash effect. Being in their own safe little bubble might help some of them have the "are we the baddies" moment.

A roommate of a friend was a Qooq. Tried to get me kicked off Facebook because he didn't like my politics. Fortunately that went nowhere, but I blocked his sorry ass when I got wind of it.

Fast forward to after the Election, and my friend let me know the roommate had seen the light. He still thinks democrats are a problem but according to said friend, he's sitting out elections now because he realised he got lied to. Occasionally, people do change and they realise they were taken for a ride. BUT that just means that the remaining Qooqs have a higher ratio of True Believers and Shit Stirrers, which makes them harder to deal with.

Trying to get someone kicked off Facebook is one of the most pathetic things I've heard. Shows you how important Facebook is to him if he thinks it would be a big deal for someone else to lose access to it.

I'm a Gen-Xer so many people I stay connected with are there. Mind you, it'd not be the end of the world and I'd have other ways to reach out to friends, but it would be an inconvenience so I'm glad he failed.

Glad there's still hope for some of them at least. I used to see "in two more weeks everyone will see X and Y on TV and the truth will be revealed" and then a month later something similar at a later date... I'd think "how many times can they do this until people give up?"