Republicans reject motion to impeach Joe Biden to politics – 455 points –
Republicans reject motion to impeach Joe Biden

House Republicans James Comer and Jim Jordan, who are leading an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden, refused to second a motion made by Representative Jared Moskowitz, a Florida Democrat, to impeach the president.

Moskowitz tried to put the motion on the table for a vote on Wednesday in an effort to call GOP lawmakers' bluff in what he called a "fake" probe.


I have no doubts they are going to drag this out until much closer to the election so they can impeach him at some critical moment to get media headlines to sway people into thinking Biden is just as bad as trump.

Why wait? Haven't they been impeaching this guy for like a year at this point?

I tend to believe that if they could they would have done it already just to be petty.

This was what was so crazy about Trump vs Obama. Obama had such a a big target on his back, he had to act unimpeachably. But Trump was pretty much impeachable from the start.

They went after Obama for silly things like mustard and suits and putting his feet on his own desk [yes, these were actually things they got mad about] When they saw that it wasn't getting traction they stepped back. They knew if they impeached Obama they'd never get another Black vote ever.

They were after Bill Clinton from Day One. They pushed the Whitewater probe before he entered office, and tried to make 'Travelgate' [Clinton's team fired some White House staff without realizing they had tenure. ] Vince Foster was a Clinton family friend who committed suicide after the election. The GOP said he was murdered.

Both of them were key goals of Fox News. Which started under Clinton.

How is it possible one little cable network has so much power??

Well. Best not to think about it.

Because it was never just "one little cable network". It was a Murdoch outlet with a ton of economic and political support from the major power players of the US right wing high society from day one.

It was never not designed to monumentally sway public debate and political policymaking.

But Trump was pretty much impeachable from the start.

FTFY; no weasel words necessary. Trump was violating the Emoluments Clause from the second he was sworn in.

I absolutely believe if they could have made the smallest thing stick they would. They probably would do it a second time before the election if the first one fell through. "LOOK AT BIDEN! HE HAS TWO IMPEACHMENTS AS WELL AND JUST AS MANY SENATE CONVICTIONS AS TRUMP"

If they didn't have the votes before, they definitely won't have them before the election.

The point isn't to actually impeach him, it's to make a big media circus that frightens and confuses voters. They want the biggest news story in the days leading up to the election to be "Biden lookin sus" as opposed to Trump's criminal history or the state of the economy, because that's their best shot at pulling votes away from him.

Re: what's his nuts FBI director coming out and a couple weeks before Nov 2016 with that email scandal that also went absolutely nowhere

The media may oblige. Clicks are clicks and the fourth estate is too hungry to worry about 2 years from now, it seems.


Oh sure, next thing you'll be telling me they knew all along this was a bullshit trial that wasn't going to go anywhere and they spent millions and shouted and made ugly faces to get elected on it for no reason.

As if!

Bunch of traitor assclowns.

Traitorous assclowns who represent 40-50% of the population, unfortunately.

Gerrymandering and throwing non-white people off the rolls works!

Yeah! Here's to republiQans cheating forever.

Trump never had the votes of more than 21% of the population.

He's not anywhere near as popular as his supporters and the horserace-obsessed establishment media keep pretending.

Does anyone know what happened to all the Qanon people? I don't think I've heard much from that group in a while. Did they finally figure out they were getting played after all these years?

They all conveniently sequestered themselves to truth social. They're still out there, they just don't share a forum with regular people anymore

Which means a few things:

  • They have a harder time growing outside the core
  • They're going to get even wackier as brand new dumb ideas don't get challenged
  • They will be even more rabid at any attacks from the outside

Honestly, people are so bad at challenging their ideas that mostly we just cause a backlash effect. Being in their own safe little bubble might help some of them have the "are we the baddies" moment.

A roommate of a friend was a Qooq. Tried to get me kicked off Facebook because he didn't like my politics. Fortunately that went nowhere, but I blocked his sorry ass when I got wind of it.

Fast forward to after the Election, and my friend let me know the roommate had seen the light. He still thinks democrats are a problem but according to said friend, he's sitting out elections now because he realised he got lied to. Occasionally, people do change and they realise they were taken for a ride. BUT that just means that the remaining Qooqs have a higher ratio of True Believers and Shit Stirrers, which makes them harder to deal with.

Trying to get someone kicked off Facebook is one of the most pathetic things I've heard. Shows you how important Facebook is to him if he thinks it would be a big deal for someone else to lose access to it.

I'm a Gen-Xer so many people I stay connected with are there. Mind you, it'd not be the end of the world and I'd have other ways to reach out to friends, but it would be an inconvenience so I'm glad he failed.

Glad there's still hope for some of them at least. I used to see "in two more weeks everyone will see X and Y on TV and the truth will be revealed" and then a month later something similar at a later date... I'd think "how many times can they do this until people give up?"

US politics is a political soap opera clown show that has a game show component that puts the global audience at risk of all sorts of dangers and even death.

The US doesn't have politics, it's just a theatrical front for the rich and powerful who actually run the country.

The audience laughs at it with fear because they know it's all fake but can't do anything about it.

The players laugh at it because they know it's fake and they get paid enormous amounts of money to perform

The owners laugh at it because they know it's fake and there's nothing anyone can or is allowed to do anything about it

You're just adding more hyperbolic outrage fuel to the fire. None of this is true because things do change. Apathy is just as bad as ignorance. Repeal Citizens United. Champion ranked choice voting at your local level so we can kick out the extremists that are dead-locking policy.

People who let themselves believe the whole game is rigged are just making an excuse to not have to do the very hard work of maintenance. People who espouse that the game is rigged, and then convince others that all effort is futile are just as bad as Fox News. Man up you bitchy cunts. Get the fuck out there and vote.

I would say if it was all fully meaningless they wouldn't try so hard to disenfranchise people.

In Iran's presidential elections, the public is offered a slate of candidates who have been screened and approved by the unelected Guardian Council, which is comprised of religious and legal scholars.

In America's presidential elections, the public is offered a slate of candidates who have been screened and approved by the unelected wealthy elites, which is comprised of the people who steal ~90% of the nation's wealth.

I agree with you. It's mostly just theater. Biden is the clear choice over Trump, but the American people will never get the president they want and need under the current system, which is a president who will stand up to the wealthy elites for the people, like FDR, TR, and JFK.

Well you tried and you failed miserably.

The important thing is: Never try.

Republicans told me Biden is CORRUPT and NEEDS to be IMPEACHED so I FULLY SUPPORT them NOT Impeaching him because I think for myself!

They have no high crimes or misdemeanors. They have theater. A bad movie that never ends.

What an embarrassment. It must be so embarrassing to be a US republican senator/house member.

They are incapable of embarrassment.

The reason you're being some of these old guard Rs retiring, even far right ones like that rep from Colorado, is that they actually can feel something resembling shame. Guys like Jordan and Comer can't.

Sure, but what does that have to do with this article about House Republicans?

I want to know what Perjury Traitor Greed thinks about this, her key platform for her recent election. Why I'll bet she's hopping mad.

Hahah, nah, srs j/k. Please don't mention her.