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Joined 3 months ago

It has been clear for decades that governments should act quickly, wisely and decisively, but they simply do not, preferring to look for other issues. The kids from Just Stop Oil poured soup on glass and sprayed chalk on stones to draw attention to the huge emergency that we collectively ignore. They wanted to attract attention, and they succeeded. But their fellow human beings don't want to think about the impending climate collapse, let alone take action and join an active protest. That would require leaving the comfort zone. So they get upset anonymously on the internet about the form of protest and act as if art vandalism was being practiced here.
Cognitive dissonance is when your convictions do not match your actions. You solve it by changing either your actions or your beliefs.

I glued myself to the streets to protest, I thought it was a good idea to shake things up a bit, get people to join us and confront the governement with their inaction. Instead I was cursed and spit at, got beaten and payed a lot of money. Some people might want change, but hardly anyone wants to change themselves. That hit me the hardest. It's still too cosy, until it is too late.

Nobody did that, you are one ignorant parrot

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So they didn't vandalize art, they bedraggled the glas protecting the art, didn't they? As if they didn't really wanted to destroy the Mona Lisa and Warhols Soup Cans.

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But you just learned no art was vandalized. That might change your opinion.

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And that is a good thing?

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You can get an old Raspberry Pi very cheap, i have a 2b but you can go even lower. It's probably a better idea to spend a few bucks and install DietPi with Pihole on it. It uses only 5 watts, your laptop takes probably ten times more.

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I just installed Jellyfin on my Raspi 4 and I'm not happy. It's so laggy and slow I can barely use it. What is your setup?

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Yeah, he is an idiot. But can we please stop this anti-fandom and just ignore the guy. Hating a celebrity is so much wasted energy!

Ragebait is working: Fuck that evil corporation! OsmAnd all day every day.

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  • A pressure cooker

  • A ghetto bidet:
    3D print it, or take a small softdrink bottle, make a hole in it's neck using a hot needle or corkscrew. Fill it with water, hold it upside down and squirt your butthole clean with it. Use a little toiletpaper or cloth to dab it dry. Can't live without it anymore.

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How to Blow Up a Pipeline (film):

[...] to prevent local pollution by shutting off the pipeline flow [...]

I don't agree. The comment points out the single most effektive move an individal without political nor financial power can make to cut personal co2-emissions with just a change of habit. It's not about veganism, animal rights or your health, it's just about sanity. Us still eating meat even though we know better is an incredibly dumb waste of energy for the sake of pleasure, exactly like this shitty powereating globe.
As long as >95% of the global population still consumes meat I understand the urge to bring this topic everywhere.

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I buy strictly second hand and spend around 70€, never more than 100€. Life is good a few generations behind, the phones I get are still absolutely adequate to daily drive. I use LineageOS with mostly open source apps, no games, no google. I have a Pixel 4a at the moment, the camera is more than enough to keep some memories. My phone is rather a sturdy tool than a toy and status symbol, I really like it like that!

Am I the only one using Evolution here? I really like everything about it. All in one, simple, responaive.

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Last Week Tonight said that Trump did not expect to win at all the first time and therefore entered his term very unprepared. This time it is completely different. He had four years to assemble a ruthless, strong, and clever team, which is now ready with a well-developed plan.

It's on YouTube

Low on Kohlberg

All these mouse cursor touchpad for big phones-apps. They seem pretty easy to do and are quite handy.

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I really dislike non-vegan leftists and environmemtalists, the bullshit, the endless excuses as soon as YOU have to change, not others. Stop eating meat and save 3/4 of landuse, water pollution and co2 emissions.

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Install LineageOS?

Why would a couple of fossile destroyers change their very lucrative business-model if millions of first world citizens are just as cheap, greedy and irresponsible as well? I'm pretty sure a lot of us would act very much like them, if we were put in their places. It's so easy to point fingers at the billionaires. As long as they don't change, why should I?! To be a better person, that's why! Fuck those psychopaths, stop consuming!

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Please share your setup

uBlock can do this as well, ticking the annoyances options

Lips and buttholes share the same type of skin tissue. If it doesn't hurt your lips it won't hurt the other end of the tube. :)

Yeah, so many things one should do. Yet nothing is as simple as paying for a different product next time you're shopping your groceries.
Avocados are way less harmfull to our planet than local meat. People keep bringing this up so often it's #20 on the Vegan Bullshit Bingo.

I don' like soccer, I don't eat sausages, I'm not interested in cars. I do enjoy Sauerkraut, though.

I want to upgrade (Mint 21.3 => 22). Last upgrade took hours and the result was so bad I had to reinstall Mint from scratch. Do you guys use the upgrade tool, or do you have good advice on how to approach this?

Yes it is, as no animal is harmed:
"Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals."

Who hasn't?

So you want to keep being destructive because more powerful people keep being destructive? Putting my pleasure above everything and everyone else doesn't make me happy, I'm not like that.

  • Freetube Redirect
  • Imagus Mod: Enlarge and display images/videos from links with mouse-over. Reddit-hole.

What is your point?

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I feel you! My last comment here was exactly this.

Talked to a random farmer last week:
"Weather is unpredictable, so wet, then hot, then cold. I need to work 36 hours straight or our hay will get wet. But I gotta feed my cows. Well, I guess this is just how it is, right?"
I really didn't know what to say to him. Evaporation, water cycle, soil compaction, diesel, methan, milk? He wouldn't even try to understand any of this. I don't want to become one of the cynical "we are fucked"-people. Everyone can change something in their lifes.

RIP Carl Ruiz never forget

Yeah, after years of using the Ghetto Bidet I installed a cold water bidet next to the toilet upstairs. It uses way more water but I love it as well. I don't need or want any more luxury, heating stuff is a line I won't cross. It's much more expensive, fault-prone and my butt likes the cold water kick. Saves me a coffee or two every day. :)

No internet rando. The information is out there, but people don't want it.

No green in the picture and the guys polo says DIE LINKE, so it's probably the leftists