
2 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They're not unemployed or underemployed by any common definition of those words. If California wants to support striking workers, great, but it shouldn't be under these programs.

And realistically there's no reason why this isn't a Union problem to solve instead of a government one. Dues are paid for a reason.

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That's a lot of words to be wrong, friend-o.

Saying "Are you sure you don't want to revise your testimony, because we have factual evidence that it's false and that may lead to an indictment for perjury." isn't extortion, it's allowing this guy to not loyalty his way into a felony.

Imagine, the police/prosecution use their discretion and don't throw the book at someone and idiots still take exception to it

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I mean this in the least condescending way possible, but you don't understand how American politics works.

The absolute best scenario for Democrats is for the Republicans to split their ticket between Trump and DeSantis - or anyone else, but there doesn't seem to be anyone else thus far with his pull on the national stage.

It'll be Clinton-Bush-Perot but in reverse.

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yes the whole nation is in jeopardy because some warmongers arent getting their promotions

The whole nation is in jeopardy because these leadership positions are being held open until Trump is reelected in a rework of the Merrick Garland SC nomination. Which should be terrifying. Jan 6 failed in part because some of the military top brass (Miley) put oath before Trump.

Read up on Project 2025 if you haven't. These "unconnected events" are anything but. It's a strategy.

If you punch someone on the nose, you can't expect sympathy when they punch back. This isn't going to produce the result Hamas was going for.

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It seems like you made this comment in jest, but I wouldn't say it's outside the realm of possibility. We can't fly off the handle and lob accusations absent any sort of proof, but it would hardly be the first example of a corporation targeting an up-and-coming disruptive service run by amateurs.

Honestly, don't bother with a dGPU and get a 12th or 13th gen Intel Core chip with QSV. Intel quietly tuned it up to the point where it's faster than nVidia's NVENC engine even in the latest gen plus you don't have mess around with the uncap streams hack and you're transcoding through system RAM not dGPU RAM, so far less likely that your stream limit will be artificially constrained by memory limitations.

To answer the question you asked though, the nVidia NVENC is the best solution on a dGPU. It's performance is largely the same across the same board generation, with one exception in the GTX 10X0 series. The absolute cheapest card you can lay your hands on that has an NVENC engine is the 1050TI.

The caveat is the 1070 and 1080 have two NVENC engines. It will double max number of streams in theory, however in reality you're memory bound on those cards and it's more like a 33% bump.

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It's like a scale model of the war itself

You're sniping, but I think the parent poster was accurate in what they said. I don't think it was an euphemism for slave. It was the 1800s. What would you do with a slave if you didn't own property? If they're not tilling and planting or harvesting, or keeping house, or cooking, what would they be doing? A horse would be far more effective at pulling a carriage, and keeping one as a sex slave - while it definitely happened - was strongly looked down upon by society at the time.

If you kept a slave and had no good reason to own one aside from sex, you might well disappear in the night one night - not out of protection for the slave(s) but racial purity.

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ITT: people who don't know that "loli" derives from the Nabokov novel "Lolita", about a man who kidnaps and sexually abuses a 12 year old.

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You misread his/her comment. They were saying to park wounded soldiers at every presser, not to comment in violation of the Hatch Act.

100% agreed. I'm not advocating we "clone Reddit", however I do think we should think about and take meaningful steps to improve accessibility to non-"techy" people even if that means borrowing a few things from Reddit here and there.

Because let's face it, Reddit wasn't a whole-cloth original creation of spez and kn0thing. It's bones can be traced back to Digg, vBulletin, earlier BBS incarnations, in some respects even USENET - especially the way users can create topics/communities/subreddits on their own (yes, I know this isn't how USENET works now, but I promise it used to work this way if you were outside the main controlled newsgroups).

I'm a smart guy. I've got a lot of years of internet experience. I can make Lemmy work, and find content on it. It's cumbersome. My wife, is very techy by any reasonable standard but not as much as I am, has difficulty using it. She finds the structure unintuitive and confusing.

If those of us participating in this thread are the 0.1%, she's the 1%. To me, this moment, this movement, is about ensuring there's a place where people are free to discuss things that monied interests can no longer control. That's what makes the fediverse great - we can spread the load and demand out and make it manageable for normal people to do this.

I don't want another schmuck coming along telling me what ad I have to look at, or what I'm not allowed to discuss, or what app I have to use ever again.

I'm not the smartest guy in the room, I'm not claiming to have the answer only a suggestion. However, I am confident that this is a problem we need to tackle in some way if we ever want to achieve growth in "normal users".


Here we go:

Example files

Any place you see <something>, you need to change it to fit and omit the <>. If something <matches> in two differet places <matches> like this, make sure they match when you're done as well. Specifically, the postgres user and password in the lemmy docker file and the lemmy.hjson.

Finally, in Google drive the files end in .txt so you can view them. You'll need to correct the file names when you download them if you intend to use them. You should have two docker-compose.yml, one in each of the two directories you create, and one lemmy.hjson.

From a fresh CLI Debian 11 install:

/sbin/usermod -aG sudo <user>
groups <user>
apt-get install sudo
cd /opt
mkdir npm
cd npm
(copy or create docker-compose.yml)
apt-get install docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
cd /opt
mkdir lemmy
cd lemmy
(copy or create docker-compose.yml and lemmy.hjson)
mkdir -p volumes/pictrs
chown -R 991:991 volumes/pictrs
docker-compose up -d
docker ps (verify containers are all running, grab ip address for lemmy container)
Configure port forwarding in npm for your lemmy container (npm should be accessible at debian_ip_address:81)
Remember to do the custom paths from the various guides. The lemmy port in this guide is 1234.

Please note I am not addressing federation or SSL or true hosting yet. I haven't got that far yet. But if you can get the damn thing running, the last mile shouldn't be too bad.

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Unless you make it a point to procure an LTSC version, which Microsoft won't even sell to you unless you have a site license.

LTSC is the only version of Windows that behaves like it's still your computer, and I have uptime measured in months on a computer who serves Plex all day long.

So I wanted to make a top-level post: I've got a set of example files, and instructions, that will work 100% of the time on Debian. What do you guys think would be the best way to share them? A post here and the files shared on Google Drive? GitHub? Definitely open to suggestions, but I don't want anyone to struggle with it as hard as I have.

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It's neither. It's pragmatic. If we're going to reach a critical mass large enough that the mom's and wives and crazy uncles of the world will see us as a viable alternative to Reddit, the learning curve needs to come down.

Your average user isn't going to understand why there are 16 different tech channels all named tech.

Yes. Trump has literally said he won't adhere to the results of the primary and will run regardless.

This is bullshit. I'm not fucking buying this. You can't testify to something directly in opposition to a prior testimony and have any value whatsoever, period.

Sure you can. Especially if he can bring receipts related to why he was lying. Threats, promises of compensation, etc. Is it ideal that he lied under oath? Of course not. And it opens a giant door for the defense to challenge all of his testimony but it's not irrecoverable.

Much as you seem to wish it was.

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This is definitely hitting the nail on the head. Until the technology trickles down into the lower-end models, it's not anywhere near as much a cost savings when you have to buy way up in trim level to get electric as an option.

It's also worth noting that electric economy is notably worse in cold climates - your internal combustion car generates heat for ~free, the electric heater in your Tesla does draw a fair bit of current.

This worked for me, with one note:

<dbuser> and <dbpassword> need to be lemmy and password if you're using the stock lemmy.hjson file, or the lemmy_lemmy_1 container will get stuck in a reboot loop. There's no define in the stock file in githubusercontent currently for those, so you have to add them by hand.

For security, you have to change these.

Right, but take the converse: if they didn't own land, they definitely couldn't afford a slave.

The furthest I got last night, that was where I got stuck as well.

I made a post that was similar a week or so back that was fairly controversial where I advocated changing how the federation protocol works. I've been thinking about it more, and I think I have a solution to your concern (and mine) that keeps the admins feelings about federation and not allowing one instance to dominate in mind.

On Reddit, especially old.reddit, when you search at the top you actually get two different search results: subreddits matching %string% at the top, posts matching %string% at the bottom.

We should mirror that. The current search should be modified in the same structure and pump the search string into https://browse.feddit.de/ or implement it's process into the server code.

I think when someone types in android, getting a list of currently existing Lemmy communities with their respective populations and post counts is probably the easiest way to smooth out the learning curve.


And to some of the child replies, I think there's a question of scale that often gets overlooked. In all these discussions, there seems to be two different groups commingling: ones who just need 1-2 simultaneous streams, and ones who are doing true whole-house-plus systems.

I'm serving subtitles-enabled streams to (mostly) Roku clients - who need the server to burn in the subtitle track for some insane reason. It's nothing for my Plexbox to be serving 6 simultaneous streams. A 4790K would definitely not cut it for me.

Good note, thanks. Just made the change.

Windows 10 LTSC (for me) generally has uptime that is the equivalent of any Linux box. I've been using it to host Plex for several years - before hardware transcoding support in Linuxv was really up to snuff.

LTSC is what Windows should be. It's a shame Microsoft doesn't make it available (legally) to normal consumers.

I did. I could never get ansible to work when I was setting up the same machine. If you know how to set the inventory file up for that, I'm all ears.

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I just don't like that this entire process is pretty clearly a matter of politics rather than justice. It's a political headhunt, and it's very reminiscent of pre-collapse Soviet government. We're trying to fill the gulags up in this motherfucker. I'm not really speaking in support of the defense, Im speaking against the witch hunt.

You have really jumped the shark, friend. This is anything but a politically-motivated protection. And your allusion to Soviet Russia is comical, in a world where Putin blew up a rival last month.

Trump brought us as close to the collapse of American democracy as we have been since the Civil War, and arguably closer. It's hard to deny there were two plots to replace Mike Pence before the election was certified: a subgroup of the protesters wanted to hang him, and part of the Secret Service detail was ready to escort/detain him away from the capital. They didn't even try to hide it - Grassley said he planned on presiding over the Senate. They walked it back, but it happened.

If this were truly a political witch-hunt, Trump would be either incarcerated for life already, or dead and buried.

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saying they provide little to no value to the platform.

Time will tell. I will no longer contribute without RiF, so the question isn't whether RiF provides value to Reddit but whether I do.

My Karma says I do.

Why all the fucking lawyers (indictment of them)? Why a massive laundry list of false statements, false testimony, et al?

Because lawyers have a sworn obligation to enter evidence and testimony they understand to be truthful and argue in pleadings in a manner that they understand to be legally sound and in compliance with the rules of the court in the state of the filing. Trump used a number of lawyers - dating at least back to Cohen - who were willing and comfortable breaking both of those ethical obligations.

Put simply, lawyers do not have a free speech right to say anything they wish in court.

Nobody is being charged with what you're describing. If that's what they're trying to prosecute trump for, then fucking charge him with it. The Twitter bullshit was sedition. The pence shenanigans was electoral fraud (maybe not pence personally, but the conversation was absolutely fraud on Trump's part).

They've got to be able to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, and realistically he's getting more deference on that front than any other American in history. The number of people who believe nothing he does is wrong, is astounding. I fully expect the Georgia indictment to add charges through discovery and witness cooperation deals. The RICO indictment gives them a lot of wiggle room to tie Trump to the crimes of others.

The charges reflect a fishing expedition. We don't like this guy, lets dig some shit up...

Hard disagree. The charges reflect the stark reality that the normal institutions that should have handled this situation are broken. In any normal reality, Trump should have been successfully impeached during one of his two impeachments or impeached a third time for January 6th. Mitch McConnell's argument that a trial was moot, was not founded in the law. As impeachment includes barring the convict from future Federal office they could have and should have tried him in the Senate.

I have zero doubt that the currently sitting Republicans will weaponize government against anyone who didn't bend the knee including Biden. They're not even waiting, if you're following along they're trying their best to remove or pressure Fani Willis in the middle of a perfectly valid criminal trial. That is the weaponization of government.

rm -rf /home/*

You need the directory for the mount point.

Sorry that these are screenshots and not files, but I'm working through Chrome Remote Desktop so my options are a bit limited. This is what I get when I execute 'ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts lemmy.yml' regardless of whether I have it set to terry@ or root@, and whether I use --become or not.

I do. DeSantis's anti-woke legislation forced textbook makers to transform Rosa Parks into bus Karen. Seriously, Google it, don't take my word for it.

You got downvoted to hell, but you're absolutely right. The fact that FDIC exists should be evidence enough to anyone with a functional brain that depositors in a bank are creditors and do not retain ownership of their literal deposit.

I'll be the heretic here, but so far as I know you are only required to make source available when you distribute binaries. And for that matter, it doesn't even have to be online just available upon request unless you're using a derivative GPL that added online access as a clause.

I highly doubt the users of a web interface are required to be given access to source. There are multiple GPL-licensed web servers (I am well aware Apache is not btw) and I've never seen one embed a code link on every page.

Tl;Dr: Lemmy does it, but I believe it's not required. Modify away if you so choose.

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