Hamas says it has taken ‘dozens’ of Israelis hostage

MicroWave@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 336 points –
Hamas says it has taken ‘dozens’ of Israelis hostage

An Israeli military spokesperson confirmed that there were “hostage situations” in the southern city of Ofakim and the nearby kibbutz of Beeri.

Hamas said it had taken “dozens” of Israeli soldiers hostage and moved them to the Gaza Strip as footage emerged appearing to show gunmen in military fatigues leading a group of mostly barefoot women down a street in Israel.

The announcement and video verified by NBC News came hours after Hamas launched a deadly land, air and sea attack and fired a huge barrage of rockets at Israel.


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If you punch someone on the nose, you can't expect sympathy when they punch back. This isn't going to produce the result Hamas was going for.

I mean, Israel is getting sympathy for punching Palestine for the last 75 years.

If Israel had been any other middle eastern country we would have leveled them when they attacked the USS Liberty. Instead we funded 3% of their national budget for another 60 years.



Israel only punched some of the time, not for the entirety and some of that time they were being punched which led to punching back. No, this isn't a one sided issue like Ukraine.

You can say the same thing about Israel as well. They are long past peaceful diplomacy when Israel decides it owns their homes.

Plenty of blame to go around, of course, but yeah, the Israeli failure to reign in Zionist squatters provides an easy rallying point. Whether or not Hamas is actually working for the interest of the Palestinian people is immaterial to the perception that they are willing and able to stick it to the Israelis.

I've believed for a long time that if Israel actually cared about a proper peace solution, rather than "peace when the other fuckers are all dead", they should've taken inspiration from the Allies and Marshall Planned the fuck out of Palestine. Build up infrastructure and industry, and give the Palestinian people some sense that things will be better, because people who have hope don't become terrorists. But that's obviously not something the Israelis actually want, and they're the ones with the power to change things, so here we are.

That's all fine and dandy to say, but look at Sodastream. They did their best, building a factory in the West Bank, employing lots of Palestinians and paying them fairly. What did they get for that? So much hate from international terror groups like BDS that they had to close that factory down.

One factory worth of jobs can't make up for an abusive government that wants to oppress people. They can't work their way out of this.

And that is why nothing shall change.

Yup and hopefully something will be done about Israel so it can stop.

Sadly, no one sided action can solve the problem. Both Israelis and Palestinians must decide to stop the violent among themselves and actually do the hard work to come to a solution. ATM not enough folks on either side willing.

It's already produced the result Hamas was going for. They are not fighting for better treatment, they are fighting to cause terror, murder Jews, celebrate their deaths, and revel in their control over the poeple they supposedly govern.

It was the result Nyet 'n Yahoo wanted as well. Like Mango Mussolini, he needs the distraction form his corruption in order to hide from consequences of his actions.

I can't even comprehend how one could have the situation so backwards in their head that they could say this.

With how skewed the power balance is against them, I support any effort at all to fight against Israel.

not every underdog in the world is morally in the right, you know. There's also a huge imbalance in power between the January 6th rioters and the United States Government—are you suggesting the rioters were in the right?

ugh, maybe I don't want to know the answer.

Once again, shitty comparison. I don't even think.I have to explain how this one makes no sense.

that was your logic: you support them because the power balance is skewed.

many evil groups are small, and weak, and underdogs. Rooting for them on that basis is stupid.

I have already outlined why the Palestinians are justified.

Justified in kidnapping, raping and murdering innocent civilians?

This same asshole had the audacity to tell me that my ancestors never lived in Israel. Don't engage.

^^ this guy tried to tell me ancient occupants of the region (who are almost certainly are not his blood ancestors) have a better claim to that land than the populus living there for the last several thousand years. Don't engage, he's clearly having a bout with psychosis.

Nothing justifies that, but every justified war effort in history have included atrocities. War is hell, and the way you look at it, especially when the Palestinian population has been forced to violence through almost a century of wanton oppression, is shortsighted.