Hamas says it has taken ‘dozens’ of Israelis hostage

MicroWave@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 336 points –
Hamas says it has taken ‘dozens’ of Israelis hostage

An Israeli military spokesperson confirmed that there were “hostage situations” in the southern city of Ofakim and the nearby kibbutz of Beeri.

Hamas said it had taken “dozens” of Israeli soldiers hostage and moved them to the Gaza Strip as footage emerged appearing to show gunmen in military fatigues leading a group of mostly barefoot women down a street in Israel.

The announcement and video verified by NBC News came hours after Hamas launched a deadly land, air and sea attack and fired a huge barrage of rockets at Israel.


Israeli army does this, Hamas does that

The people suffer.

Religion best begets violence as this just brings us closer to WW3

I hope the Palestinian people and the Israeli people can know peace in this lifetime

After so much time, I think there's no religion left in this conflict, only pure hatred.

The Israeli Right sees the inevitable future; Israel will lose its Jewish majority in the next generation or two. Bibi said "Arabs breed like dogs".

This is it. They may not get another opportunity to keep the Arabs down. They feel they need to crush and occupy Palestine because the alternative, in their eyes, is Arabs taking control of Israel and the Palestinians winning.

Indeed. Maybe the West Bank Palestinians can avoid getting dragged in this time.

Fuck Hamaz! The only thing that they're good at is misrepresenting all Palestinians as terrorists.

They have done incredible damage to Palestinians with this attack.

It's probably not even Hamas if we're being honest, Iran probably just paid a Hamas branch to take credit while most of the people on the ground aren't Palestinian but rather generic Islamic mercs.

I think that in the face of an overwhelming enemy the rational thing is not to fight to the last man but to find another solution. So it’s hard to understand how palestinians would get any long term benefit. It’s quite the opposite. I think they are being used as pawns by other nations.

They probably aren't palistinia, hell their numbers alone suggest they aren't because Palestine is severely lacking in men of fighting age because of Israeli policies and outright murders.

None of these organized people are worth a penny, both governments, all the terrorist groups, they're all scum, and the people suffer on both sides endlessly because of them.

And of course nobody is seeing the wider range of things. This was obviously caused by Russia and Iran in order to divert western attention from the Ukrainian-Russian war. Start actually giving tools to Ukraine to end Russia and you probably will be ending/preventing conflicts in a lot of places.

Western attention was already diverted, particularly in the US with Republicans actively blocking support for Ukraine. If anything, the opportunity for this attack was bolstered by Republican MAGA efforts to unseat McCarthy, as the US is further hampered by a dysfunctional House which now cannot approve aid to Israel (or Ukraine) until they select a new speaker.

Totally agree with you, (some) Republicans are helping Russia a lot. Should be investigated where their funding is coming from

Any evidence for the "obvious"?

Slowly genociding an entire people and their culture for their land eventually pushes them to commit unspeakable acts of violence to try and save themselves? Interesting.

You'd think after the atrocities of the 1930/40s they suffered they'd learn to have some empathy for others, but nope

I think that if they had no empathy they would have exterminated them a long time ago. They have the capability

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How is this saving themselves?

Do they somehow think that brutal violence at civilians will deter Israelis after brutal violence at civilians didn't deter themselves?

No, all they've done here is fuck over both Israeli and Palestinian civilians. Senseless violence and revenge where nobody wins.

Gaza population growth is 3% a year. If the Israelis are committing genocide they're not doing a very good job.

Words matter. The Israelis treat the Palestinians atrociously but it's not genocide.

If anything the attacks will always have a response so that a rational actor would think better the next time. That strategy at best keeps the status quo and at worst could end in their own extermination.

See the apologists are on top of the threads again. You sound like Putin. The crimes of the Palestinians are inexcusable.

You sound like a spastic. I wonder how many Palestinian civilians the Israeli government has killed. They really do deserve each other.

Self defense is inexcusable? Or only inexcusable when certain people deign to exercise such rights?

This will only bring more conflict upon the people Hamas pretends to "protect"

Worse than the abuse and degradation that they already experience? Worse than losing their land to thieves backed by the western world? Worse than being targeted by Zionist security agents?

Yes, since now all those things will be escalated in revenge for these indiscriminate attacks. It goes both ways, it's not one side that needs to relent; to achieve peace, both sides need to relent, but acts like this make that notion more and more implausible, and in the end it'll only lead to further escalation and further suffering, and given that Israel has more resources than Palestine or Gaza, that suffering will be felt more by the people Hamas "protects".

Self-defense against this little teenage monster, huh? https://www.instagram.com/p/CyG1HdsA5I9/

There's no such thing as self-defense against a civilian who never hurt anybody.

These are not incidental victims while the terrorists target the IDF. These are the targets. They are targeting innocent little girls.

Yes, murdering and kidnapping civilians is inexcusable, why would that be excusable?

The Israelis murder and kidnap Palestinian children on an almost daily basis. They kill Palestinians regularly. Are they not civilians being unfairly brutalized or is it only unfair when the western world says so? Or only when the victims are female, another bizarre western norm.

Absolute lies.

Pretty well documented at this point what the Israelis have and continue to do to the Palestinians but I see you.

The Israelis murder and kidnap Palestinian children on an almost daily basis.

Lol, you assholes just love the fact that nobody's going to look this up on Google.

Not even close. Total Palestinian deaths this year are around 2-300, by Hamas estimates, and are mostly adults engaged in terrorism, although Hamas refuses to distinguish. That number likely also includes Palestinian victims of friendly fire. Kidnappings are negligible—unless you count arresting a terrorist as kidnnapping. Palestinian children have died, but it's nowhere near daily or even weekly.

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By they way Lemmy.World mods can eat shit too for deleting comments criticizing Israel. because "please engage in good-faith and respect"

Post pics from the modlog!

Edit; still waiting

Pathetic, they even deleted it from the mod log, It was there in the instance's mod log this morning. despite me continuing to receive replies from my deleted comment . This is worse than reddit's shenanigans !

Edit : it's not only my comments which disappeared from the mod log, I remember having read many more comments about this situation on the mod log this morning deleted at the same time as mine. and now they have all disappeared

Is this where we're shocked about the Hamas fascist regime doing fascist things? Does the leftists that pretend Hamas isn't fascist rationalize out how they are justified to do this because of "blood and soil"? Probably need to obfuscate the "blood and soil" thing to convince themselves they aren't supporting fascism.

Odd how the actions of fascists are acceptable to leftists if the fascists are of a different religion and ethnicity from themselves.

Shall we continue with the narrative that providing military hardware to Israel to defend themselves from their violent fascist neighbors is different from providing military hardware to Ukraine?

This is who Hamas is. This is what fascists do. There's no real goal other than promoting violence to maintain their power.

People need to stop looking the other way about actions of those they support simply because they want to go along with what everyone else is supporting on the internet. People need to recognize that Palestine has a real fascism problem. Go ahead and criticize Israel if you want, but there won't be peace while Palestine is fascist, because peace is antithetical to fascists.

Can we stop calling everything fascist? Hamas is a terrible organization but they're not fascist, they're a theocratic jihadist group. It waters down us talking about actual fascists like Russia when we call every bad thing fascism.

they’re a theocratic jihadist group

Politically there's no difference, in the categorical sense, that is, isomorphic things are equal. But occasionally it's even clearer as e.g. the Nazis, too, could be called a theocratic jihadist group if you squint just right: They had their own esoteric system, and they definitely had jihadist fervour. Merging the state and religion was very much among their stated goal and all their internal politics were geared towards that measure.

Russia, as of yet, isn't fascist -- though Putin is now going ahead to make it so: Previously, as a Russian you were supposed to be depoliticised, now schools are indoctrinating kids in a fascist understanding of war and struggle, they are getting politicised in the image of the regime, to make sure they'll be willing cannon fodder.

And just for completeness sake: Likud, as of yet, doesn't seem to be fascist, at least going by Umberto Eco, only like two of 14 points are met. The settler parties to the right of them definitely are, though, which makes Likud collaborators and enablers so don't feel bad about calling them fascists.

Can we stop calling everything in the Middle East theocratic?

Hamas is a violent anti-democractic, and misogynistic movement centered around past humiliations and blood and soil type motivations. They tick all the boxes for fascist.

Putin tries to mix the Orthodox church into his rhetoric too you know. But no one buys it with Putin. People buy it when Hamas does it because of the assumption that Muslims are primitives that only understand religion and nothing else.

People are people everywhere. Palestinians are just as susceptible to fascist rhetoric as Russians, Americans, or anyone else in the world. American fascism is the Christian cross wrapped in the American flag. Religion being used as a tool a fascists shouldn't surprise you, it's the norm for these assholes.

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Would Palestine have such a problem if Israel stopped encroaching on them? Honest question.

Yes, Hamas will still have their stated goal of killing all Israelis and taking all of the country.

Would Germany have been such a problem if the Treaty of Versailles been more fair? Honest question.

In answering this question do you find yourself in agreement with a certain fascist regime? Thinking the treaty of Versailles was unfair to Germany doesn't make you a Nazi. Thinking that the Nazis were justified in their actions because of the unfairness of that treaty does make you a Nazi.

See that's how fascist propaganda works. Make people focused only on the wrongs done to them while claiming any wrongs done by them is justified.

There is no justification for ethnic cleansing. This is the goal of Hamas. They are evil.

In answering this question do you find yourself in agreement with a certain fascist regime? Thinking the treaty of Versailles was unfair to Germany doesn't make you a Nazi. Thinking that the Nazis were justified in their actions because of the unfairness of that treaty does make you a Nazi

Good comparison, thanks.

There are many people living in Palestine, it's important not to generalize them all as having the same will.

But for Hamas (which holds a majority of the seats in the PA), the answer is unambiguously yes. Their charter explicitly calls for the eradication of Israel, and also of all Jews. Their actions confirm their intent. They are popular and irredeemable.

More generally, a common phrase among Palestinians is "from the river to the sea." There are varying interpretations of this phrase, and its exact meaning, so not everybody who says it means that Israel should be razed off the map, but it likely includes at least a "right of return" for not only Palestinian refugees, but their descendants (who are often confoundingly referred to as refugees themselves). This influx of millions of Arabs into Israel—a democracy—would make it impossible for Israel to function as a safe haven for the Jewish people. That is intentional.

There are a couple of youtube channels going around just asking people questions. Different people have different perspectives. But by and large, Palestinians are not willing to accept current borders, or 1967 borders, or the UN's proposed borders from the 1940s, or any such thing without other concessions that would seriously damage Israel.

Of course. Their goal is not to reclaim lands but to destroy israel.

Also Israel suported Hamas to displace the PLO and then it blew up in their face

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