21 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Or Kbin! Kbin can do both microblogging and link aggregation/discussion. Tbh departing Twitter users coming to Mastodon, and reddit refugees are brought together on Kbin.

The "all-in-one" method acomplished by Kbin is a huge feat, especially when it's built by a single person from scratch (ie; not based on lemmy codebase wise) and still much more ActivityPub compatible.

Kbin is sadly very underrated imo.

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I think ernest (kbin dev) has already stated that he will start working on Kbin's own mobile client now that artemis is dead, although not sure how soon that will come, hope is still there. But you are right, we need a better third-party ecosystem for mobile than ever.

This is awesome! Keep up the great work and I hope the project doesn't get abandoned like Artemis, seems great so far, maybe you should look into creating a discord too for short-form discussions revolving around the project :)

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Melroy, if you don't mind me asking, why did you go away from Kbin to start your own? I see nothing wrong with Kbin, ernest seems to be a great hardworking guy, I feel like we are just spreading the already small community too thin, Kbin is already small compared to Lemmy and now only the development has started picking up it's pace back again, another spinoff of Kbin makes no sense to me personally.

I wish you just contributed directly to Kbin man.

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Reddit's long-term downhill has long-started, API changes was part of the beginning and now, it continues. If Reddit goes public, the need to please investors, VCs and so on will make it even less ignorant to what the users wants.

It has never been a better time to switch to Kbin or the fediverse in general.

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That is good indeed, artemis wasn't open source and the whole project's progress and work as a result was lost, glad to know a more open approach is being taken here!

Pretty much only threads as someone who has come from Reddit, I've avoided microblogging, never used Twitter before, hence I don't at all.

BTW I highly suggest you make a launch announcement on places like m/KbinMeta here with github downloads linked to get more users' attention

EDIT: I think you made a concept post here a while ago?

Thank you for the reply.

From my point of view, you were offline because you had personal issues to deal with, and you dealt with that first, and simply resumed the development after that, and I also see no issues with Ernest being the owner because he is the owner and the founder despite the project being open source and sure, contributions had to go through him but that's fine as long as Kbin itself isn't dead, if it was, then asking him to remove that process would be more reasonable to let the rest of the community try to revive the project, but Kbin wasn't dying or so, it was merely paused for a short period of time.

I personally won't be hopping in-between projects like a kangaroo, I am invested and am already on Kbin so far, its good to have alternatives generally, but in this case, I personally see no reason to go for Mbin. I also encourage and hope potential future contributors focus on a set of projects and not spread themselves too thin.

We all have a life outside the internet, so pauses or breaks here and there is natural, this is less visible in big tech companies, more visible in small startups/projects in early stages which was really the case with Kbin, so we should be patient, I will be atleast :)

Yeah it might be an added "Bonus" for people in the long-term besides threads, I think Kbin is certainly starting to cater to the audience that are mainly here for threads but it's also "nice" to have microblogging to keep in touch with both.

Sorry I did not mean it does not "matter at all", but I certainly think this is going to be a minority. Although this will be great for Mastodon users, Kbin's userbase is already small, young, growing but small, and the portion of users using microblogging of that is low.

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Well I really didn't look at your profile much so I am sorry if you feel personally attacked, that was not my intention.

My point is, if we all posted rather than saying "it feels empty" (not saying it just for you, saying for everyone in general here), then it would not feel so empty, as I mod some big communities here and I know for the fact that there are MANY lurkers who barely contribute, which is why it feels empty, but it's good to see you being active.

If it feels empty, then we need to take action and be the change we want to see. That is what I mean't and not targeting any individuals here, just saying in general.

No need to involve jesus christ, chill out :)

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And it's probably because of this.

See edit :)

And regarding your edit, yes, that seems to be the reason, but that is months ago at this point, and they should certainly revert it back, made a post there (linked in above post now through edits) and here (this thread), hope this can bring their attention and reinstate full connection back between both and

check m/cars! Works now!

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Ive also figured that increasing height value works, if you want to fit a bigger banner.

True, but I was still curious about what communities get mentioned here. And also, without communities catering to different users' interests, there will be no engagement.

I don't think these things matter man, unless they create a community on the threadiverse, most of us on kbin use threads, microbloggig is the minority and full-on microblogging people simply use mastodon.

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The main problem is actually with users like you and I mean no offense here, people subscribe which is a great start but they fail to post or contribute in ways that can help content and start a discussion.

This post drew attention and people have commented below, but if you didn't post this, the community's last post would have been 2 days ago.

My point is be the change you want to see, if we want Kbin to succeed, yall gotta start posting, not just looking around.

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Or for fun randomly, spamming downvote functionality on every recent post (back at some subreddits on Reddit), and that sucks.

I understand what you mean as for privacy, but at the same time, I do think at some point to reach the average user, it will be a must to be on Play store and Apple store. That being said, in early phase APKs are perfectly fine for tech-savvy users.

The question is not if they did or did not think, but if what they thinked was backed by historical facts at the time.

Great that you noted that, yes I will be putting a very clear disclaimer in the very top of the "About Community" section so that users will understand the name is just a result of being inspired by what r/ stood for.

EDIT: Here you go.

Please don't take this in a different direction against me lol, I am only calling this discussion and your arguements as "insansity" like the trash comparision you made that makes no sense to me, I obviously don't even know you personally, so that no way was mean't to apply for you, just the arguement and some of those points you put forth.

I didn't mean or never called you as a person as insane lol

Good job trying to shift it that way though

Wow, arguing another perspective (with a valid arguement) made me a victim, RIP


And it's funny how you left out 90% of my arguements, cherry picked them as per your liking and highlighted them against me.

EDIT: And I just realized you have been cherry-picking since the very beginning, leaving a lot of the good points I put forth, only highlighting some points alone like the weather, making it seem like I am being ridiculous with excuses, although I had a bigger context behind it.

You also said: "I don't really have the desire to deal with this...."

Yet you can't put a full stop and try to understand another perspective rather than your own, you seem to have a very locked and closed mindset, atleast from having this conversation although that may not be the case.

But you need to understand, it's nice to speak like a very responsible person, expecting everyone to be that way, I admire that, but the reality is, people won't go to another store and find a place with huge cart corrals just to be able to return it (I am saying this as you wanted me to take my money elsewhere), that's just not practically possible and it simply isn't convenient out there in the real world,

nobody is going to travel somewhere else that could be much further away just to be able to return a cart, I bet it's not even something people think off when they go do grocery shopping, you have to be considerate when demanding people to be more "responsible".

White sugar ESPECIALLY, just like the white bread, people, please go for brown sugar jaggery, wheat bread, the white ones are worse for health and very processed.

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That is surely good for sure, I am not against that in any way, but there are some young adults who are locked with porn which really is fictional and taped, and they can often be bad at real relationships, especially if they get extremely addicted to porn, using porn to help with you sex life is great, but it shouldn't get to a point where it's doing you no good with real relationships. Hope I am making some sense here lol

very nice to hear, but unrealistic out there in the real world, for most people out there, they'd probably not eat something if it either doesn't have a little bit of sweet or spice in it, depending on what food it is. It's a major addition to the food's flavour and edibility, if I am making sense here, for example: You can drink a chai with no sweet, but it will be terrible, it won't be good without alteast a little bit of sweet.

So yes, it is not needed but wanted technically, but that really don't matter when taste is something people give importance too.

And you need to understand, there are some food dishes that are mean't to be sweet or spicy to a certain level, that's just how they are made. Again, can you make them without the sweet or spice? yes, but will it taste just as good? Probably not, and that's being conservative.

So there is nothing wrong in using sweet or having a bit of spice, as long as both is done in moderation, and for that, using something like jaggery is way better than white sugar.

Sigh, I live near Tampa, I don't live there, not in the main city/area (outer part near to Tampa for added context. I don't think Ill give my exact location here though.

To me, getting a few upvotes mean nothing but a small encouragement and sign that the people upvoted my content liked it and only encourages me to post more in that sub. Same if it was downvoted, then maybe it's simply because people disagreed with me, or maybe there is something wrong with what I posted.

And these notifications are exclusively only for posts I MADE, hence this is a notification that does not affect other users, and they will only get notifications for the contents they posted.

I still don't see who this is clickbait or gamification.

As far as I know, clickbait means - a misleading way of bringing people to one's content, this is in no way clickbait as clickbait has a completely different meaning.

Gamification, doesn't apply at all when this does not affect other users but only you, even those who upvoted my content, only I get these notifications.

Reading your message, it doesn't even sound like you are against the idea of this notification for upvotes you recieved, but you seem to either not understand what upvotes are for or you are against upvoted.

Upvotes are mean't to encourage you to make better content and show how well recieved your posted content is, if you don't want upvote notifications for the reason you meantioned, might as well completely remove to upvote/downvote feature.

I guess we will just have to agree to disagree here, I don't go want to go in rounds for this.

Certainly nowhere near the scale of/from reddit.

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I do when I can! (although lately I have been doing a lot of grocery shopping online)

Hello, these types are question are not allowed here, and m/AskKbin is not mean't for this. Please review the community description and avoid repeating this in the future. Thank you.

I really don't understand you took this so seriously in the first place, and many of the arguments you made make 0 sense like that trash comparison, and the fact that you asked me to go somewhere else so what, I can return a cart? Or the fact that if I don't return the cart, I am making someone else do the work for me when some stores have people PAID TO DO THAT, because they lack cart return points, and how I am making them do it for the same reason I don't want to: climate, when they wouldn't even pick up carts from parking lots till night.

Not to mention how me returning would mean that employee's will be free from getting the carts until that is not true, because people are bound to just let the carts on the sides if the store did not bother to make return points, and literally have someone ready to pick them up at the end of the day, which tells me even they ARE NOT bothered from the store. Even if I stop, that wouldn't matter a bit if others didn't do the same, there are tons of people living nearby, and customers are bound to do this if the store doesn't give proper return points, this is reality.

Man, that's just a whole other level of insanity, glad you can't deal this argument anymore because I am really not interested in this either.

If you think this is bad or irresponsible given a genuine reason, then you haven't really seen the real irresponsible and bad things out there in the world, because this is nothing...

There was once in walmart a year back when they asked us to return the carts properly because it was too windy outside so it won't hit properly


Again, I find this funny, you sound like an absolute perfect person who wants everyone to be extremely responsible and do it despite inconveniences i've mentioned above...

Look, it's nice to hear that, but in the real practical world, people WILL leave their carts if stores are not bothered or care enough to install return points in the first place.

Come out of your delusional world, seriously.

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Lost me here, nope, nooooope nope nope nope. The weather is the least justifiable excuse -- Someone has to walk all that way to return that cart in the hot sun if you don't. If anything, making someone else do it is worse because of that weather.

Interesting, you do realize the employee who collects the carts get them when the store closes, hence at night? It would make 0 sense to do that in the morning because customers will keep coming.

I also saw you throwing out "but they have employees who do that" in another part of the thread. You wouldn't throw trash on the ground instead of walking it to a can just because a place has a janitor, I'm sure. It's exactly the same logic, and the reason you wouldn't ruin a janitor's day is the same reason you shouldn't ruin a cart collector's day.

This is a very bad example and a comparison, why? If I have trash, even if there is not a garbage bin nearby, I can keep it with me until I find one or just take it with me to home and throw it there.

Now with carts, that's a whole different story, I wish there was a machine where it could carry it for me until I reach to the whole other side of the parking lot, in a very busy moving parking lot with cars, but such magical machine doesn't exist.

Companies like Walmart earn millions and billions of dollars, maybe they should be installing more cart return points as the customers are the people who are keeping them in business.

I get that your local shop sucks for only having one corral. I really, truly do. But you know what I do when my closest store has practices I can't deal with? I don't make someone else clean up after me, I take my money elsewhere.

I already countered the point that I am making someone else do that for me, because first of all, they are just doing their job, and I am not being disrespectful here, but even if you may be okay dealing with the inconvenience the lack of cart return points, I am not, you can't expect everyone to be okay with something just because you are.

Regarding taking my money elsewhere, that'd be travelling twice as much, which is dooable, I have a car, but that just makes 0 sense, i'm wasting double the time of mine, and there is no guarantee walmart has enough cart return points there too, considering another person said walmart has been removing them on california, if they are doing that there, then I don't expect it to be any better.

Also, asking me to do that for a damn cart, seriously? And the employee is just doing their job, they will do it anyways even if I go or not, and please, don't compare that again with trash, it's a whole different story, because you make it sound like I am the type of person who throws trash on the ground wantedly near a place where there is a garbage can, so I can watch the janitor pick it, that is crazy.

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Yeah I heard Apple is being forced to allow sideloading/third party app stores in europe?

Edit: Found it, although the iOS 17 preview from Apple doesn't really talk much about this, I might have missed something though.

Thank you! Time consuming and can get tiring sometimes but I am pulling through haha.