1 Post – 257 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't think Russia has ever had a positive naval experience in anger lmao

Just don't lick the residue and you'll be just fine

Senyuk was attacked on social media by conservatives for the “immorality of her profession” and “trying to PR on soldiers” as well as the “objectification of a woman’s role” at war; it’s illegal to make pornography in Ukraine, which is why Senyuk works abroad.

Of course conservatives have their panties in a bunch over a fucking fundraiser. Also TIL making porn is illegal in Ukraine

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This mf is third in line for the US presidency?

Please tell me I'm wrong. I hope I'm fucking wrong. Wtf America

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Holy fuck. Spy vs spy. This is such a trip to the past!

This belongs in the "shirts that go hard" sub

Also, how do you link subs in comments on lemmy?

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There's no hate like Christian love ❤️

Stop right there criminal scum!

Isn't the "super like" a paid feature to let the other person know even if they didn't swipe left (right?) On you?

If so, max cringe

Saw no issue with it until public uproar... already shows the execs are completely detached from reality

"But number go up?"

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Republicans: we have to spend our money on Americans first

Also Republicans: fuck you, no more student load help

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It does get a lot of shit and I agree Bethesda is lacking in some creativity departments... but I'd still rate it a solid 6.5-7

I put about 80 hours into it. Enjoyed some aspects, disliked others. It's just HEAVILY mid in my opinion. Worth a playthrough if you like Bethesda rpgs

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Holy shit the literacy rate is kinda shocking..

Do people not like to read? A quarter of the population is fucking NUTS

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Less rude? Fuck you.

/s ❤️

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Unfathomably Based

Kinda somehow trained my dogs to expertly remove socks from feet.. Started as a puppy with an interest in toe biting, decided to try to mould it into something positive. Lots of "OWW"s later, she will delicately nibble the tip of your sock to seperate a bit of fabric from the toe, then grab on, and tug straight backwards (you gotta point your toe to help her out) and voila! Sock removed.

Thought it was dumb but 7 years later, my pregnant wife thinks it's the fucking bees knees

That dude is so white power, he tattooed himself almost completely black lmao

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Domo arigato Mr. Bepenbopenmann

Just a shot in the dark here... But pineapple enzymes are strong enough to eat the skin inside your mouth...

Now imagine that but on the much more sensitive skin of your dick

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Thank you for this.

Testament to mankind's arrogance

People who live near active fault lines: "don't even talk to me unless it's a 6.0+"

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Pretty sure this is an up to date list of the black sea fleet (or what's left of it)

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ITT: no one really knows what the hell the artist was trying to portray with this piece other than the blatantly obvious

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If you have to ask which ones, it's obviously not enough of an issue for you to notice.

Say NO to echochambers.

Ironically John French was known for his hatred of the french... even more so than the Germans he was facing in WWI

Far left, second from the bottom was the new addition

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It is an optional DLC. They won't release a second version of the game other than a complete edition when they're done producing DLC for it.

This is literally the community getting what it wants

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Might be location based. Central Canada and it's at 2.6

Dead since Reagan at least lmao

It's almost perfect

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Unions are on a roll. Go for it!

I turned my phone instead of my head and missed out on the whole experience 😕

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Lmao stopped upgrading years ago...

When this 5 yo phone kicks the bucket, I'll upgrade to a 4 yo model for cheap

Literally not missing out on anything and saving a fucking bag doing it

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He lives in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (or at least works in the area)

Super nice dude... just kinda has an obsession. This is his newer truck (his old one was just as good/ugly). He's also fully tatted in Avatar stuff lmao

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TIL about profile pics lmao

If you ask my fiance, I'm literally this oblivious sometimes