7 Post – 179 Comments
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Cottagecore Flintstones

::1 gang rise up

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Yuzu were scuzzy as fuck. There's a thread in /r/emulation where one of their members admits to the project stealing code from Ryujinx and then whines like a little baby over getting called out on it, claiming that it's okay to steal open-source code without attribution.

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How did I just notice that the upside-down version of "up" is "dn" which could be seen as an abbreviation of "down"?

It's so fucking comical to me too that they call it "god's will" when children die of the most horrifying, excruciating diseases imagnable long before they're capable of understanding what's happening, but when a pregnant woman makes an informed decision not to die during childbirth over a shrimp living inside her taco, that's a bridge too far, and the all-mighty creator and ruler of the universe is very disappointed in you for killing one of his children when he was powerless to stop it.

Sweetie, maybe your fairytale sugar daddy's will isn't all that benevolent. 💀

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No, no, you see it's free will. Which makes total sense, because god can't possibly foresee what we're going to do, which is a problem omniscient beings definitely struggle with. Or if he can foresee what we're going to do and he is omniscient, then he's not omnibenevolent because he had exact foreknowledge of what was going to happen and let it anyway. After all, why "test" if you already know the precise outcome if not to watch people suffer for fun? If you need people to learn lessons, why can't you just magically teach them those lessons? And if you're not capable of this, how are you omnipotent?

Pick at most two of the three; you can't have all of them.

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  • NFTs are objectively a scam, and unsurprisingly, 1208 – these developers – proudly and prominently display Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort on their homepage.
  • They just say "open-source" without stating a license, and coming from people willing to put a pyramid scheme in their no-effort mobile game, that sends up red flags for openwashing.
  • If it is open-source, that isn't god's gift to mankind or anything. There are plenty of existing open-source Flappy Bird clones that mimic it – as best I can tell – one-to-one because Flappy Bird isn't a complex game. And I'm somehow doubting a game designed to hawk shitty-ass NFTs has a lot of detail put into it either.
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Now, now, disbanding the entire police force seems pretty drastic.

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The judge sentenced him to 33 1/3 years. In Minnesota, defendants typically serve two-thirds of their sentence in prison and the rest on supervised release.

Castillo had eight prior felony convictions, including second-degree assault for beating another woman with a hammer in 2014. At the time of the knife attack, Castillo was on intensive supervised release and had a warrant out for his arrest after he failed to show up at a court hearing on charges that he assaulted two correctional officers at the Stillwater state prison in 2020.

Fingers crossed this worthless piece of shit dies in prison, but it doesn't seem likely if he'll only serve about 22 years. I'm usually pretty heavy on rehabilitation, but this one seems too far-gone. Hopefully they can at least get him a ton of psychiatric help and counseling before he's released on the slim chance he can change.

That's neat. Until a representation of something on a blockchain has any legal meaning regarding authenticity, ownership, or anything else, and until the overwhelming majority usage of NFTs isn't as a scam, NFTs remain a pathetic and comically stupid class of speculative asset constituting a pyramid scheme that also happens to destroy the environment.

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Robot clearly never watched the ending of Fallout 3 about letting the humans do it instead.

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No, it's an edited shitpost of the neo-Nazi's comic. He did not coin the term.

And if you haven't used it in a while, we recently made a blog post giving a rundown of the changes leading up to our most recent major release.

"Paint me like one of your French squirrels."

Christians are routinely taught that god is not just loving ("benevolent") but all-loving ("omnibenevolent"). Here's the Pope talking about how "tender" and "astonishing" and "gratuitous" god's love is. 4:8 of the First Epistle of John in the Bible – part of the de jure and de facto source of truth about god for Christianity – reads: "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."

Sure we could reduce that down to "omnibenevolent as long as you love him back", as e.g. Proverbs 8:17 says "I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me." But even then, god heavily abuses those who love him. The Bible tries to justify this bizarre cosmic domestic abuse in the book of Job, but it's one of the most ridiculous, fucked up stories imaginable where god literally bets with Satan that he can fuck up one of his most devoted follower's life as much as he wants and he still won't turn away from him.

Whether something is open-source or not is dependent on what license if any its creator chooses to put it under. a) This comment confuses me more than anything, and b) if you want to make a better Flappy Bird game, you'll probably have a better shot forking one of the existing clones than waiting for whatever steaming, uninspired pile of shit comes out of Belfort's wallet.

Hi, MBFC bot, you forgot to account for the fact that this is a wire story from the Agence France-Presse, one of the best, most credible news agencies in the world. As usual, you're less than worthless.

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Oh, what's that watermark at the bottom right? Oh, the site whose bread and butter is unsubstantiated, pseudoscientific conspiracy theories? Wow, I'm so surprised. I guess astrophysics journals aren't credible now either because some shitty flat Earth website says they're all secretly controlled by NASA.

Can confirm that /c/vegan officially endorses the Trump/Vance ticket.

"Charitably", I assume because they're massive racists that they're referring to the West and Central African origins of Haitians as an ethnic group and not confusing where Haiti is, but Nazis still deserve to be jailed over their disgusting ideology regardless of if they know what continent Haiti is on.

Your daily reminder that by paying for streaming services, you're receiving a worse product than the alternative.

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Not enough question marks in the world for this person's voting record. Obama –> Not Obama (unspecified) –> Trump –> Trump + rioted to overthrow democracy on Trump's behalf –> Harris.

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And yet ultimately, MBFC places their center – by their own admission – based on US politics, which is decidedly right of center within the developed world.

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MSNBC is owned by NBCUniversal is owned by Comcast. Any publicly traded corporation – let alone one making over $100 billion in annual revenue – will trample over anyone and anything – democracy itself included – in service of its bottom line. They exist solely to grow without bound as fast as possible like a cancer.

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It's ridiculous in the first place that this was allowed to be brought to Texas. Twitter is based in California; Media Matters is based in DC. Both organizations have fuck-all to do with the jurisdiction this case was brought before, except of course that Texas are in the chickendick minority of states who haven't passed anti-SLAPP legislation yet and thus wouldn't dismiss Musk's case outright.

Also, eat used gum off the toilet in a park bathroom, Musk; eating shit isn't good enough for you.

Edit: I was fairly mistaken about the anti-SLAPP thing; it's still stupid, but definitely see below for clarification.

piece of shit incestual paedophilic rapist

Pro tip for concise writing: this can be simplified to the word "cop".

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enslaves an entire race for centuries and then racially segregates them for another, stripping them of generational wealth, education opportunities, equal treatment under the law due to prejudice, and otherwise on average putting them far behind their white counterparts through zero fault of their own

"Teehee we gave you equal rights (kind of sort of) so now it's egalitarian and paying you back would be unfair to everyone else. You have to run the same-length track as everyone else, and don't go asking for special treatment just because we shot you in the leg before the race."

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they won't get a store that'll be convenient for people living there

They won't have a big box store come in, starve out all of the small businesses, and force their town into indentured servitude where everyone has to work there, they're not paid a living wage, and they can only afford to shop at the big box store, further increasing the problem in a vicious cycle?

The horror, I tell you.

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Congress needs to give the FDA the power to regulate supplements goddamn yesterday.

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I feel bad for the explorer and the kid and not a single other soul aboard this vessel. I empathize more with the microbes inside the shit that probably stained Stockton Rush's pants than with Stockton Rush himself.

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Yeah, as long as the payment method is FOSS, secure, and works as intended, I have no serious issue with pay-once software being introduced. There are apps from F-Droid I would pay a few dollars to use if required, and I'd be happy if it meant more and higher-quality software.

I feel like the freemium model they mention with subscriptions is just begging for F-Droid to be enshittified. F-Droid would really, really need to prove themselves with pay-once applications first for my liking before moving onto something so much more drastic.

And then ads are just a non-starter. Ads only exist to be psychologically manipulative, they're obnoxious as fuck in the present day, they're a privacy nightmare, and they're a vector for malware. I would see it as a betrayal of what F-Droid does for me, and I would actively see F-Droid as being sellouts who are only marginally better than using Aurora at that point.

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Who incidentally didn't even do anything. There actually was a woman who ate a cat, but she was neither Haitian nor an immigrant.

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As always, car dealerships are a ✨ plague ✨

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To clarify what MBFC considers "MIXED" factual reporting (the same rating they give known disinformation factory Breitbart):

Further, while The Guardian has failed several fact checks, they also produce an incredible amount of content; therefore, most stories are accurate, but the reader must beware, and hence why we assign them a Mixed rating for factual reporting.

They list like five fact checks, while The Guardian puts out basically quintuple that every day. And moreover, this is the sort of asinine nitpick that they classify as a "fact check".

"Private renting is making people ill." "Private renting is making people ill, but maybe this happens with other housing situations too, we don't know, so we rate this as false."

MBFC's ratings for "factual reporting" are a joke.

Remember: this didn't happen.

He was accused of punching his girlfriend in college and got kicked off the team at Oklahoma State. In 2019, prosecutors in suburban Kansas City declined to charge Hill after an alleged domestic violence incident involving his fiancee and their 3-year-old child.

I don't trust cops, and having read that, I don't trust Tyreek Hill. So I guess we'll just see how this pans out.

While jailed, Aviña was deprived of antiretroviral medication that he needs as an HIV-positive man. He was also forced to sign documents pertaining to his imprisonment that were written in Arabic, which he does not speak, without a translator. He said that he was forced to identify which contacts in his phone were his sexual partners, and subjected to “psychological torture.”

Aviña’s family and LGBTQ+ rights advocates around the world launched a campaign for him to return home, which was finally successful this week.

It's at around this time that a respectable UK government might say "give him back or we're wiping Doha off the map." It's good that he's free, but I hope he doesn't develop AIDS after this from being denied medication for so long.

This is a long, long article, but it's 100% worth it. The entire thing is infuriating.

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