Locking up items to deter shoplifting is pushing shoppers online

Xatolos@reddthat.com to News@lemmy.world – 218 points –

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they won't get a store that'll be convenient for people living there

They won't have a big box store come in, starve out all of the small businesses, and force their town into indentured servitude where everyone has to work there, they're not paid a living wage, and they can only afford to shop at the big box store, further increasing the problem in a vicious cycle?

The horror, I tell you.

How often do more ethical businesses swoop in to rent out the spaces formerly occupied by indentured servitude corporations? If these businesses aren't replaced by something, what will the people formerly working there do for an income?

Lemme tell you the amount of plaza chains and stuff that are built around and near big-box stores. Do you just live in a town where it's just one big box store? Please...

The ignorance of your comment.

Your ignorance is showing. A hell of a lot of people do live in towns where the only options are a big box store, or equally shitty dollar stores.