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Joined 1 years ago

I'm appalled that you actually expect me to do research on memes and not accept them at face value. Leave my propaganda addled mind in peace dammit.

My bad, I assumed we were actually staying on topic - getting incels mental help. I'll correct myself and assume from now on that any comments that fail to make sense are bad-faith attempts to co-opt a post.

Edit: Upon reread, I see that you were genuine, and I actually do need to check and correct myself. I apologize.

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If I or my wife ends up in an American inquisition because she had a miscarriage, we leave. Regardless of the outcome. Leave the States, leave the continent, run to Australia or somewhere far, far away from here.

Providing mental help does not equal women accepting abusive partners, how tf did you make that mental leap?

Edit: Upon reread, I see that you were genuine, and I actually do need to check and correct myself. Apologies.

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Classic hi-rez

I mean, I Heard that French monks were paid by the letter scribed, rather than the word, so they just put extra letters into everything using made up rules about spelling.

"Normalizing" like it hasn't been the status quo of life forms on earth for millions of years lmao

Emphasis on "Supposed to"

Babe, babe, wake up! New Mandela effect just dropped.

That's the kicker. You work out to breathe harder and faster, but as you work out, your heart gets more efficient, meaning at least you exert yourself slower, requiring more work to get the same heavy breathing.

I thoroughly enjoy it as a game. It's better with friends though, as some games tend to be.

I feel like too many people sleep on this game. It's so good

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Exactly, negative attention just gives him and his followers fuel for their persecution complex.

I played that game all of ten hours. Three of which involved a rando I met guiding me through his route to acquiring a horse early. Got to parade that shit to all my friends when we played next. 10/10 wouldn't play again.

Didn't a solar flare just hit us today? I assume that's the reason

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First, have they ever presented good evidence of anything?

Second, who would they present it to? There's no governmental agency or regulatory body in charge of disqualifying for insurrection. The only precedent we have for this is Confederates trying to run for office after the civil war, but that precedent got botched.

10/10 condescending attitude tho

It can and should come out of the profit margins of the landlord.

Those fees are multi-industry standard though.

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I mean, I generally agree with your assessment, but elite dangerous? I love Elite, but it is not a good game. Best thing to come from Elite Dangerous is the community.

Sirswag is easily the single most underrated creator on that platform.

I mean no offense here, but I think your take reflects how few relatively ground-shattering innovations have really happened over the last twenty years or so. I mean truly life-changing. Maybe the internet was last, I'm unsure.

I'm probably too young to have an accurate idea of how often an innovation is supposed to change the world, but it really feels like we've become used to seeing new tech that only changes life incrementally at best. How many people, if such an innovation was created, would fail to recognize it or reject it altogether? Entire generations to this day refuse to learn computer literacy, which actively detriments them on a daily or weekly basis.

Won't update their insurance because they don't want to use a computer. Don't know how to reboot a router/modem. Don't know how to change their password. Congressmen asking if Facebook/TikTok requires Internet access. Some small companies operating exclusively on fax and printed paper, copying said paper, sorting said paper, and then re-faxing it instead of automating or even just using one PC (I worked at a place like this).

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Assuming half of all women are right-wing is wild lmao


Lol does the horse retreat count as a victory?

I don't know if anybody answered your question, lemmy is weird about replies deleted or not showing. AD is Active Duty, which is anyone in the federal component of the military i.e. not guardsmen. "Active" means full-time, and most guardsmen are one-weekend a month, so they are not active. It's a little fuzzy, because if a guardsman is on full time orders, depending on where the money is coming from, it could be called AGR, or Active Guard Reserve, but they are not technically Active Duty (AD).

All you really need to know is that AD is just the Big Army or Big Air Force, paid for and run by the federal government, and the national guard is distinct from AD because of split loyalty to state and federal govt, and they are usually paid by the state. Otherwise, same regulations, same uniforms, same bad leadership.

That looks so good rn

I apologize. I've been up for twenty-four hours, the last twelve of which were on a delayed and then stranded bus in a snow storm. I was taking out my frustrations on you, and was needlessly snarky.

Upon reread, I see that you were genuine, and I actually do need to check and correct myself. I'll leave my earlier comments up with an edit.

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I was incredibly stupid and did buy it as a laptop replacement. The thing does what it was sold to do extremely well, but I have little Linux experience, and trying to learn Arch on SteamOS has been hell.

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I like Imperium a lot, but I'm so bad at it lol

Journey before destination, the next step is always the most important.

Just because people did fine in the past doesn't mean we can't try new things to improve the experience for our players.

Even if Hamas was lying about there being some of their number present at a given airstrike, how many Palestinian lives are worth sacrificing to hit one Hamas?

Every time a terrorist or nut job takes a building full of innocents hostage in nearly any other society, people who are trained to minimize casualties are brought in. With the way the IDF is handling their invasion, they would more likely bomb a building because there might be a terrorist, and that's giving them a significant benefit of the doubt that they aren't just explicitly killing innocent Gazans.

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Then where is the negotiation? The surgical strikes done only when they know exactly where the terrorist is? Where is the care for the former hostages that survive the encounter? The days-long standoff, where no action is taken for fear of killing Innocents? If the IDF were so good at it, why are they doing nothing we've come to expect of a professional anti-terror team? What of the harassment of even the people fleeing Gaza? How is that not anything less than genocide? They should be better than this, and you should too.

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Any time an android phone I own gets older than, say, a year, the volume controls get more and more sluggish. I feel like it's a form of planned obsolescence, but I haven't ever heard of anyone else talking about it.

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Yeah, the ear-blast videos take a full two or three seconds to register that I'm hitting the volume button. Tinnitus hit me like a train

I'm struggling to understand, are you suggesting you just keep thinking about it until you get a specific belief about it? How does that sound good?

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That's supremely condescending. You could help me understand but instead you're literally just doing what you say others do, assuming anyone who doesn't believe the same way you do isn't thinking about it long enough.

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Then it sounds like I also misjudged you. I probably saw a subtext that you were wanting the earlier commenter to believe the way you did and that they just hadn't tried hard enough. Probably just a disconnect at the "if at first you don't succeed" part.

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Gaza didn't do that. Hamas did that. And now Gaza is being bombed to smithereens. My comparison sticks. "Why did you make me do this" is such a common thing to hear from narcissists who take no responsibility for their own actions. The IDF do not need to respond to violence with more violence, and nobody is making them. The appropriate and honorable reaction would be to set up the rigorous spy network they should have had from the get-go, and capture and prosecute the actual people of Hamas who assaulted them, not bomb the everloving shit out of Gaza.

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Life before death friend. Life is too short to die on a hill where I'm shown to be wrong.