More than one-third of Americans believe Israel is committing genocide, poll shows

Lee to – 694 points –
More than one-third of Americans believe Israel is committing genocide, poll shows

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Even if Hamas was lying about there being some of their number present at a given airstrike, how many Palestinian lives are worth sacrificing to hit one Hamas?

Every time a terrorist or nut job takes a building full of innocents hostage in nearly any other society, people who are trained to minimize casualties are brought in. With the way the IDF is handling their invasion, they would more likely bomb a building because there might be a terrorist, and that's giving them a significant benefit of the doubt that they aren't just explicitly killing innocent Gazans.

The IDF trains to minimize casualties and their tactics for doing so are taught all over the free world. There is no army more experienced in fighting an enemy that uses civilians as human shields in order to get international aid and sympathy. It's called lawfare.

Then where is the negotiation? The surgical strikes done only when they know exactly where the terrorist is? Where is the care for the former hostages that survive the encounter? The days-long standoff, where no action is taken for fear of killing Innocents? If the IDF were so good at it, why are they doing nothing we've come to expect of a professional anti-terror team? What of the harassment of even the people fleeing Gaza? How is that not anything less than genocide? They should be better than this, and you should too.

Good questions. I think your first impressions were not accurate and now you're dug in. You keep seeing half stories and "reports" that sound significantly worse than they actually are, especially with regard to "bombing safe zones" and "indiscriminate bombing," and that further entrenches your initial, malformed opinion. It happens.

And in fact this is Hamas's exact plan. Here are the actual facts and history on this tactic:

Whether there should ever be negotiations with terrorists, even to exchange hostages, is a matter of debate and many countries including my own, have a longstanding policy of not doing so. I think the reasoning is obvious but if you need me to explain say so.