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Joined 1 years ago

Iirc (and as an extreme novice) superconductors allow for transfer of incredible amounts of energy with little to no loss, but require extreme supercooling to do so. A superconductor that doesn’t need that cooling would allow super-efficient energy transfer with very little to no cooling needed, meaning the overhead costs are reduced dramatically.

This would be a wonder technology if proven to be true, but my understanding is most of the rest of the world is highly skeptical at the moment. It’s like having your cake and eating it too.

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You know, it’s beginning to feel like there are too many stupid people in this country to save it.

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We would, if you people were capable of evolving past this shit

Because it’s your fault you were born in a regime that kills anyone who tries to leave?

That’s some hot shit take there.

This should be in the sidebar so the lore isn’t lost.

Firstly, you’re forgetting we live in a democracy. Voting is the source of that governments power - a mandate provided by the people.

Secondly, how the hell is this a shower thought? Shower thoughts are meant to be short, concise and interesting. This screed does not fit the bill.

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Except in this case it was less a sledgehammer and more a mirror.

Would be real nice if this supposed Omni benevolent god came down here and kicked the shit out of his misbehaving kids. You know, like a parent is supposed to do.

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I mean, making threats does put a target on one’s back.

Or were far more accomplished at hiding their crookedness and knowing when not to be a public jackass.

Russia owns the skies and the sea currently, and the bridge is deep behind enemy lines, close to Russia. It’s honestly very impressive they were able to damage it a second time.

Indeed. And how is this a “…miniature epiphany that highlights the oddities of the familiar”?

It follows neither the letter nor the spirit of the community, and moreover creates disagreement in a community meant to be lighthearted and at worst, darkly amusing.

Seeing that you’re from Canada, why is this so? Why is living in Canada so expensive relative to elsewhere?

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Second this, though it can be a bit rough for new players to get the hang of all the many systems they use. Once you figure out how to build around specific frames though, it’s totally brain dead slaughterfest for the most part

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Not if the injury makes them comatose.

Fun fact: you can have multiple sets of infinities and even though all are infinite, that does not mean they are all equal. See Georg Cantor.

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Does adding rocks to a rock make it rockier, or harder? Does it become a rocky rock?

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You will need to break decades of propaganda ops pushing the idea that labor is equivalent to socialism/communism or at least attached to the forces of evil in some form or another, or that a union is an evil money stealing organization that the ruggedly individualist American should never submit to.

It will likely be easier to wait for the misinformed generations to simply die out than actually affect that sort of change.

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As am I. We really, REALLY need younger candidates for President, but I’m not voting for a fascist man baby over just because the other guy is an old man with brainfarts.

If history teaches us anything, it’s that military coups are almost always a bad thing.

So are their guns.

Quite the existential crisis one would think.

I mean, Cantor said so, not I. But an easy example

Imagine a list of all whole numbers. 1, 2, 3 on up and up. Obviously this list is infinite - numbers do not end.

Now imagine a list of all real numbers - that is, all numbers plus their decimal amounts between each while number. 1, 1.1, 1.11, 1.12, 2, 2.1, and so on. This list is also infinite - but it is also inherently larger than the infinite list of only whole numbers. It has more numbers.

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You can bend or break rules, laws, and your waifu as well. Are they objects or concepts?

I see the points you’re making.

I still disagree with your position.

If the vast majority of people also disagree with you, would you still hold your position on this?

Sure, except the randos will be narrowed to an extremely small subset of the population.

Like, one-in-a-hundred-million small.

One of the biggest things I miss about Apollo was the ability to group and order my saved posts, and then search for them. I can’t wait for Wefwef (or perhaps another app…) to bring back that functionality here.

Would it not be wise to back up to more modern physical media as well, i.e. an external hard drive or at least a USB drive or heck, even a folder on your computer? I would never ever trust any cloud-or-internet based service with being the sole backup for anything of personal value.

You’re measuring a quality of the two objects, not the quantity, which might make a difference. I’m just sharing something I learned that I think is cool:)

The OG releases or the updated high resolution versions I wonder?

Judging by your comment you and I absolutely do not agree on what is best for the future of our country. Progressive tax is important, corruption exists within all governments but the ‘both sides’ argument is a horrendously stupid take that ignores social and environmental policy, and the similarities between conservative and liberal fiscal policy exist because the Overton window has shifted way too far to the right (in America); to see truly leftist/liberal economic policy, we must shift the spectrum away from the conservative/right side.

Oh, you

Until you’re stupid enough to pull a fire alarm in the middle of a high stakes congressional session.

He either delayed a vote intentionally, or is a dumbass. Neither have place in Congress. And I am a democratic voter.

How does that make any sense? A celebrity AMA is like a form of advertisement. I sincerely doubt money ever changed hands between anyone, especially with volunteer moderators at the helm. The celebrity gets to schmooze about their latest project, and Reddit got extra clicks.