1 Post – 181 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I agree with most of that however The King in Yellow was made when he was around 5 years old. People sort of put it into the Lovecraft universe because of the themes but nope has 0 connection at least in its inception. The whole Lovecraft universe is sort of a hog podge of other's authors work as well who sort of expanded and formalized parts of it. Its honestly very cool what a group of authors can do when IPs and such aren't hoarded in a huge vault being left untouched until its economically advantageous to use.

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Dude if someone is spending 1.8k on just a fucking CPU and GPU together (this doesn't include the cost of the motherboard, ram, storage, case, monitor, or mouse) I would fucking hope I can run my new game release at fucking 60fps 4k (minimum) natively.

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It just seems Valve wants to avoid the legal minefield that is AI art, so the stance they take is just not allowing such things until there is legal precedent and with the advancing field I imagine something will occur within the next 5-10 years (if not in the next year or so). We can question the ethics of AI art and the commercialization of it but things do get a bit murky when we try to shove AI art/AI generative tools into a singular box. It would be like I insinuate that a selfie portrait is in any way comparable to a higher forms of photography like the "Saigon Execution", it would be downright insulting to have a photo that embodied many people's feelings of the Vietnam war in such a macabre photo to someone doing fucking duck lips at a black mirror for updoots or what the fuck ever people do selfies for. It seems rather unrealistic to say the process of using generative AI poisons the well (even though some argue it should) but where do we draw the line, doing touch up or drawing over it in a photo manipulation software does that make its own original work now? Like said don't know until there is legal precedent.

I mean it is a $800/900+ waterblock. No reasonable consumer should buy it. Its a cool project to show Billet Lab's ability to fabricate and mill custom parts but this is such a niche thing.

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You are referring to Doom 2016 actually. While that turn out decent, one of their key arguments was due to it being online focused. We all know Doom 2016 had rather generic multiplayer.

With that said, it feels silly not to have issues when publishers refuse to send out review keys. Its a huge red flag for a game, this doesn't mean it will be bad but its a trend we shouldn't be happy about. Its only done to help preserve preorder numbers.

Clearly following the religious text.

Deuteronomy 22:28–29

28 If a man encounters a young woman, a virgin who is not engaged, takes hold of her and rapes her, and they are discovered, 29 the man who raped her is to give the young woman’s father fifty silver shekels, and she will become his wife because he violated her. He cannot divorce her as long as he lives.

While not the same, it sort of catch the drift. Like people can worship whatever religion they want but Jesus this section of the bible is horrific and sort of highlight women as mere property (one of the countless examples in the bible), which should be expected coming from that time period but crazy this kind of thing is still expected to be followed unquestioned.

I think you are sort of missing the point. Currently Blue no matter what is sadly the best choice right now. Its clear we are seeing that democrats are 100% willing to screw over others to get theirs as well seeing as they are trying to block ranked choice voting, which is a net good thing. Its just straight up first past the post+ (FPTP+).

Edit: This isn't to advocate against democrats at the current moment because clearly Republicans are just worse in almost every fucking way but we need to be vigilant and its clear we need to fight for Alternative vote/Ranked Choice Voting since the other poster is right, right now Democrats are relying heavily on you have no fucking option besides us. So sit down and shut up and we will give you crumbs rather than the Republicans just shitting in your mouth calling it chocolate.

Which in a weird way is an ethical way to make porn with no "exploitation" involved with the process and there will always be a market for the "real" thing for the market. Now the AI art people can be incredibly thirsty but I do feel it is a bit reductive to say its mostly only for porn when the applications of it can be quite useful especially for hobbyists (who I feel aren't profiting solely on those creations). I see great use for generative "art" for tabletop in terms of character sheets/custom monsters/settings/ and even maps. AI art isn't necessarily a bad thing its just the fear of what large corporations will do with it that is really the scary part (also bullshit scammers who steal X artists work and try to resell it as that artist)

Please take a moment.

A detective testified that surveillance video showed the two suspects going to the car as they both put their hands on their waistbands, as if to indicate they both had a weapon.

Now please consider what you just said, while acknowledging the context.

On a more serious note, are you implying cops have futuresight? I sure hope that is what you are implying. Since you have to be a fool to take a fucking threat lightly no matter the age of the individual who is perpetrating it. I'm sorry but a 5 year with a fucking gun can kill someone, sure as hell a 13 year old implying they have a gun who is trying to car jack someone may be seen as a credible threat. its unfortunate that this young man didn't find a way to be a productive member of society and with his death he will never find that. We can't lose sight that if you bring/suggest you brought a deadly weapon into a situation you have forfeited your right to life (you can't infringe on another person's right to life and expect no pushback for it) until you are disarmed and immobilized. You may take this as pro cop talking points but no this is being a fucking realist, it can happen to anyone at anytime.

Cops should be held to some of the highest standards. They are in theory the enforcers of the law and the public would lose trust if that gets abused. That is why we are currently in the situation we are in right now. Cops are being recorded and rightfully so. The justice system already favors cops. So I'm 100% down for being skeptical of cops but in this case I'm sorry you are way out of line.

I mean if they have read some of his stories, it should be pretty obvious he was pretty fucking racist. The cat thing is a fun meme but if anyone has read at least call of Cthulhu the work most people know about its pretty on the nose. Every human antagonist is either black or a foreigner and he is pretty blatant about it. Hell don't get me started on Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family (or The White Ape), that one is just so funny with how bloody racist it is because the conclusion is so absurd, you can't take it serious.

You know ignoring your comment that the war has been going on for 3 years. Its only been a year and halfish maybe closing into 2 years. Its laughable that a country like Ukraine whom's military budget before this was several fractions of Russia's is able to hold them back in open fucking warfare. I know you are gonna say whatabout Vietnam or "War on Terror" but those were insurgencies (ignoring the ethics of the US being in those wars since really we shouldn't have been) the US and Nato trying to capture territory typically goes smoothly as we seen in the Gulf War and Desert Storm basically being called the 100 hour land war

I may need a bit of a reminder when Republicans were the party of "privacy" since I'm fairly certain both parties aren't that great with it. Democrats may be at least more upfront about it but damn republicans love to say they "care about privacy to do ____" unless its falls out of their "values" then it not about privacy its about banning it and harassing those who dare go against their "Judeo Christian values"

yeah not sure about that. Most of human history would say freedom of speech (and most of the concept of natural rights) is a rather newish ideology. In the past, speaking negatively of higher powers (religious organizations, ruling class, etc) could lead to sanctions, imprisonment, or death and that is still very much the case in many countries to this day. We can argue _____ is a "natural right" till you have arthritis in your hand joints but you have to be blind to think governments have nothing to do with it and its enforcement. In a utopia, maybe it is granted naturally on birth but in reality it is a "right" that has to be "fought" for (legally or with arms). Like are you seriously arguing the people of North Kor... Sorry, I mean the Democratic People's Republic of Korea are born with this "natural right" of free speech but if they dare use it they and possibly their immediate family may be subject to torture, rape, reeducation camps, and/or work camps.

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I mean the only reason smallpox was wiped from this earth is because it took 20 years of dedication by the WHO to fully wipe it out.

The top 10 countries with measels cases as per the CDC are

  1. Yemen
  2. India *
  3. Kazakhstan
  4. Ethiopia
  5. Russian Federation
  6. Pakistan
  7. Kyrgyzstan
  8. Democratic Republic of the Congo
  9. Iraq
  10. Azerbaijan

The top 10 is based on data from the dates of June 2023 - November 2023. Each one of these are over 3k cases and the top one being at 23k and #2 being 13k.

So yes, some parts of the world has problem with Measles and unless we dedicate the time to fully eradicate it, it will never truly be gone. The antivax nonsense in the first world countries will only make this worse. Can't wait for the fucking return of Polio (however polio may be the next disease eradicated since its currently only in 2 countries and there were 6 reported cases in 2021) or TB

Note: WHO classifies all suspected measles cases reported from India as measles clinically compatible if a specimen was not collected as per the algorithm for classification of suspected measles in the WHO VPD Surveillance Standards. Thus numbers might be different between what WHO reports and what India reports.

I mean even federal holidays don't help. At least for the lower classes since businesses are not forced to follow said holidays. It may be good for federal/government workers but from the private sector it will mean very little.

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I would agree unless the carjacker appears to have a gun. Like its not great a 13 year old died but with how weapons are designed. Its quite easy for a 13 year old to end a life (intentionally or not) if armed.

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I mean yes its a technicality but its also a pointless argument seeing as most political parties aren't the same after 100+ years. Hell even in a span of 20 years, it is quite crazy to see progress since for a while the democrats basically avoided the whole lgbt topic entirely but now is one of its "pillars" for party ideals.

Oh yes, because everyone knows. They say one thing it totally won't morph into something new afterwards. Also how do you imagine they will "restrict" the modding? By making the game more tamperproof and harder to mod. So while it may not be "prevented" they will basically make the only mods around texture swaps or some shit.

If you read the article this isn't purely about the Epic game store but around the publisher of the game who was bought out by Epic. there are about 30-50 reviews per month for the title on steam. So I think its a safe assumption that it has at least sold some copies in a period of 2 years. There were at least 70ish reviews for the Holiday "expansion" standalone in 2 years.

I would disagree. Linus has a tendency to put his foot in his mouth or probably say he phrases many of these discussions in very bad ways. You see this with him talking about "Is using adblocking piracy" or "Warranties are only trustworthy as the company you buy them for" (Trust me bro) or the many other controversial views he has had. Where at the face of it it looks pretty incendiary but if you ignore what he said initially and look at what he is actually meaning to say. I think the whole Billet labs' cooler thing was a stupid video and they should have done it with a 3090 TI FE as it was meant for but Linus meant it was a "bad product" because its a $900 cooler for a last gen cooler on a 1800+ GPU. Anyone willing to spend that amount of money is probably going to spend it on the newest thing, that being the 4090. Now where this comes to bite Linus in the ass is they have a preorder for a 4090 fe (for the same price as the 3090 ti one) here Which is set to release around next month or November. Now its clear many things weren't discussed but off the broken concepts that Linus was presented/or at least absorbed he isn't wrong that noone would want a exotic cooler with a last gen gpu but its clear there was a major breakdown in the communication pipeline here.

Edit: Haven't had any comments yet but I will say LTT really done fucked up with the whole auctioning off the prototype and its clear there is some issues with the organization of LTT. I don't think they did this out of malice more they had a contact who didn't talk to the logistics team or the team handling LTX. So out of mistake the prototype got sold even though they said they would send it back. That is pretty god damn egregious. I can understand why there was a fuck up but man they really screwed the pooch on this one.

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I mean the quality of the test data is slipping but

"He’s Targeting a younger audience as they are more likely to spend money on stuff."

What younger audience has the income for an $80 screwdriver and a $200+ backpack? I think you may need to think out your point a bit more since nah I don't think they are targeting a "younger" audience those in the sub 20 category. I think they are primarily focusing on just being a "entertainment" product rather than a informative review one. They do fine with technical stupid jank shit but probably shouldn't be trusted for specs for the moment but at the end of the day I think labs will still probably be better than userbenchmark (even though that is a pretty low bar).

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Oh yes, instead of the IRS we get private companies who knock on our doors and harass us, who will take a far larger cut than before for the sake of privatization. Taxes gotta be collected and sorry its pointless to be angry at the IRS when they are just following the laws that congress have established.

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This is such a silly argument. Sure I can make a game that has a fucking memory leak to "really put your PC to the limit" and render every single tri on a polygon no matter the distance you are looking from but that is just a stupid way of "pushing your pc to the limit". Hell lets make a 30 billion tri model for a generic npc and populate a scene with many of them, that will surely push your pc to the limits. This is just a poorly together hackjob where they know they can just patch it post launch because fools will buy this shit. The devs are working hard on this game but optimization shouldn't just be pushed off to the post launch era of a god damn game.

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3-5 degrees compared to EK's equivalents. Jesus people, even Billet labs says this and they are the manufacturer

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I mean you aren't wrong, Epic did the same exact thing when Valve said no NFT bullshit on their market.

You missing the point I was making. I'm saying if LTT shot the video right and used a 3090 TI, we wouldn't be talking about this it would be a pointless video that most people wouldn't have given a shit about. It was 100% a filler episode. They really should have done it on a 3090 TI but holy shit this drama about this has been going on for a fucking month now only just rekindled with the GN news.

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Come on now that is a bit unfair.

Its a bloodborne PC port.

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Okay, would we be even talking about Billet Labs after a month if they didn't fuck up this video and selling off the prototype? This situation has been probably the best case scenario for them. This isn't to absolve LMG's part in losing the prototype and selling it off but if it worked as intended we wouldn't be talking about a 900+ waterblock for a gpu right now. It would be a long forgotten video because most consumers don't give a shit about boutique water cooling solutions, wow what a filler ltt episode. There is a market for it but and I continue to say this what super water cooling enthusiast is going to follow the words of local idiot/"funny" youtube man who does stupid watercooling projects in the dumbest ways possible.

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I mean sort of. While I get what you are saying but it seems a bit weird, as long as the person isn't being fired for being part of a protected class I see no issue with a company trying to distance themselves from someone who function is to be a "Brand Mascot" where what they say will be associated with the company hiring them. Fame is a rather fickled thing and reputation sort of plays into the worth of a "celebrity", like sure behind closed doors these asshats can be as vile and shitty as they want to be but the second they are exposed in the public, the public's desire to see said person probably drops dramatically since they are isolating a section(s) of the audience who will be wanting to watch something with them in it.

Hell a decent example would be Ellen Degeneres, after it came out publicly that she was a bit of a cunt to her workers. The rating for her show dropped quite a bit (apparently about 40%) after the backlash leading to many of her side shows getting canned and her not getting renewed for a new season for her talk show. At the end of the day its just a big popularity contest where everyone is vying for people's attention in an already saturated market.

It is funny or sad depending on how you look at it that the fan modding community has done more for VR in these last few years than most of the big names. Then again it does make sense since there isn't much big money to be earned in the VR space right now. Hell while not a big fan of what Meta is doing with titles, they appear to be the only ones paying out a premium to have games developed for them resulting in a closed garden but for some indie devs, it actually pays the bills.

Can't wait to see what 2024 has for VR since with the release of the Unreal engine universal VR wrapper, we will likely see a boom in VR mods at least for the Unreal scene. Great job to all the mod developer out there putting so much effort into the medium.

I mean it isn't but sort of is at the same time. It firstly depends on what kind of kickstarter it is. There are many ways where its just a system for a publisher to gauge interest in the project. Those are typically just preorders however many others are just throwing money into a well and hoping something comes of it. I get people's hatred of crowdfunding and it can easily be a trap. Where a ton of people are just there to get the money and leg it or who are simply too incompetent to use the funds properly. Hell even experienced developer can be too incompetent, double fine studios/Tim Schafer is a poster child for this. While I love their work, they had a horrid run with crowdfunding and I guess it should have been expected since they are always late and overspend on their budget when they were working with publishers.

Now with all the negatives said, I think crowdfunding in all its forms can lead to wonderful project that simply couldn't have existed due to a lack of interest by publishers. Hell I doubt we would had Baldur's Gate 3 without crowdfunding and this isn't talking exclusively about BG 3 since the Divinity Original sin games really got the ball rolling for Larian Studios. Crowdfunding can lead to the rebirth of genres once thought dead.

Its a single player game, who gives a shit how someone run it. If someone is spending 1.8k on just 2 parts I think its fair to hope a game will run "well" like this is abysmal.

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Except they have been increasing the prices this whole time... Most of the prior race packs which focused on 2 factions from Total Warhammer 2 were 10 dollars per pop. Hell the last 2 dlcs were so much bang for the buck since they basically made a pair of 19$ dlc obsolete (yes, with the new pack you only get 1 lord each but having 1 lord but a whole new faction for 10 bucks is good value and that doesn't even count that you also get a number of units from a different faction as well). So Total Warhammer 3 comes out and to say it was a fucking mess at launch is an understatement. Their first new dlc is a race pack at the price of 16 USD. So we see an increase of about 60% right there for many units that simply should have been in the game at launch since the chaos roster was very light compared to the other 2/3 factions in the game as well. So come around to when we get a new faction, prior to this factions cost around 19$ and the price increases to 25$ and personally the community was angry but I was 100% fine with this since yeah prices increase and factions have been this price since 2016. So its fucking insulting they do a new race pack and give us a bullshit letter saying I quote

To get right into it: our costs are up. Unfortunately, that means that prices have to rise. We know any increase is going to be tough, which is why our prices have remained fairly stable over the past few years. The downside is that any increase today is going to be more noticeable.

When this is a blatant lie, this new race pack that gives us less content than prior is now an increase of 150% from 10$ it used to be in total warhammer 2 but a ~60% increase from the last fucking price they had from a year prior. It also doesn't help when they haven't patched the fucking game when there is obviously broken shit. For instance they dropped a patch for the honorable frenchmen (Bretonnia) but some faction features were broken for nearly half a fucking year until after this whole. Hell Nakai the kroxigor (A big fuck off giant lizard alligator man who can do a death roll) lord for again half a year couldn't recruit his special units and kroxigors. This anger is coming from a place where obviously the money they earn is being misused on other projects that end up crashing and burning. Like a fucking new extraction shooter that was a money pit gets canned that was DOA (technically never got released but I know they were running beta test and I imagine it getting canned was based on how much engagement was around it, I remember seeing so many fucking ads that beta test). A reskin of Total war Troy (A newly released AAA priced game that had a peak of 5,424 user), which has failed by basically most margins. So its god damn insulting to hear a lead say basically if you don't buy this dlc expect this game won't be supported anymore even though it is literally CAs only cash cow right now. People want better support for this game, it is under horrid management. A ton of anger is strictly coming from how poor a game WH3 released as and the continued support it has seen. We need a proper custodian team who can actually patch this game more than once or twice in a span of half a fucking year.

Edit: I also want to hammer home how fucking bad TW Pharaoh did.
Peak users
TWW3: 166,519.
Shogun 2: 10k or 50k (can't get an accurate count since Steamcharts only goes back to 2012 but SG2 came out in 2011) was 10k (as long as we ignore when the game was given away for free then it was at 50k).
Rome 2: 118,240
Attila: 26,237
Rome Remastered: 18,407
Three kingdoms: 191,816

But its multiplayer only (which has its own problems). So a crack would be pointless. Its always pinging home, so it just wouldn't work.

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How can you implement anything meaningful with ray tracing when shocker, not everyone can use ray tracing. Games are unfortunately designed for the median crowd. I would argue maybe the next console generation shall be that point when ray tracing is the norm. We have seen this fairly recently with SSDs, where they floated around for nearly 10-14 years in the consumer market being a cool piece of tech but most games were being designed for a hard disk except now most consoles have SSDs as the base standard, so this means the game can be designed around that specification and take advantage of it. Even though I am a PC stan, I understand consoles have a huge impact on the gaming industry.

I mean even then, its odd but I don't see a problem if modders aren't selling the mod as a "expansion" to users. Ai voices are iffy but they can bring so much cool things to the modding scene. The biggest problem is when large corporations like Rockstar/Take two/etc start using them to replace actual voice actors. A modder isn't going to have the money to pay an A list voice actor to voice act in their mod

Edit: I do think it does cross a bit of a line if said mod is a sex mod but realistically that isn't a logical difference between that and a normal mod but it does feel like its crossing a line.

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Sorry but you are foolish. Your peaceful wonderland bullshit is just going to lead to a another great war. You don't see how our people benefit from denying a geopolitical rival to limited resources. You think if Russia had a larger supply of natural gas, oil, and food production they wouldn't exploit those around them. Yeah the Military Industrial complex does benefit from this but you are acting like Russia is innocent on this shit. They are actively in this war and started it. You can bitch and whine about how the west has interfered in Ukraine but that doesn't give a sovereign nation a right to invade another country.

Like holy shit your fucking bullshit logic would have meant the US had a right to invade Mexico in 1917 with the Zimmermann Telegram. We already see the signs of China testing the waters with Taiwan. You don't see how this war in Ukraine can possibly dissuade a more impactful war when all our electronics are basically made in Taiwan. Appeasement isn't going to help here and letting Russia take Ukraine shouldn't be on your table. They will continue, they have done this so many times now.

We don't have to act like its either we get healthcare for all or support the war with Ukraine. This is some broken ass logic. You are acting like its choice when no it is infact not a fucking choice. We have internal pressures from the for profit medical industries that are pushing against universal healthcare, it has nothing to do with the MIC

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I mean it depends on what kind of content will be allowed. If we are sticking to text and "small" images only with maybe relying on embeds for larger files like images or video maybe but the reality is hosting a social media site gets expensive. Hell there is a very good reason we will likely not see many competitors to Twitch or Youtube since they are an inherently unprofitable businesses, bandwidth is expensive, heck even storage is expensive. The free internet may be slowly disappearing for better or worse.

LMG must recognise the majority who watch LTT are often casual and will forever just remember “Linus said no” and not question it further.

So they are casuals primarily but you expect some subset of them to be willing to buy a $900+ waterblock? I feel I'm going through brainrot right now with this shit. Any enthusiast is probably not going to take the youtuber "funny" man, who thought it would be a good idea to watercool his PC rack with his pool with no heat exchanger in between said rack and the pool installation or really any other dumb watercooling project they have done (that typically end in failure), as a person you should go to for your boutique custom water cooling needs. Like even in the video they were pretty blatant on how its going on the wrong gpu.

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I think its a bit unfair to say they got lazy. They just shifted their development to lower the priority on optimization since even though corporate Game development sucks I don't think I've seen many "lazy" game devs. Many of them work pretty hard jobs for shit pay at least compared to other programming fields (Rough crunch periods, most of their audience hates them, etc)