DeSantis says as US president he would eliminate IRS, DoE (Energy & Education) & DoC(Commerce) to politics – 415 points –
DeSantis says as US president he would eliminate IRS and other agencies

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Oh yes, instead of the IRS we get private companies who knock on our doors and harass us, who will take a far larger cut than before for the sake of privatization. Taxes gotta be collected and sorry its pointless to be angry at the IRS when they are just following the laws that congress have established.

Fuck... imagine having TurboTax collect your taxes...

We'd get the auto generated results we've been asking for. But the entire back end process would be a black box so there's no way to know if they're telling you the truth. And they'd figure out a way to make it a tier subscriber system too.

And they'd send you to a for-profit collection agency to charge you huge amounts of interest on any debt they decide you have, which you can't contest except by going through arbitration. And the corporate side always comes out on top in arbitration.

Oh no, they can't leverage bench warrants for subpoenas they never delivered if they go with Arbitration. In court they get the cops to haul you in after you lost because you didn't know you had a court date, and the judge just orders you to pay a monthly amount that bears little resemblance to your finances. That's because they do them in batches and there's about a minute to argue your case against the Judge's golf buddy. Then when you can't pay you keep getting sent to jail.

It's already just a matter of time until we bring debtor's prison back officially and force people to "work off their debt". Which will, of course, be impossible to achieve.

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