0 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Unpopular Oponion: None of us has a soul Ergo: Porn is indeed free.

Well maybe you pay with your personal data and dignity though.

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Using the app forces you to log in (via email or similar). And that can be backtracked to you if you're not careful!

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Dude he pulled a gun on an unarmed man. Owning and carrying a gun outside of court? Yes, fine whatever. Inside the court where no one except the bailiff(s) is supposed to have a weapon? Nah mate. No fucking way.

You should be. Those women are vicious and horny. A bad combination if you aren't into them.

It worked in Africa... for the swiss cunts at least. #fucknestlé

Honestly? That does sound impressive. Imagine a killer being caled el pendejo for the way he kills. Wouldnt wanna meet that guy

I seem to have anxiety, depression and ADHD all at the same time. The holy trinity

Gotta catch them fans young. Scar them and make them love you

If Disney did that... wait. No. This is actually quite the Disney move right there.

It will heal in death. Our deaths. And then no one will be traumatised ever again! Because no more humans exist! The system is perfect!

Edit: I seem to have had a stroke: If we do not have children, only THEN will no one be traumatised again. Please excuse my sieve of a brain.

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Damn. Another example of a famous video game figure being ruined by drugs and repeated street fights.

Isn't Bert the kind of guy who says he doesn't have friends and hates Ernie even though he secretly likes him?

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Who is the guy on the right?

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I'm colourblind so that doesn't work on me HA WHOS THE DUMBASS NOW??

If you think about cows having to be pregnant constantly it makes the milk almost go sour... Even though I agree.

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This is Commander Shepard and I this (any shop that gives me a discount, because I am a cheap dirty capitalistic whore) is my favourite shop on the citadel. 👍

For the mist massive Shitpost ever. He will be remembered in his annals for ever.

Overgeared is overrated imo. Mc just keeps getting stronger and winning by pure luck is kind of boring me with time.

Rhetorical upvote.

Germany should be beer and clowns.

This is commander Shepard and I approve of this comment section!

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Hell yeah I am. Fuck them trackers!

If anyone can start a cult on here then it is you good sir. And yes of course! Any cabin in the woods is a place for us to be! Ahem. Me. For me to be.

I agree by 100.000%

See above. Its Hayao Myazaki. Master of Anime and hater of what it has become/is, in spite of the grander vision he has of Anime.

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Hahahahaha I thought you had said pants.


Well... kay point taken

One of his well known quotes is "Anime was a mistake" But in his works it shows that he lives the freedom it gives him and how he can realise them.

And PS: as long as you recognise the artstyle you can call yourself a fan. And now you wont not recognise him anymore :D

Wie bitte?

And do nothing for days am I right?

Death doesn't have to be negative. Just imagine going out guns blazing as flames erupt all around you, or going to sleep never to wake up again, peaceful. Because it is only natural to die one day. You don't have to run from it. Just embrace it and make the best out of it.

Death is inevitable. It has to happen at some point. Thus you should settle your affairs in due time. But that is up to you. And has little to do with my point does it?

But not everyone does that. I would as well... if I visited there. Which I don't. Because I am fucking paranoid. But this is the way to go.... unless you use coupons from the app which would prove you using it and thus having accepted that you wont make fat stacks suing them.

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That should be the gay dude. Now don't ask me who the guy on top is. I cannot fathom wether he is gay or not. After all it isn't gay to go to town on the Bussy.

Use their Neuralink and tattoo it right on their brains. Damn them for having that Muskian tech!!

That'll show 'em! Give them hell!

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