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Joined 9 months ago

"This is a huge waste of time that will achieve nothing."

That's the GOPs entire platform.

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Yeah, a lot of it is outrage bait. That is basically how Trump got elected, outrage -> coverage, coverage->legitimacy.

22 more...

What do you think Trump will do differently?

If you're a single issue voter and still voting for the worst of those two options you're a baffoon.

45 more...

Twisting the definition of truth to lick the boot of musk. What a tool.

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"Uncut Colombian" is a drug reference for cocaine. He's just trying to say it's the "best of the best".

That actually existed until Reagan repealed it. That paved the way for Rush Limbaugh and the rest snowballed.

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He owns the platform and actively dismantled fact checking and moderation. Your point is shit.

Lol sure thing. I'm not making a statement on ideology at all. Just your maturity on expecting a right now solution and the futility of your method of protest voting.

OK, so you think Trump will bring peace to Isreal. Got it.

15 more...

OK, I remember being 19 lol

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Uninstall, delete and vote for people who will raise his taxes.

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Word. We're just in a situation that being a mediocre Democrat is "good". The bar is in hell.

I was speaking down ballot or during another potus election cycle. I obviously didnt mean to, literally, save that energy for hypothetical elections that would have already happened.

Also, not having a POTUS primary when there is no challenger and an incumbent isn't as big of a deal. Tactically, it's just bad optics with no tangible benefit. It's definitely something immature people pout about though.

My bigger point is. I agree with the opinion being communicated but there is no pathway to action on those ideas right now. That energy is for the primaries but its fighting yesterday's battles. I'm not defending the DNC but its Biden vs Trump, thats just reality. Time to clean your diaper.

Save that energy for the primaries.

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Sheeeesh. Did you drink all the Kool aid?

So what message do you think your actually sending?

8 more...

I would highly encourage people to look at the motives of the OKC bombing committed by Timothy McVeigh. Gun culture, etc. It's been a long evolution of similar ideas. What's scares me though is these ideas becoming normalized and mainstream. Best exemplified by MAGA embracing the big lie and all the shit related to J6th.

Profit or revenue? Idk latest numbers but iirc the wnba lost 12 million in 2019 alone. The total value of the wnba is 1 billion dollars. For context, Steve Ballmer bought the clippers for 2 billion.

The entire wnba has a value that is half the value of the number 2 team in the LA market. Baller bought the team in 2014 btw, so it's half the value from 10 years ago. I think the most recent sale was when an investment group paid 3 billion for majority share of the hornets about a year ago. By that measure the wnba is worth, maybe a quarter, of one of the least valuable franchises in the nba.

Plus these are rookie scale contracts. That's pretty standard part of union collective bargaining. The union wants available funds to go to veteran players. You can't really make a strong argument for those funds being too low when the league has never turned a profit in 25 years.

FDR says what?

You definitely sound like a person who I would trust to tell me what "mainstream feminist ideology" is.

So you're not voting? Or are you for some hack grifter like West?

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I'm personally more hawkish than others on the left, i feel. Even if we cut the military budget in half we'd still have the strongest military by a large margin. If Ukraine isn't a situation for the richest country in the history of the world to support, what is?

Do you not understand the backlash Tucker Carlson is getting for doing this interview? Are you not aware of his history pushing pro-putin talking points? Tucker Carlsons content literally gets reposted on Russian state medias youtube.

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That worked for me also. I like a lot of sports docs on YouTube. That triggered non stop Joe Rogan suggestions and ads for all kinds of right wing news trash.

  1. Dead Kennedys

  2. NoFX

  3. Leftover crack/choking victim

  4. Black Flag

  5. Propagandhi

(Dishonorable mention to Justin Sane. Anti-Flag was a huge part of me developing my sense of ethics and social justice. Sad about what a dick he turned out to be.)

My dad loves this joker, cus my dad is an embarrassed trump supporter. One grift to the next for him.

The only thing I could find on West saying about his "plan" for Ukraine is "I would pull back on the U.S. military support." And call for a ceasefire, all while calling himself a "jazzman of American politics" and making sure everyone recognizes the historical context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He specifically mentioned Alexander the Great and the Cuban missle crises.

So, withdrawaling US support while calling for an immediate ceasefire isn't what you would call "Ukraine should give up.".... I disagree. How do you characterize west's position?

10 more...

Sure thing, bucko.

100% Putin made an investment in the republican party. It's paying off wonderfully for him.

For me it was "Dear Zachary". Mostly because it's a documentary, not because it's gory or anything. It's just a heart wrenching documentary.

I'm 13 and I think you're right. What are primaries btw?

Not saying I take everything Biden says at face value but he has stated that he wouldn't be running if Trump wasn't. I think there is sound rationale behind it though. Trump just flings shit all over everything, Biden has already been through it. Why expose a promising young candidate to that? Next election cycle the GOP primary candidates are going to be trying to out trump and whoever is going to be the dem candidate will be looking that much better because of the shit the GOP smeared all over themselves.

The point I'm making is more than a little devils advocate though. Dems need to address the enthusiasm gap, it seems like theyre going to be leaning on the grassroots movement from pro-choice groups. Fingers crossed it's effective.

The nba has been around for 50 years longer. The WNBA is a subsidiary of the NBA. There was never really a market for women's basketball. There barely is now, after 25 years of the WNBA existing. The NBA runs at a 1.6 billion dollar profit while the WNBA runs at a 22 million dollar loss.

Making a profit is, traditionally, a part of a professional sports league.

They do have a union. They just have zero leverage because the wnba isn't profitable. They go on strike, lose an entire year and the owners save money. I'm not going to call the wnba a charity case for the NBA because it does have value in promoting the sport itself. That value is too abstract to put into a cba negotiation though.

That is apples and oranges. Clicking through rabbit holes isn't the result of an aggressive algorithm designed to prime you for products being advertised. The motivation for the content being hosted is the major issue and exploitation of younger people in service of that motivation.

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100% this is why I'm hoping for community service. Done in a very public facing way. Putting a near 80 year old on jail for a first time offense would show bias. However, him show contempt for the justice system and his instance of making a spectacle of the entire process should be a major consideration. Have him, legit, in a reflective vest picking up trash, would be considered a light sentence if you consider the range of punishments. It would definitely, attempt, to force some agenda of teaching humbleness. Hearing his complaints, or his supporters, saying that he's too old for that type of work would take so much wind out of the sails out of old Joe narrative.

Maybe I'm just rationalizing for my popcorn motives though lol

An accomplished scholar should have policy ideas that are deeper than that.

"Profitablity is irrelevant."

It's not possible to take your opinion seriously. The WNBA has existed for 25 years and has never turned a profit. If it was an independent league it wouldn't exist. Thinking that's irrelevant in a cba is goofy af.

The UN resolution regarding Isreal was vetoed by the Dem party. That was yesterday.

I'm only a Democrat on election day tbh


Christian freak out 80 years ago vs modern doctors. Samesies, right? Ya dunce.

Comparing decades old satan panic stuff with modern behavioral sciences is legit the dumbest thing I've read today. Congrats.

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