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That would just make them even bigger targets than they already are. And now they won't have a way to defend themselves? That sounds like a nightmare. I used to play Overwatch and would always play support. There's no way in hell i'd trust my team to help me if I'm being attacked. They're probably just gonna jump ahead and say "I need healing!" fifteen times and call me a trash healer as I get the shit beaten out of me with no way to fight back. If this is how support roles worked nobody would play them. I already get left to my own devices as the rest of the team ignores me getting attacked in the back line. It's already a thankless and painful role to play and this would make it unbearable.

I mean, we literally train them by completing the CAPTCHAs. Why do you think you were picking things like bikes, traffic lights, cars, and busses? The only question now is what's next...

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I bet you $10 he didn't even read the study. This motherfucker literally googled himself and was mad at the results. And when he googled why it was happening he found the study and immediately went to post about it. And honestly, this is the kinda shit I imagine when people say "do your research." Two google searches while reading headlines and poof now they're an expert.

Something that will never stop being funny to me is seeing hardcore republicans and trump supporters getting caught doing gay stuff. Like, you wouldn't have to hide it if you weren't so desperately trying to create the stigma among your own party on a daily basis. It's literally their own fault. If they weren't against it you could just be gay and still support Trump and nobody would bat an eye. But instead they create this whole thing and just make it harder for themselves. I just find it so god damn funny.

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I mean to be fair, fuck America.

Jesus Christ that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. The submarine in the game Iron Lung was safer to drive than this thing.

But Wilby said that for the Titan, the coordinate data was transcribed into a notebook by hand and then entered into Excel before loading the spreadsheet into mapping software to track the sub’s position on a hand-drawn map of the wreckage.

The OceanGate team tried to perform these updates at least every five minutes, but it was a slow, manual process done while communicating with the gamepad-controlled sub via short text messages.

Updates every FIVE MINUTES?! I wouldn't even trust this thing in a damn swimming pool.

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Is it really that bad? I haven't been on Reddit in over a year.

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Holy shit you're not wrong. I just browsed the top of the week on World News for a good twenty minutes and there wasn't a single post about the thousands of civilians that have been killed. I didn't see a single pro Palestine post and anybody talking about the literal war crimes being committed over there we're just downvoted. I think I agree with your word choice of "surreal." It feels like straight up propaganda and they are all falling for it. Every post about Israel was just saying something about how they're taking out the terrorists.

Bro, the man's basically releasing free dlc not updating an early access game. The game was never in early access and all your saves are compatible with the new expansions (I sometimes still play the same farm I've had since the game was first released). The game already has more content than any other game in the genre and ConcernedApe is still releasing all updates for free and promised to never charge for anything new added to the game. What is there to complain about when you're getting free shit where in most games it costs $5 to $10?

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Regardless, I'd take it over the majority of other viral songs.

Jesus fucking Christ I am so tired of this.

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Honestly, as a dude, I'm 100% down for male birth control. Can't wait.

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I'm a PC gamer and have been since I was a kid. It's literally my number one thing I do when I have free time is get on some games and hang with the boys. It's a big part of my life.

As game companies go, I don't trust Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard, Bethesda, Sony, Epic Games... It's a long list. Valve is the only company I even kinda trust (Which isn't even that much these days). If Microsoft bought Valve I'd probably never buy a PC game again. Because all the companies selling them would be companies I don't wanna give money.

But it's not true that they were buying it so it's a moot point. Just wanted to rant. :)

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Keep pushing him until he starts saying slurs out loud, hopefully during a debate or something like that. That'd be hilarious

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They say blame the pandemic. I say blame the companies that bitch when people finally realize how important their time was.

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My favorite thing about this is that Ubisoft has single handedly made AAAA synonymous with awful.

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If my kids did that I'd be perfectly fine with them getting kicked out of school or even if the teachers wanted to press charges. I know teachers can be shitty but this is completely uncalled for unless they were actually doing those things

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As an American that came from Reddit I completely agree. I never went to r/politics on Reddit for the same reason. Sixteen posts about some stupid shit Trump did or bullshit about Hunter Biden that I could not give two shits about. "Hunter Biden has porn! How scandalous!" While there is literally fucking riots and wars going on around the world because of political issues.

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The fact that calling them weird is making them so mad is the funniest shit I've seen all week. And they call everyone else snowflakes lmao

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It's almost like LLM's aren't the solution to literally everything like companies keep trying to tell us they are. Weird.

I honestly can't wait for this to blow up in a company's face in a very catastrophic way.

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Well I think men in general having such a strong opinion about women having autonomy over their own body is just plain weird.

Imma be honest, the only thing I use reddit for is the porn. Things are starting to pick up over here a bit, but for a while it was almost nothing.

Basically what I'm saying is that I don't really care what happens to Reddit anymore. I left with the exodus about a year ago and never looked back (except for the porn).

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He had forged documentation like he was trying to rob a bank. He even had someone play the part of his mom. That's a lot of fucking effort just to have sex with high schoolers. Fuck this guy.

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That was one of My favorite things about Crunchyroll. I love going through the comments after finishing a series and seeing what others were thinking. I know anime fans can be pretty crazy, but I very rarely saw toxic comments. It was mostly people talking about a shared experience and was surprisingly wholesome the majority of the time. I even got some good recommendations about what to watch next because of it too

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Cool, my rent is still 70% of what I make in a month. It's almost like it's already too late, but I'm too poor and uneducated to be an expert. Got any other ideas?

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I feel like this can be age and maturity specific as well. When I was like 14 to like 21 I was a love bomber. I had never been in a real relationship and I didn't understand how to express myself. To my misfortune, the only thing I had to go on was movies. It's the same kinda situation like having unrealistic expectations about sex by watching too much porn. Because of this I always went over the top thinking that's what you were supposed to do. I didn't understand the differences between infatuation and love until I had my first real relationship. Put a lot of things into perspective after that and I realized how much of an asshole I was being.

You should definitely know the signs and should definitely do what is listed. I'm just saying sometimes it comes from confusion and ignorance and not just malice and manipulation. The issue isn't black and white. But at the same time, even if someone is doing it out of ignorance I still believe everything above is true.

I'm not sure what my point is besides sharing my experience. I guess that sometimes the one love bombing might just be someone that is lonely and isolated and doesn't know what to do. But that shouldn't change how you react to them. Boundaries are important and this can easily be a very bad situation even if they are a good person.

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Just because Trump is an incoherent mess doesn't mean normal people can't talk about things in a normal way. It's not like she said anything mind shatteringly complicated.

Also who fucking cares? It's a debate not a sting operation or a courtroom. Maybe Trump should get an earpiece so he doesn't sound like a moron in front of the entire country.

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I'm not saying this ruined my day. But I'm not saying it made it substantially better either.

When Musk was first buying Twitter, this was one of the things I told people he would do. This was his plan from the beginning and seeing people, especially my friends and coworkers, finally realize this is cathartic and disappointing at the same time.

Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Halo, Thief, Heroes of Might and Magic, and Turok.

All things I was incredibly hype for new stuff. All incredible let downs with some more than the others.

Star Wars - Pretty much all previous games and books got retconned out.

Lord of the Rings - Started with the Hobbit and has been downhill since then.

Halo - Halo 4 was okay but everything after that basically changed everything about the lore.

Heroes of Might and Magic - Favorite game as a kid but Ubisoft ruined it and doesn't even make them anymore.

Turok - The reboot is so far from the original they could have renamed the character and just called it something else.

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I wear one when I'm sick. Outside of places like the United States it's actually very common to wear masks when you are sick. There used to not be a stigma about masks even in the US before COVID. This is because masks were never meant to be used as a way to prevent getting sick but as a way to not get others sick, therefore slowing the spread of disease. Somewhere over the past few years the lines got crossed and everyone started calling masks bullshit because they misinterpreted the actual use for them. Doctors don't wear masks because they don't want to get sick. They wear them so they don't get their patients sick.

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I was honestly getting so frustrated the other day at work when searching for something very specific and coming up empty handed. Tried DuckDuckGo and even fucking Bing and found what I needed in a matter of seconds. Google search is trash now. I have to go to the second page or further just to find something that isn't an ad, AI response, or reddit. None of which are helpful.

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There's only so many times you can get fucked over before you just call it quits. And if you wanna work at a big studio you'd probably just lose your job within a year again anyway. They could go solo but that's not a guaranteed success, especially if you're not financially stable. I don't blame these people for going with something else. Plus with years of this bullshit I'm sure a bunch have had the life sucked out of the work they used to love.

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Video games have, and always will be, a form of art. Even if you take an awful game made by a big company and pick it apart, you can find people passionate about what they do. People that want to share their ideas and expressions with the world. People that love working on games. People that are talented... People that give a shit.

If Leonardo da Vinci had to please stockholders instead of expressing himself, we'd have a thousand versions of the same painting instead of a collection of unique and individual paintings.

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Oh no the liars were caught lying.

Pretty much everyone already knew it was the case as soon as they heard about it. They are literally killing people indiscriminately.

I can't remember but it was very specific. Something along the lines of "I love watching liberals protest, they're always boring blah blah blah... It was just a bunch of boomers and wine moms."

Kinda along those lines. It was super cringy.

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My general rule of thumb when it comes to this is that if they say "due to rising costs" within the first few sentences it usually means "not enough money for the important people."

I've seen indie devs make more functional and graphically intensive games on a shoe string budget. And then go around and sell it for less than $60.

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As a person that didn't really enjoy the borderlands games, I had no idea this was happening and this is easily the oddest thing if read all week. Before I read the article I was confused but interested. Now I'm informed, confused, and interested. But hey, I'm glad they were able to do this with a game. I'm an average science enjoyer so I'm always glad to see good news.

Thank God. I'm so sick of seeing low effort reviews with one or two actual reviews on the front page. From copy paste ASCII art to listing every single disease in the world when reviewing a bad game. And don't even get me started on the "if this gets [blank] I'll do [blank]" reviews

The fact that they call their employees "Googlers" is very strange and kinda makes me feel a little uncomfy.

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