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I dual boot my Framework 13 Gen 1 and in Windows the fans ramp up within a couple of minutes of just doing some very light work. In Linux the only time the fans ramp to a noticeable level is if I "block" the exhaust when using it on a bed or couch, or a workload that goes full beans.

I would not like either of those options. I'd take Jeff Jackson (NC) or Buttigieg any day.

That shit is the most infuriating thing ever to me. It seems like so many technical discussions and communities are going to Discord now where that information is not indexed or preserved. How many issues have I had where the answer was sitting on a Discord server that will never appear in any general search result?

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I could be wrong, but the reason I'm annoyed with her specifically isn't because of the use of private planes (I am annoyed by it, but that isn't specific to her). I'm annoyed with her legally harassing the person that made a bot that used publicly available data to track her plane(s).

That's why I am specifically amused by these posts, not sure if it's the same for everyone.

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What kinda bothers me is that I recognize that something like YouTube is expensive to run and just switching to an alternative isn't super feasible. I would be more than happy to pay for a service like YouTube that I use everyday. HOWEVER, not with their bullshit double dipping. If I am paying a company like Google to use their services, I don't think it's unreasonable that their should be an expectation or mechanism where that means I am not just no longer served ads, but that all tracking and data collection about my account(s) are stopped.

That's never going to happen though :/

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I'm writing this comment on a Fairphone 5 right now and it doesn't feel sluggish at all.

It doesn't seem to me like the increased performance of phones has had much effect on the actual experience for a while if gaming or content creation is not done on the phone. As a daily driver I think this phone will last me a while.

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I was just coming in to question the use of the word "escape". Such sad bull shit.

I watch almost all of the LTT videos as well as most of the videos across all the other LMG channels. While I think I'd probably get along really well with Linus as a friend or acquaintance, and I don't necessarily have any issue with him as a person, he has had some pretty irritating takes and used his bully pit to essentially swat away or mock legitimate criticism on his takes. Usually about things that are outside of his core competencies. The ones that come to mind are some of the things he has said about unions (he's not anti Union to be clear), the backpack, car dependency in North America, and worker cooperatives.

I personally think it would be pretty interesting if he had experts in those areas come on the WAN show to talk about those things. Instead he does the super ADHD thing (something he has admitted he has, and something I have definitely recognized him doing having had a partner with severe ADHD exhibit similar behaviors) where he spends seconds finding an article, skims it not noting much nuance, and then somehow simultaneously says something confidently while also saying he doesn't know what he's talking about. He often wants the best of both worlds. He wants to be taken seriously while also being given the latitude to joke around and just make hot takes.

Even with all that said, as stated above, I will still watch most of his videos and wish him well. Recognizing the flaws in something I enjoy doesn't mean I hate something, especially if I take the time to voice it. It usually means I care and I want to see something I like or that is good improve and get better.

Their whole thing is to do this stuff with Linus. It's a constant friendly back and forth. Linus will make fun of and trash Dbrand in videos they sponsor, while Dbrand makes fun of him. In a vacuum, this looks really weird/bad, but if you are familiar with the back and forth it very much comes across as two really good friends taking the piss and just having fun.

There is basically no piece of content Dbrand isn't willing to sponsor with LMG because they don't give a fuck.

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Yes, but in your example your location is not posted to publicly available records. If she doesn't like that an air planes flight records are publicly available for anyone to look up, she should contact her representative, or otherwise campaign to have the law changed, not harass someone who is basically just copying and pasting information from one public database no one is on to a public space everyone is on.

Beyond that I would also add my opinion that for the average person hiring extra security or taking extra precautions is an undo burden. For someone who is worth more than I will make in 250 lifetimes I don't think it's unreasonable to say that is one of the costs of the path that she has chosen to travel.

Yeah like.... fuck. I get where they are coming from, and I can't really fault them on a human individual level. Even if Ukraine comes out of this as the undisputed victors with all of their land and resources returned to them and full EU and NATO membership (and I REALLY hope they do), the people these protestors are advocating for are going to return home permanently changed by what they experienced.

Like you said/alluded to though that's better than the alternative. I don't know, maybe some kind of rotation could be implemented where they get to go home for a couple of months to rest and get a lot of mental health related services to help them maintain their effectiveness?

| War is war and Hell is Hell and of the two war is a lot worse -Hawkeye Pierce

Can you elaborate on why? Like, I'm not surprised, I just am not involved in this space enough to know why.

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I should have been a blow job!

I think the fact that no other app can do RCS messages on Android also undermines Google's case when they are pushing for Apple to adopt RCS, and I think Apple should absolutely roast them over this.

Signed a rooted Android user.

For a local repair store the cost of the device isn't that bad. I could be wrong, but I bet a lot of the initial purchases will be businesses and then once it becomes open source the tinkerers will go ham.

When not even my closest coworkers or boss could tell if I was working or screwing off because working on or doing research for my personal projects is indistinguishable from my work ones 😅

Even if Biden was the best President in the history of the U.S. that doesn't place him beyond reproach or criticism. No one is perfect and shedding light on a person's shortcomings is just as important as showing off their strengths.

I voted for Biden, and I am going to do so again, but I think these criticisms are valid.

I was specifically referring to the forum like sections. The lack of indexing and internet archive means large swaths of knowledge, timelines, history, and even culture will become dust in the wind.

Currently Google has bricked RCS for people with rooted phones in such a way that it fails silently for like the 4th time this year, and it's looking like the modders may not be able to keep getting around it.

Ehhh, I get what you are saying but I would rephrase the above poster's comment a little then. If a person is paying for 100Mbps and they are able to get/find a source or some combination of sources that are able to supply them 100mbps of data then that's what they should be getting. The easiest example being a torrent for popular Linux distros.

I personally think the solution to that should be some kind of regulatory minimum around the advertisement of speed or contractual service obligation. For example if a person pays for a 100Mbps connection then the ISP should be required to supply that speed at +/- 5% instantaneous and -.5% on average (because if you give them a range you know they will maintain the lowest possible speed to be in compliance).

Don't look too hard at my numbers, I pulled them out of my ass, but hopefully it gets across the idea.

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Considering our obesity rates, quite a lot!

I'm right there with you, but I can't ever seem to thread the needle. Like in your Matrix example I have had people get offended by a question like that.

More generally speaking, I think it's so difficult because a lot of people aren't actually all that interested in learning or communicating in a way where a mutual understanding of each other's base reality/knowledge are understood. They prefer to operate on their innate or learned social cues and prefer making assumptions or reading between the lines of what the other person is saying. Or in modern parlance, they just go by the vibes.

I have watched two people completely talk past each other and misunderstand the other person and yet they both seemed to come out of the conversation pleased with the interaction so many times. It's baffling to me.

I lost RCS for most of yesterday on my rooted stock phone. After I realized what was going on I went into Magisk and saw that an update was available for Play Integrity Fix and that solved the issue. What I found most annoying wasn't that it didn't work, but that it broke in a way that seemed like it was working. Both myself and other people saw that we were connected/chatting via RCS and their messages sent just fine, but I didn't receive them. Well, until I applied the update, then I got all of them.

Not all extensions though. I want to be able to use the User Agent switcher that I use on desktop and when I add that to the extension collection it causes none of the extensions to appear in Firefox mobile.

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I was able to get RCS working again yesterday by updating to the latest version of Play Integrity Fix, but if that hadn't worked, I would have disabled it and then probably switched over to Textra or Yatta for texting since RCS is basically the only thing keeping me on messages for texting.

Technically they can.....but it requires root which within the context of this conversation yeah, you're right, lol

Sure, but not even close to all. It's been literal years since the change. I was understanding at first, but now it's just becoming frustrating. Things that are very easy in desktop Firefox just isn't possible on mobile Firefox. And yes, I am running Firefox nightly and custom collections for my extensions on mobile.

Capital One has that capability built in. I have dedicated credit card numbers for just about every service I use.

Someone else in this comment thread pointed out that Tesla's windows are laminated and not tempered so a glass break doesn't actually work on them.

I just did a quick "fact check" as I was writing this and apparently there are multiple cars that are going to laminated glass windows. I'll have to add that to the list of things I don't want and have to check next time I'm shopping for a car.

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Poor in comparison to what though? I know what the benchmarks say but I don't really notice any differences between the Fairphone 5 (what I'm currently typing on) or my previous phones (Huawei Mate 10, Zenfone 6, Zenfone 8 Flip) in terms of daily driving (aside from battery maybe). I'm sure there is for gaming, but that's the one thing I don't use my phone for.

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Right as LoadingReadyRun is getting ready for Desert Bus, so no Checkpoint for two weeks. I wonder if they will cover it when they get back 🤔

Doesn't Mullvad allow you to pay via mailed money?

A friend who is a tech at a Costco pharmacy told me yesterday that they are expecting a shipment of the generic to arrive today. While my pharmacy has no ETA on the name brand and does not have access to the generic from their distributors as far as I have been able to surmise.

I wish I could remember where I saw it, but years ago I read something in relation to policing that said a certain amount of human inefficiency in a process is actually a good thing to help balance bias and over reach that could occur when technology could technically do in seconds what would take a human days or months.

In this case if a person is enough of a problem that their face becomes known at certain branches of a store it's entirely reasonable for that store to post a sign with their face saying they are aren't allowed. In my mind it would essentially create a certain equilibrium in terms of consequences and results. In addition to getting in trouble for stealing itself, that individual person also has a certain amount of hardship placed on them that may require they travel 40 minutes to do their shopping instead of 5 minutes to the store nearby. A sign and people's memory also aren't permanent, so it's likely that after a certain amount of time that person would probably be able to go back to that store if they had actually grown out of it.

Or something to that effect. If they steal so much that they become known to the legal system there should be processes in place to address it.

And even with all that said, I'm just not that concerned with theft at large corporate retailers considering wage theft dwarfs thefts by individuals by at least an order of magnitude.

I have been missing the ability to split the quick launch and dock it since XP was the last time you could. I had a dedicated auto hiding bar on the right where I put shortcuts to all of my most used folders and applications. I have looked for solutions that brought that functionality back off and on, but never found anything.

Most things are close, but not quite right, and/or very "bloated" (for what I want it to do, not necessarily for what it was designed to do). It's so dumb.

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I have a 512GB microSD card in my current phone that is about half full. I don't have any interest in paying a subscription to store my stuff on someone else's server ("the cloud"), when the SD card only cost me a couple of months of what a subscription would. I periodically back up the SD card at home.

As to what's on it? The usual stuff like pictures and videos, but also game ROMs, call recordings, shows/movies, ISOs, utilities (I can make my phone appear to be a flash drive, bootable even). I also backup my texts and other records using a third party app. When I do have to swap phones, transferring the SD card over and then restoring stuff like settings, messages, records, etc is way faster than any of the OEM transfer tools.

Unless you are running a rooted phone in which case Google says to go fuck yourself. If your phone doesn't pass Play Integrity they will not allow RCS to work (among other things) but they don't even indicate that to the user. It just silently doesn't work.

Play Integrity Fix is a mod that addresses this, but recently Google has been fighting back and breaking the way the mod works every other month. Their last salvo was middle of last week and last I checked the XDA thread a solution had not been found yet.

Why pay? I think the answer is pretty easy. If one doesn't want to self host. Running any kind of web based service costs the person running it money. Google obviously makes money off of a user doing searches via adds and data collection. I would actually have no issue paying for certain Google services if it meant that as a paying customer they would not double dip and try and profit off the data they are collecting on me.

This is all coming from a person who has a server rack in my basement and multiple PCs scattered throughout my home, so I am no stranger to self hosting.

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Sorry to hear that mate. People suck sometimes, I'm rooting for you though.

Have you ever herd of Aves? Kinda the opposite of "simple" in terms of feature set, but can be downloaded from F-Droid and is highly customizable. I really like it's tagging system/feature.

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