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Joined 2 weeks ago

so it's clear: I primarily use lemmygrad, I am not trying to hide this

Recently, I really enjoyed the scholomance trilogy by Naomi Novik. Had anti capitalist themes and cool world building. main character can be a little polaraizing though, she can be "b wordy" for lack of a better less misogynistic term coming to mind, I've seen some talk about how much they hated her character and others how much they loved her (I personally loved her)

as an aside, is your friend for getting books for free!

I had assumed you were a bog standard democrat but I apologize, didn't realize I was speaking to someone who likes to watch "FEMINIST OWNED AND TRIGGERED!!!" youtube compilations

They really don’t like get called out like that, based on my interactions with them.

yes why would people get upset that you're being condescending and calling them either brainwashed or a child? one of the biggest remaining mysteries in the world really

the original origin of the term was a group british communists attacking anyone who supported the Soviet Union's crushing of the hungarian uprising in 1956. it then morphed into a term used to attack anyone who supports the use of force and authority in general to suppress counter revolutionaries. it's final degeneration is that it is now used to attack anyone to the left of an american democrat like facebones said.

here is a good article about it. To be clear: this is written from the perspective of a marxist leninist, who are normally the number one target of being called a "tankie". Still, it is very short, and redsails is a really cool website that has the footnotes with citations pop up as you read long

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evidence? I see people say this but from what I remember the mod team was repeatedly stonewalled by the admins, or at least that was their claims, and I don't think the admins ever disputed that

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this is very strange reasoning to me, posting on a post you see scrolling through all is now bad because... other hexbears already got there first and you dont want to be annoying? what the hell?

I wasn't clear enough, what I meant wasn't that the admins literally never said anything to the mods, I meant they made it relatively unclear what exactly they needed to do to stop getting warnings and eventually getting banned. no conversation, just relatively vague commands from down high also, as you can see in the SRD thread it was never made clear if they were removed for anything besides the john brown posting. However, even this is more clear communication than I remembered so I'll admit fault on that at least.

funny thing I found browsing the thread is this comment about why chapo got banned, which mentions brigading, something people constantly accused/accuse hexbear users of doing:


The second aspect of this is that chapo is becoming so large that it is capable of effectively "brigading" threads without any direct co-ordination on the subreddit. By this I'm referring to stuff like the police dog situation, in which any meaningfully upvoted thread on /r/aww and other "cute" subreddits gets a shitload of "40%", "ACAB", and other anti-cop rhetoric. While screenshots of this often get posted to /r/chapotraphouse, the vast majority of the time this is AFTER the thread has already been "brigaded" by chapo users scrolling through /r/all or the specific "cute" subreddits. This behavior is not against the TOS, but it is incredibly annoying to /r/aww mods and therefore concerning to the admins, because the "cute" subreddits are the easiest to manage and please, and more importantly, the most advertiser friendly. When chapo users fuck that up, there's a problem.


sounds familiar doesn't it?

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do you have an argument that doesn't rely on ableism?

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riveting comment. truly, I've never read this type of comment before and now I've been owned!!!

I will now give the obligatory response: amerikkka is a dying empire and will not be able to stop China and socialism. die mad about it loser.

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got it. for anyone else reading this: why exactly is jumping straight to mental illness as the source of any disagreement not ableist? Does someone who struggles with mental health get no say on literally any topic?

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All the computational resources the users tested the code base on must’ve been free.

fair enough I just think of direct monetary donations or something when I see financing like that but looking at like that isn't incorrect

Identity politics from .ml?

I mean kinda? I normally expect people who hold sympathies towards hexbear to use an account on like so they don't have to use more than one account to browse everything they want to see

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glad it managed to reach someone! If you want the best nuanced review of Stalin from anyone anywhere, you will have to read Stalin: History and Critique of a Black Legend by Domenico Losurdo (free pdf here!). It is well sourced, and also uses western sources that should be biased against stalin to make its arguments! review on the same site as the tankies article here:

additionally, some other articles I highly recommend if you want to understand our position better:

most of these are quite a bit longer, so sorry to flood you with them, but I'm always eager to share these excellent articles with anyone who will consider reading them!

The thing is, delinking socialism from Stalin also means delinking it from the Soviet Union, disavowing everything that’s been done under the name of socialism as “Stalinist.” The “socialism” that results from this procedure is defined as grassroots, bottom-up, democratic, non-bureaucratic, nonviolent, non-hierarchical… in other words, perfect. So whenever real revolutionaries (say, for example, the Naxals in India) do things imperfectly they are cast out of “socialism” and labeled “Stalinists.” This is clearly an example of respectability politics run amok. Tankies believe that this failure of solidarity, along with the utopian ideas that the revolution can win without any kind of serious conflict or without party discipline, are more significant problems for the left than is “authoritarianism” (see Engels for more on this last point). [5] We believe that understanding the problems faced by Stalin and Mao helps us understand problems generic to socialism, that any successful socialism will have to face sooner or later. This is much more instructive and useful than just painting nicer and nicer pictures of socialism while the world gets worse and worse.

this is directly preceding it. Even if I accepted your frankly hilarious black book of communism death tolls, the argument here is that the soviet union and China still greatly improved the lives of the average citizen compared to what came before while facing huge problems that you would crumble upon immediately upon encountering, like imminent war from the west that they predicted and prepared for correctly. As far as your other claim, it's not nearly so simple as you make it out to be:

edit: also, nia frome is a trans woman

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i don't think they really helped with the financing of lemmy, although their coders did/do make many valuable contributions to lemmy's code base. out of curiosity, do you have an account on another instance? I'm surprised to see a sympathetic comment like this from an account on an instance that has them defederated

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I think my comments have been too ambiguous then, I didn't mean for anything I've said to come across as hostile in any way, I apologize. I'm a lemmygrad user, made this account because I browse through .ml at work and been meaning to make one so i can comment while there.

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all good no worries, tone can be very hard to show through text 😅

fund communist parties in the global south