Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? to No Stupid – 8 points –

I think a little clarification is needed. No. I don't actually think everyone there is insane. I don't care about the bans so stop trying to use that. HB enthusiasts coming here and trying to call me out achieves nothing besides proving my point

Edit: Feel free to keep trying to brigade me. It's not going to scare me to take this down


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riveting comment. truly, I've never read this type of comment before and now I've been owned!!!

I will now give the obligatory response: amerikkka is a dying empire and will not be able to stop China and socialism. die mad about it loser.


I had assumed you were a bog standard democrat but I apologize, didn't realize I was speaking to someone who likes to watch "FEMINIST OWNED AND TRIGGERED!!!" youtube compilations