1 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Biden has pushed funding and weapons to the Israeli military despite clear evidence they will be used for the genocide of Palestinians. So yes he is responsible.

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Just a heads up it’s only available for the following states:

Arizona California Florida Massachusetts Nevada New Hampshire New York South Dakota Tennessee Texas Washington state Wyoming

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In one video, which has 30,000 views on TikTok, a young woman becomes increasingly exasperated as she attempts to convince the AI that she wants a caramel ice cream, only for it to add multiple stacks of butter to her order. 

Lmao didn’t even know you could add butter to something at McDonald’s. If you can’t then it’s even funnier it decided that’s a thing.

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Voting List for Anyone Interested

Fuck everyone that continues to support this genocide.

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Thank you for all the hard work!

I don’t really care if it’s legal in the constitution, it’s “legal” in China too. My point is that I want it changed so there’s no forced labor in a country that that corporations can profit from it since it’s going to inherently drive conflicts of interest and I feel it too often gets ignored in this country.

Also with minorities being incarcerated at a much higher rate than white citizens. I find that just saying it’s paying back a debt to society fails to recognize the law isn’t being applied equally.

Also in many cases they’re already having to pay for their incarceration.

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I mean clearly there’s systemic issues driving people to seek this stuff, just removing fenty without addressing those means they’ll just seek out other things. Realistically we should be legalizing the safer stuff (psychedelics, MDMA, etc) that isn’t as damaging or addicting and raising living standards to combat the harder stuff but in our current state where weed isn’t even legal federally and it’s all treated the same more or less addicts and ODs on hard drugs are going to be the outcome.

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The most brain dead reply I’ve read today. Not sure why this math is hard to understand for people but if someone votes 3rd party trump does not get an additional vote, so no it’s not the same as supporting trump.

If Biden wants to earn their vote then maybe he should not fund and supply a genocide then?

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That just compares salary, what about benefits?

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Everyone in the comments focusing on literally only this election and ignoring what they said in their reasoning.

Yes they understand if Trump wins it will be worse in the next 4 years. They’re hoping that the democrats realize that putting a candidate just slightly less evil isn’t good enough anymore and they actually need to win votes instead of saying “we support marginally less genocide then the republicans” and that being good enough.

Not saying that’s going to fully work out, but people acting likes that’s crazy aren’t seeing the full picture. At a certain point the democratic establishment needs to be punished for its bullshit lesser of two evils otherwise it’ll continue to do it. Is now the best time? Maybe not but thats a much more in depth analysis than just reacting “oh they must love Trump then!?”

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Enlighten me what the “accurate story” is then.

Glad to see Dems are taking the threat of Trump getting into power serious by focusing on issues that their base support:

  1. Stop funding and supplying a genocide
  2. Packing the clearly biased court so things like student loan forgiveness can pass and all these anti trans and other crazy far right laws get shot down
  3. Not breaking rail road workers strikes
  4. Banning one of the most popular social media apps
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Ahh I forgot about breakfast, that makes more sense. I was picturing butter drenched fires lol.

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From the Washington Post article:

“The new element in the proposal would come with a second phase, during which Israel and Hamas would negotiate a permanent cease-fire and complete Israeli withdrawal. Under the newly announced plan, the temporary cease-fire would continue beyond the six weeks until such a permanent plan is put in place, provided neither side violated its terms and negotiations continued.”

So Israel will take 6 weeks to restock, refuse negotiations (or at least reasonable ones) which would then allow the ceasefire to end and they’ll continue the operation.

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Because it’s the least relevant party and the one we have the least influence on given Israel has been doing a slow genocide for decades and America has enabled it. If Israel hadn’t been doing this for decades Hamas wouldn’t even exist.

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That really only applies if your vote can change the election which isn’t going to happen outside of the maybe 4 swing states.

With your same logic if your voting for Biden in one of the states he’s guaranteed to win or lose then your morally supporting a genocide for no actual change.

Was using Memmy but switched to voyager recently and liking it a bit more, reminds me of Apollo. It’s still pretty early for all the apps though so I have a few and I check them occasionally to see how they improve.

Enlighten us because nothing in your comment bothered to go into any of the reasons so why even make it if you then don’t want to follow up.

Not sure why you even went to the effort to link this because it’s almost completely irrelevant. The cost of living in Chicago and Morocco are not even remotely the same so trying to make the point that people elsewhere in the world can survive off that much so people on Chicago should is nonsense. That’s assuming we’d even consider people in Morocco living on that much as having a decent quality of life.

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Years ago it was but we’ve been pretty solidly blue for awhile.

That’s why I don’t believe this will get done. I really hope I’m wrong and it all works out but I doubt Hamas agrees and I can’t blame them.

I wouldn’t release the only bargaining chip I had unless I had a guarantee of a permanent ceasefire. It’s hard to trust a side that’s been engaging in a genocide against you for decades with the support of one of the world’s super powers.

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In all, the UN verified “8,009 grave violations against 4,360 children” in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank – more than twice the figures for the DRC, the next worst place for violence against children.

Of the total number of child victims verified, 4,247 were Palestinian, 113 were Israeli.

In all, 5,698 violations were attributed to Israeli armed and security forces, and 116 to Hamas’s armed wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades. Israeli settlers were judged responsible in 51 cases, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s al-Quds Brigades was involved in 21.

Between 7 October and the end of December last year, the UN verified the killing of 2,051 Palestinian children, and said the process of attributing responsibility was ongoing, but the report noted: “Most incidents were caused by the use of explosive weapons in populated areas by Israeli armed and security forces.”

The report conceded it reflected only a partial picture of the situation in Gaza.

“Owing to severe access challenges, in particular in the Gaza Strip, the information presented herein does not represent the full scale of violations against children in this situation,” it said.

More than twice the 2nd highest on the list (DRC) and it’s likely not even close to the full count.

Absolutely disgusting.

Capitalism is definitely the problem here. When profit above everything is the goal and how the system operates it’s always going to lead to things like this. Capitalism doesn’t “enable our way of life”, advances in technology allowed that all capitalism does is ensure the majority of those gains are going to the people at the top instead of society as a whole.


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Ahh missed that it was only some in the first phase, that makes a bit more sense and might be the difference maker.

I agree any long term peace was always going to require the release of all hostages/prisoners from both sides. Also need to end the apartheid laws in Israel and allow Palestine full rights statehood.


And looks like Israel rejected it.

I live very close to areas that have been evacuated but haven’t had it happen to me personally so don’t have direct experience but this is how I’ve heard it plays out at least here in the US:

Evacuation: The local government handles the initial warnings and later directing people out of the area once it gets bad enough. There may or may not be shelters setup as well.

Where to go: That is possibly completely on you to cover, ideally you have family close you could live with but otherwise will have to figure out housing and pay for. Shelters may be setup depending on your area but may not be the best experience since you won’t have the most privacy or comfort. I have heard stories of people just having to live in their car for awhile due to their house being destroyed while waiting for insurance payouts. I would think some insurance policies would offer reimbursement for the funds once the claim goes through but you will likely want to have an emergency fund for the immediate needs.

Damage: Fire damage insurance is available that would either cover the cost to rebuild or pay you out. No idea on the specifics or if this applies to Canada. If it hits a large area it typically takes awhile to 1. Get paid from insurance 2. Find available construction companies to rebuild since a lot of people will need them all at the same time. I know for awhile there were donation drives to help the affected families find and pay for hotels, etc. even months after the fires. I would guess that as climate change makes these more frequent rates will likely go up or you’ll start to see insurance companies not offer it in certain areas.

Again this is all stuff I’ve heard second hand and didn’t get a lot of details and may not apply at your area, I’d recommend researching how it works in your area for sure.

Bringing up that it had bipartisan support is completely irrelevant.

The headlines are going to be “Biden signs bill banning Tick Tok”. When his support of a horrible genocide is already depressing how much non republicans want to vote for him going out and doing this is just adding more reasons.

Maybe you and him need to get actually serious and focus on things people actually care about.

He is only campaigning on “I’m not trump” like literally if you got to his website and click on “Joes Vision” you get taken to a 404 page. There’s nothing talking about where he stands on issues or what he offers.

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Dominos is really only worth it if you’re doing the 2 for $5.99 each deal. Although I think that’s even up to $6.99 now lol

I started a fantasy basketball community here for anyone interested. I try to share helpful articles I find and plan to do more if it grows.

Sorry if I wasn’t clear, I 100% get trying to reduce fentanyl my response was more a complaint that we seem to always do these half measures but yes trying to get fentanyl gone is a good thing. I’ve done many drugs but thankfully never fent.

The Wikipedia Article explains the grounds that each of the 6 countries involved base their claim.

Some are based on historical ownership from WW2, others it’s either apart of its continental shelf or within 200 miles of its coast.

Clearly Donald trump wont be any better and that clearly wasn’t my point. To people who are trying to stop this genocide going “The other guys isn’t going to be any better” instead of also trying to stop the genocide isn’t going to convince them to come to your side.

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How about we focus on stopping genocide. If you live outside the ~5 states that decide the election then you should be voting for a third party.

maybe go check for yourself, clearly your not serious enough to even do that so no point talking about this more

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It’s in the part “Accompanying the IHRA Definition are 11 examples that “may serve as illustrations”.

This is probably the major one people would have issue with because you could get convicted of antisemitism for just speaking the truth.

Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.

I mean has going with the status quo worked for 50+ years (in the specific case of Palestine)? Clearly not? So makes sense they would try something else.

Just because the dems decide not to learn the actual lesson in 2016 means we should just eat shit forever?

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Again they understand that for the next 4 years, the thought is after that

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