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Joined 3 days ago

Come say hi if you want to have a conversation on matrix 👋

Some good ones have already been covered, so I'll add that, if I were to break down crying, other women would come over to ask if I'm okay etc. (I've held a complete stranger while she sobbed in the middle of a store, after she lost everything in a fire) unfortunately men still face a very weird gender bias that society in general still believes - you never show your emotions.

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Post-Rapture looting anyone?

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That sounds delicious. This picture is an abomination and I refuse to believe it's real 😂

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Views really need to change. We're all human and crying is a normal human response! Sucks you're surrounded by people who feel that way 😕 it's not a weakness at all 🤍

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I agree, kids especially are far more empathetic and I'm glad to see it. The kids are alright! 🎶

One of mine is obsessed with plastic wrappers. She'll run from any area of the house as soon as she hears one. She'll steal them if they aren't thrown into the garbage can with a lid. She's always sad when I won't let her have it.. she doesn't understand it's for her own good 😭

I don't know how to post gifs 😭

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Wow that's really shitty, I'm sorry that happened to you. I agree with's comment, it's a very attractive trait for a man to express emotions in a healthy way.


See, I'd eat that.. but the other thing is just wrong 😂

It's not a weakness at all, but you seem determined to believe it is. Having healthy coping mechanisms isn't weak, bring able to process your emotions rather than pushing them aside is healthy and indicates maturity, not vulnerability.

Hmm nope, I'm still dumb 😂

I feel like that has a higher chance of getting oneself beaten up (at best 😂)

Not for technologically inept people like me anyway!

The Mummy, The Princess Bride, The Devil Wears Prada and Jurassic Park never get old for me.
