16 Post – 69 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I think "What Remains of Edith Finch" traumatized me to this day.

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In this context "liberal" is being used as a synonym for communist, because that's how American right wingers use it, but to a a leftist (socialist, communist, anarchist - the target audience for this meme) liberals, or more accurately neo-liberals, are center right capitalists. So while a right winger might throw all of these as insults at someone left of fascist, a leftist would only take offense to being called a liberal.

Don't equate the struggle for liberation and self-determination with a fascist coup attempt

Yea sometimes I'll exclude the .nfo from my downloads. Thankfully the tracker I'm on now disallows any files that aren't media in their uploads.

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Aren't AI images banned here? There's no meme to this. Its just stolen art.

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Liberals are certainly pro-capitalist, but a modern leftist wouldnt refer to a fascist or conservative as a liberal. The term is pretty much used to describe people who claim to be left leaning while still advocating for incremental (rather than radical) change, such as the modern American democratic party. It is used as a derogatory because liberals generally speaking don't have any intention of dismantling the corporate capitalist oligarchy, or implementing true socialist policies.

Even if some self-identified liberals do desire these changes - to a leftist their methods are seen as ineffectual by design, therefore further contributing to the longevity of the broken capitalist system.

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We love to see bigots on a trans-masc persons social media page affirming that they've never been a woman and are obviously a man for x, y, and z reasons.

Mostly I use custom launchers because I don't like the Google News feed and the general UI layout of the stock launcher. KISS launcher has been perfect for me.

Workplace safety harnesses are very different from climbing harnesses

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Now THIS is quality content

Mastodon is easily the largest decentralized social network. Idk what you're on about.

Texas sabotaging public education again? Color me shocked. No doubt the lower test scores will be used to justify privatizing more schools.

Also 3000 exam responses is luaghably low to train an LLM. These tests are for every 3rd-8th grader. That's less responses than you'd get from a single mid sized school - expected to train an LLM how to grade probably millions of answers across the entire state.

They claim its not an LLM because it doesn't learn as it goes. I'm fairly certain that's been the common implementation since we learned from the older generation of chatbots all turning to Nazis after being trolled by 4chan.

Not anymore 😎

This is very clearly talking about the working class rural south who are not the same people driving $100k trucks, or if they are they're deeply in debt to keep up what they see as necessary appearances - which is again a result of capitalist advertising and only works to keep these people poorer in the long run even if they have a nice expensive new toy temporarily.

I know the meme is that rural southerners all drive massive new trucks, but the majority of the rural south is extremely economically depressed and is 100% not going to respond well to liberal policies that do in fact come from urban areas with completely different material conditions. Even if the majority of people in both rural and urban/suburban settings do share a status of oppression from the capitalist class, their relationship to this oppression and the actual solutions to it often don't look the same - something that the democratic party will never compensate for.

On the bright side many of these rural southerners see themselves as libertarians to a large degree. Even if their ideas of liberty have been poisoned by the modern right wing, I've found they will often respond well to (historically conscious) libertarian socialist ideas when presented individually and outside of their predisposed ideas of left-right politics.

Not to mention that in many southern states voter turnout is extremely low, and the reality is that even though our politicians are mostly garbage right wingers - the people here are simply being trapped by their economic situation and the policies enacted by the few only further entrench their inability to escape poverty.

At the end of the day the working class rural south is primarily suffering from a lack of class conscious education and economic policies brought on by their ignorance.

Of course there's also a history of racism here that has historically been exploited by the right wing to further entrench itself, but again the further down the economic totem pole you go the more you find that white and black folks in the rural south suffer from this in much the same way, and they often know it.

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I didn't even notice that was a mod. Disgraceful honestly. I was surprised to see that post still up after the poster continuously and deliberately misunderstood what FOSS means. Like its fine if you want to make open source software without a free license, but at least recognize the difference when people spell it out for you, or at the very least don't be rude about it.

Understand that many people live their entire lives without caring one tiny bit about any of those things.

The crosshatched fill colors on this made my phone screen do weird stuff when I zoomed.

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In my state at least if a third party receives at least 5% of the vote they'll get significantly more funding in the next election cycle. Pretty sure that's true across the US.

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He's referring to Threads

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It's not just about the content posted by individuals though. The community and relationships built on a centralized platform are also at risk to a much greater degree than they would be on federated social media.

Best way to watch One Piece by far

The Long Dark

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Suprisingly common though. I guess telegram is somewhat better than discord.

Do yourself a favor and watch One Pace instead. They have torrents of every episode (minus the filler) sorted by story arc on the website.

Policing in this nation is far too corrupt to fix through "traditional" means. Abolition is the only option.


This guy really thinks watch parties and listening to music with friends over is illegal or unethical or some shit.

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This should really be marked NSFW

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I can respond to your points if you'll ensure to me that you're arguing in good faith. I'm not inclined however to debate with someone who uses straw men and whataboutisms.

I will say that I agree with you in that both rural and urban folks suffer from a lack of class consciousness that prevents any meaningful change.

I would however point out that from my perspective the entire point of the meme and this thread is to connect the struggle of the rural and urban poor.

Love Cool People who did Cool Stuff!

Braindead take

From what I've read both arch and debian stable aren't vulnerable to this. It targeted mostly debian-testing.

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We Are the Ground - Mischief Brew

Hopefully pipedbot chimes in here, I'd rather not link directly to YouTube, but I know it makes for a friendlier experience to have the original link.

I've been using Librera FD. Not sure if it meets all of your needs, but it can be integrated with a Calibre server at least to grab your books from another machine. I haven't bothered to see if it will sync what page you're on though.

I'm planning on getting some recertified Seagate Ironwolfs from SeverPartDeals very soon

That makes total sense from a corporate perspective. Maybe I would just love to be the one the pushes us a little bit closer to the enduser having control of their data and hardware. Its probably a pipe dream though lol.

Love everything from Brad Neely but haven't been able to find this since reading about it several months ago. Thanks for reminding me I'll have another look.

I like that background can you tell me where it's from?

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I've played more hours of The Long Dark than any other video game in my entire life. Steam seems to cut their playtime data after several years so I don't have an exact count, but it's easily over 1000 hours in this game and it's still the game I'll go to first if I know I have more than just a few hours of free time.

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