tortur(ul)e to – 321 points –

Is this a drug joke I'm too square to understand?

Joker is claiming he's smoking good weed and Batman disagrees telling him it's low quality. Then Joker goes to clean out the bottom part of the grinder he uses to prepare his weed, which is the part that catches all the tiny weed particles, so it's the most potent part.

Also people tend to leave their grinders dirty for like, way too fucking Long and let the keif build up on the actual screen and window/middle bits where the weed actually sits, so rinsing ANY part of it is a waste.

My mother has brought over her grinder and it's so fucked I can barely unscrew it, have to spend 10 minutes scraping that golden beauty off the sides of her grinder (end up with $40 worth at a dispensary lol) before I can alcohol bathe it

Also if you rinse your grinder with water your going to end up so sticky lol

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A grinder is like a cast iron pan, you don't wash it or you'll ruin the seasoning

Except you do actually wash your cast iron, just not with lye-based soap or abrasive materials.

You could just not wash it, and you'd probably be fine, but I wouldn't recommend lol.

That's how you get a lot of carbon or other partially cooked food in your next meal.

Is there a reason to wash a grinder though? It's just weed, and you're not cooking in it.

Over time all the oils and particles will start to build up in the grinding area and the screw threading, making it harder to use or get stuck entirely.

Oh, so can you just use that solution that cleans pipes and bongs?

I think I smoke so infrequently that I've never had that buildup yet

My bad, I interpreted “wash” as just cleaning in general. Yeah, there’s not much point in putting it through a dishwasher unless you’re just being lazy

Oh so just using a dry brush should do the trick?

Depends how much gunk is on there, but if you do it somewhat regularly it could. Though you’ll definitely need to give it a proper cleaning eventually, as it’s still gonna get sticky from all the oils and such.

Shouldn’t be very often, though. Depending on how much you smoke, you may only need to do it once a year or even less than that

You can, but kosher salt and 91% isopropyl + a Ziploc bag does better for cheaper

The only time I've used the fancy shit (my personal preference is kryptonite cuz it's set and forget) on my grinder was when it was megafucked after my mom had it a while.

She couldn't use it anymore cuz she has arthritis and it had funked up. I don't have arthritis and I couldn't move it holy shit

I don’t smork anymore (I miss it but it makes my brain sad) but I have a kief press… at one point I had three great big kief cookies. One of my first times hanging out closely with my partner we smoked like a quarter of a cookie, and I don’t remember the rest of the day. We’re married now, so I guess I didn’t make too much of a fool of myself. I did fall down on ice, which was cool.

Add to him smoking out of a filthy one hitter with enough tar in it to barely even breath through.

"I'm so fucked up bat bro"


Suddenly Batman breaks free and wholops Joker BLUNT

Batman: See how this tastes Joker, you MAD man

Joker: No! I’ve never hit a blunt rolled in oil!

Joker turns into Toker

This is literally straight out of a Russian badger video