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It's just a domain name, it has nothing to do with sites being safe. Just as any other site, they may be malicious, may be not, depends on who runs the site.

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And then there will be another fork that does something about their something. Just like what happened to Vanced, for example.

I doubt yt-dlp supports Soundcloud metadata. One possible solution is just running your music through MusicBrainz Picard to restore the metadata.

Skill issue.

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As far as I know, Minecraft itself is avaliable for download publicly, you don't even need to patch it to play. You just need to supply it some fake account data and tell it to work offline.

No official servers support, of course, but that's about it.

The funny thing is, this mechanism came from Mojang, and at this point they can't even do anything about it. If they stop providing downloads without an account or implement some anti-piracy features, people will just use the latest official version and mod it. And it may be not even the latest one, there are tons of players on 1.7.10 and 1.12.2, just because modders love them.

Sure, they can try and push their Bedrock version... But nobody is playing on that piece of crap.

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You can play HotS without, you'll just have to input your credentials manually whenever you start the game. Alternatively, contrary to Steam, you can just kill after it has updated and launched the game.

But Baba won't stop being queen if you remove the "Baba is queen". It already became queen, you need "queen is Baba" to reverse it.

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Why not use a proper downloader for that sort of stuff like yt-dlp? You can get it running on Android via Termux.


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I assume you didn't play Baba is you. It's a nice puzzle game, you should give it a try.

If there is no encryption involved, you should be able to unpack them with 7zip without any mounting and then convert with ffmpeg to a format of your liking. IIRC, DVDs usually consist of a bunch of VOB files. You can just cat them all together and then send directly to ffmpeg.

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Another C# gang comment here.

I'll try not to repeat what others said.

C# has one of the best debuggers in the industry. Debugger is a thing that lets you stop your program at a set state and investigate values of variables in that state. Very useful for education. The thing is incredibly easy to set up in Visual Studio right out of the box and is a matter of installing another extention in VS Code.

C# is in C syntax family, which includes C, C++ and Java. While you'll have to learn some syntax quirks to switch languages, they are not as drastically different as Python, for example. If your intention is getting into game development, setting a base for C++ is a nice bonus.

C# is strictly-typed. Unlike Python, Lua or JS that I saw in this thread, C# requires you to specify types of your variables. While it may sound as a disadvantage at first, it is actually extremely useful catching silly mistakes. Like if you make a string and pass it to a method that expects integer, C# simply won't compile, you'll have to explicitly convert your string to integer. JS is notorious for it's ('b' + 'a' + + 'a' + 'a').toLowerCase() > "banana", which is extremely hard to follow if you're learning the language IMO.

If you're trying to build games with big game engines like Unity or Unreal Engine, C# is a no-brainer, as they support it natively. Godot has it's own language, but it has an option to switch to C#, so, you can cover all of them with one language.

Windows Forms. It's a package for developing GUI applications on Windows. Visual Studio comes with it and has a designer for it. If you want to learn how to make a simple GUI application, that's one of the easiest routes. Worth noting, if you're not on Windows, that thing is not that easy to use.

Here is an official "get started" guide: link.

You are missing 24 GB for your TB.

No shit, they said "hidden".

I believe you can remove (default) with -disposition:stream 0 so, if you have three subtitle tracks, all marked as default, and you want only second with that mark, you'd do something like this:

ffmpeg -i input.mkv -c copy -disposition:s:0 0 -disposition:s:2 0 output.mkv

And if you want to mark a stream as default, you do -disposition:stream default.

Ah, sadness...

But behold, cramped area!

Did they play through genocide? If not, then you can play it yourself for an extra bit of content and the banger music it provides.

I assume it creates some sort of save file in the current working directory?

You may try changing the working directory via batch script, if you're on Windows.

Make a text file, name it something like launch.bat (the actual name may be whatever you want, just make sure you leave the extention .bat) Paste this there:

@echo off
cd /d "%~dp0"
start "" "game.exe"

Be sure to replace game.exe with your game's .exe filename. Don't delete any double quotes, they are important.

Put this text file near .exe file of your game, and make a shortcut of it to your desktop. You may rename a shortcut and choose an icon from your game's .exe file to make it pretty.

After that just launch the shortcut as you normally would. If I'm correct, the game should create it's .bin file in the script directory and not in your desktop.

Even with disabled autoupdates, the launcher itself still tries to update on my end. Fixed it the barbaric way, by clearing the contents of that pesky folder and doing

sudo chmod a-rwx

Or you can just use it via Termux.

Not to invalidate the point made, but…

While Japanese indeed uses question marks, you can get screwed if you think that every sentence without a question mark at the end is not a question. For example, this is a grammatically correct question:


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Nice! Wanted to jump into the series for some time now, looks like a good time to finally do it.

Except rethrowing an exception in C# is just throw;, anything else is a crime against the person who reads your stacktraces.

I've used VLC for an incredibly long time, until I found about mpv about two weeks ago. It's both a lot lighter and packs a lot more utility. I can finally frame step backwards and see millisecond timestamps! The only downside is that you have to do a bit of tinkering with all the configs and plugins, but it's so worth it.

You misspelled "StarCraft 1" so bad.

Laughs in WarCraft III: Reforged

Just played some SC2. I think you meant that Diablo servers are down, not

rand() generates a number from 0 to a constant defined in stdlib, which usually corresponds to the architechture of your compiler. So, for 32 bit systems (assuming all the software in the line is 32 bit, too) it will be 2^31-1 = 2 147 483 647, as 1 bit in integers is reserved for negative numbers and 1 number is 0.

Though, by design it is guaranteed to be at least 32767, which is a value for 16 bit integers.

Could you elaborate?

Good is an incredibly subjective term. May be you can try Control. Or, if you're into rythm games and metal, I'd recommend Metal: Hellsinger.

If you want to try a simpler MOBA, try Heroes of the Storm. The game does not get any love from Blizzard anymore, but out of all the MOBA's I know, it has the least minimal knowledge required to play.

MOBA as a genre didn't come from WC3. There were quite a lot of predecessors to DotA, both in WC3 itself and in first StarCraft, namely Aeon of Strife is believed to be the first popular MOBA custom map out there.

Blizzard didn't decide that quirks of WC3 engine are dumb. Yes, they wanted to make a simpler MOBA, but the main reason for lack of funny stuff from WC3 is that they used Galaxy engine for the game, the same one StarCraft 2 was built upon.

And HotS feels less complex not because of Galaxy's vs WC3's quirks (the former has plenty, too), but because of lack of gold and shop, shared experience and an actual tutorial at the beginning of the game.

Apple products are usually easy to use and hellishly restrictive, preventing the dum-dum user from breaking it. Phones that run under Android allow for much more customization and utility, to the point you can "soft lock" your OS.

Apple is less functional, easy to use, hard to break (software-wise, at least). Android is more functional, though requires skills to get to the functionality and not break anything.

Meaning those with the skills use Android. Thus, skill issue.