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Joined 6 months ago

An insult against their supreme leader is an insult against them. They directly responded to the insult. Didn't see anything else.

I think if lemmy disappears I'm going to give up on the internet. Basically just use it for the necessary things that I need it for.

Teens have sex!? When did this start? Must have missed this trend 😞

Picking handcuffs is super easy, but, snapping those zip ties are not as easy as it sounds, unless I'm doing it wrong it hurts too much.

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Instead I'm putting great energy to get away from Google, along with a lot of other people

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Is it tab groups?

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They didn't refund nest thermostat users when they verified those devices.

Better than the video thank you, I didn't watch the video

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Where I am in the US all our supermarkets suck, and are over priced. Aldi offers a clean environment with inexpensive food at decent non farm stand quality. When your alternative is double the price in a run down store or Walmart. Aldi is a very nice alternative.

I really don't think it takes much for Aldi to compete in a large part of the US market. Even if they're not the best because we have so much of the worst in supermarkets.

Sorry for the straight link, but, this is the cube. The cube is pretty cool

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Thinking, I wish my brain would just stop.


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Murica! Fuck yeah! Let's just created a walled silo where we fuck our cousins and praise our own superiority. /s

This is great thank you! Very interesting

How have I not heard of this

Linux user here, Firefox basically just stays open 24/7 are you sure it's not an extension? Maybe something else?

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Most little boys seen to excite the Catholic Church

This is it, combination of ignorance and stupidity.

I'm an Aldi simp too!!! Aldi is far superior to Walmart, I never expect my fruits and vegetables to last more than a week and Aldi is good with that. I will never buy produce or meat at Walmart, the things they do to their meat is disgusting. I buy most my non perishables from Walmart, Aldi for other things, and then Costco every couple of weeks. I'm also a Costco simp. In my experience to get the best quality and price you gotta go to multiple places.

Side note, season, time of year changes where produce is the best. Cucumbers in summer at Aldi where I live aren't good.

How was ask Jeeves so good for such a short time

I've been trying to get my SO to agree to getting rid of all the plates and cups except for what we use hasn't worked yet I should just go solo and take your recommendation it's a good recommendation

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I lived in this town and there was this"computer and pawn" place. They did this to people's computers. I constantly had people come into the computer place I worked at very confused. Not knowing why they needed a password to install things, where is Microsoft office, how do I print, etc. Most of these people didn't have the money to put windows back on, but, those that did, did real quick. All this did was scare people away. If we started replacing Linux on people's computers it needs to come with a intro tech support plan and a short intro class explaining the basics.

At this point the people that benefit the most easily are those who only need email, Web browsing and or are old. People who work off their machine are going to use Windows and that former demographic usually just use their phones or a tablet now. At least in the US

Old musty library!

This is a wonderful of color blue

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Lol Vista and povety is what made me switch

I think it's a registry modification, but, I've seen windows start to ignore modifications to the registry so idk.

You just got me free music, I couldn't afford it anymore so I have to drop it. Thank you

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand cropped memes. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of memetics and linguistics most of the jokes will go over a typical reader's head. There's also the high contrast color pallette, which is deftly woven into the message. Lemmy users understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike cropped memes truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in longing for the bottom half of the text, "Join our Discord". I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the meme's genius wit unfolds itself on their smartphone screens. What fools..

😂 Lmao same

That sucks I hope he's good.

That's just the Catholics. We're talking about all religions.

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They ditched Phoenix because the bios manufacturer had that copy right. There's a whole story behind it.

Firefox in China is also known as a red panda

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Completely agree, you can wear a dress, leggings, a blouse, style your hair, but, I'm sitting hear in my boring uncomfortable pants and t shirt. I completely agree with everything your saying.

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I'd rather be fired for not being a Christian than to be an actual Christian any day. Especially an American Christian.

I believe it started with a sense of security. Don't worry, there's a reason and someone is in control of this shit show. Feels better than we're on this crazy freight train called life that is almost completely out of control, no one knows where we're going, no one knows how we're going to get there, and we basically have no control over any of it.

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I'm thinking of doing this to my car.

This blows my mind, we've had tvs for a very long time. How do people not know how to do this, I get the 90yo Grandma, but, the 50yo guy living in his bachelor pad I just don't get.

You mean like GitHub and source forge?

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That's fair. It's unfortunate.

My dad's truck, I thought it would be a great Idea to clean his motor. Got into the electrical system. He never told me how much it was, but, as an adult I could only imagine.