As a long-time user hearing YouTube wants to play extra ads when I pause a video to Lemmy – 1475 points –

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Instead I'm putting great energy to get away from Google, along with a lot of other people

We are an insignificant amount. Most people likely don’t even know how to change the default search engine on their phones.

Most people don’t even know what a search engine is by that term. They just know they type things into search boxes and click things that come up. Greater majority of phone users don’t even use the browser, it’s just endless apps

Sometimes few people raise much voices. Those who bother and search for new engine are early adapters of technology, spends money on new gadgets and such. Those are who ads are after, not my grandmother.

I would think they’re infinitely more likely to click an add.

Shit I hate ads that much, if I see one for a product I might actually want I’ll still search it manually. It’s ingrained in me to avoid ads on the internet and to shut them out as much as possible irl where imo they’re even more an eyesore.

Edit: to add, I do agree with the sentiment, but just not in this instance. With protesting as an example where it can apply.

To do that effectively, you'd have to make a popular movement for popular big name YouTubers to move away from YouTube and to some other site. Very hard.