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Joined 1 years ago

IP-based mitigation strategies are pretty useless for ATO and credential stuffing attacks.

These days, bot nets for hire are easy to come by and you can rotate your IP on every request limiting you controls to simply block known bad IPs and data server IPs.

Technically... London has already been done.

Agree with this.

Decompressing is healthy and you need to find balance. Perhaps the content is the problem. TV/Film, while entertaining, is an art form. So raise your standards for content if you find what you are watching to be braindead.

For me, Discovery+ has great content which I share with my daughter and it leads to new ideas and hobbies for us that go beyond the TV.

Also, tuning out completely actually may be more alienating than you realize, and in social circles you may end up out of the loop.

I was born a poor black child 🫥

My bourbon French toast says otherwise.

Many fond memories with this one. But if I could go back and experience one game for the first time again, I'd have to go with Gemstone III.

How so? I am on SAVE and have been hit hard by interest since September.

I could care less about forgiveness. I knew what I was getting myself into. But 0% interest after paying a certain amount really needs to be a thing.

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Electric cars aren't better for the environment in our current ecosystem. You might not be burning fuel in your car but you're burning coal at the power plant. Beyond that all you've done is make yourself more dependent on the power grid. If you are one of the very few people with self sufficient electric in your home you can skip this one.

You really have to factor in the refinement and transport of fuel though. And then needing to drive to the pumps and the additional maintenance ICE vehicles

And not all energy is created by burning coal. There are solar, hydro, wind, and nuclear. In fact, only 20% of our energy comes from coal,

I can't speak for every state, but California has only one coal plant and an abundance of renewable energy generation. Including what consumers dump back into the grid.

I love our EV, and encourage others to buy one. They aren't perfect, but it's about incremental improvements. The next problems to solve is battery improvements, long-term battery resource sustainability, and building a more durable and less polluting tire.

Au naturel.

Wash regularly. Wear clean clothes.

I want to smell like me. Not wood, coal, fuel, fruit, smoke, pine, or flowers.

Just watch out for heavy garlic & onion days 😆

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Answering my own doubt. This is pulled from another post.

"This is only true if your monthly payment is lower than the monthly interest. In this case the government subsidizes and you do not accrue interest, but you also do not make progress towards your loan. In the other scenario, which happens to be my case, where the monthly payment is higher than the monthly interest, there is no subsidy, and interest accrues, but I make progress towards my loan."

I'm more partial to the sustain on the RAV, but could lose myself in either.

Is it though? While it certainly isn't something I'd recommend, and I've encountered it before, if E2E encryption exists we cannot assume a data exposure had occurred.

What they do on the backend has nothing to do with this notification system. Think of it as one of these credentialess authentication systems that send a 'magic link' to your inbox.

Sorry. Not everything is intended for your entertainment.

You get to a point where maybe it just makes more sense? 8 billion people on this planet. 8 fucking billion. At that scale, truly what is the value of a human life? I'm neither for nor against a death penalty, but I do question at what point do we stop tolerating those who are selfish, entitled, destructive, and violent? When do we stop giving out slaps on the wrist?

We've seen similar destructive actions in the past. We all pay the price for one person's actions.

I do like the idea mentioned above though that this kid should be sentenced to seeding and tending to the growth of a forest of trees.

Maybe also have him pay for the commission of a artistic piece to stand in place of the tree.

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You really believe that in the last two decades, she had not mentored or influenced a new generation of politicians and that none of her colleagues anticipated a scenario in which she dies or retires without a plan?

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Ah, good ol' perpetuation of bullshit.

Just like in Western medicine, sure, there exists a handful of quack Chiro's that give the profession a bad name. And many who have not evolved with the research.

Modern Chiro's are not just focused on spinal manipulation. They incorporate a diverse set of techniques, including a lot of PT rehabilitation overlap.

However... Some of us do require that temporary relief that only an adjustment can provide. I myself joint disorders that lead to an uncomfortable increase of pressure that needs release. I can pretty much 'pop' nearly every bone in my body. I hate it, but that's how my body is. They are all different. Chiro's have a place, maybe they don't work for you, but they are Doctors, and for many of us, they provide relief that others cannot.

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That's not exactly the truth.

Yes, there are plenty of medical practitioners that poorly represent their profession. I'm sure you could easily apply the same logic here to PT, NP, DO, MD, etc.

What should be emphasized is that Chiropractic has heavily evolved, like any other healthcare field and there is a high degree of overlap between PT and DC methodologies. So much so, PT has lobbied for adoption of joint manipulation.

A good DC won't limit themselves to 5 minutes visits for a quick adjustment. A good DC is evidence-based, incorporates rehab and education, and provides care to the body and systems.

Correct, they are Doctors of Chiropractic.

Unfortunately a lot of misinformation exists which has hurt the field.

Oddly, people have no problem shitting all over this profession but yet religiously trust Western medicine and pharmaceuticals... And people still die.

Maybe lead with facts instead of spreading FUD?