Only 60% of student loan borrowers made payments when bills restarted in the US to – 248 points –
Only 60% of student loan borrowers made payments when bills restarted

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How so? I am on SAVE and have been hit hard by interest since September.

I could care less about forgiveness. I knew what I was getting myself into. But 0% interest after paying a certain amount really needs to be a thing.

Answering my own doubt. This is pulled from another post.

"This is only true if your monthly payment is lower than the monthly interest. In this case the government subsidizes and you do not accrue interest, but you also do not make progress towards your loan. In the other scenario, which happens to be my case, where the monthly payment is higher than the monthly interest, there is no subsidy, and interest accrues, but I make progress towards my loan."

Damnit your comment made me look into it again and realized I misunderstood….boo