1 Post – 283 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Depends on context, as always. A user sharing a story on social interaction, gender may be quite important to how they experienced it and how others perceive it. I.e., a post the other day asking about worst dates and the average worst date for men was a woman on coke or a no show. The average worst date for women was about getting sexually assaulted or raped.

Men are victims of those things too and can face different repercussions when they try to pursue help. Understanding their experiences within the context of them being men is also important.

Stripping gender from these stories only obfuscates some of the problems.

Dude tried to rape me. Might be his worst date too because he left with multiple broken fingers and a broken nose. It could have been better for me / worse for him if the cops took it seriously, but the fact that I fought back and he wasn't actually successful in raping me was enough for the cops to wave it away as a domestic dispute that self-resolved when I left.

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If discussing 1:100 there is no individual attention, so why not 1:1,000 or 1:100,000 or just YouTube videos one can watch at their own pace.

In my college lectures of 1:200, there were still separate sessions of 20 students or fewer, led by grad students working for the professor, to offer more individualized help. If that doesn't happen and it's just a lecturer talking to a crowd, the ratio is irrelevant.


Almost exactly the same except for pillow. Within the past year I switched to a buckwheat pillow and I am in trial phase to see how it handles use.

I think I'm going to empty the buckwheat hulls out soon to wash the case and then replace the hulls. IDK, I'm just guessing at the point.

The report cites inexperienced workforce, exacerbated by the limited pool to hire from in New Orleans and the non-competitive wages Boeing offers compared to other aerospace companies. Mobile and Huntsville are right there. Lol, pony up, Boeing.

And the report mentions operators are given work instructions that lack detail and require the operator to go diving through multiple levels of specifications and historical records to understand what to do. This speaks to inadequate manufacturing engineers and processes, who are putting out the inadequate work instructions. So I'm assuming the non-competitive pay and retention problems apply to their engineers too, not just the hourly operators and mechanics.

Work for Boeing for bad pay and to see this shit in the news? Or hop over to Mobile, AL to work for Airbus at a better wage on a popular commercial plane with good reliability and a good reputation. Decisions, decisions.

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A relative gifted me a really ugly tree ornament. I don't put up a Christmas tree and haven't ever in my adult life. Relative knows this and delivered it alongside comments about me needing to get a tree and get more into the "religious" spirit of the holiday.

Normally I would at least look to donate or something I don't want, but ugly, religious proselytizing junk goes in the trash.

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A student and her football player boyfriend were caught behind the school after a game making out and probably more. The girl was made to publicly apologize to the class and then "strongly encouraged" to leave and finish her high school somewhere else. The boy faced no public repercussions and appeared to carry on as normal.

Let's call her "Jenny". For about a year, any time someone pushed the line on public displays of affection per school rules, they were warned to tone it down or they would get "Jenny'd".

Catholic school, in case you couldn't guess.

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It's good you included your location.

In the US, opticians have to provide your script whether you ask for it or not.

I didn't find something as official for Canada with a 5-second web search, but this Ontario College FAQ indicates Canada has something similar.

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Anytime we ask questions about poor people doing things to make a buck, you probably won't find me talking negatively or blaming the people with few to no options.

I've been in a financial situation where selling my blood plasma was an easy, safe, guaranteed amount of money that kept me from getting deeper into the hole. I'm not going to knock anyone who does it, only the shitty social services that fail people to the point they have to sell their plasma to survive.

I was hanging with a group consisting of mostly older millennial gay men who don't like that trans people are being included alongside them in conversations about human rights, sexuality, and gender. They think it takes away from the fight their community has gone through over the past few generations.

I chewed them out. Like, a lot. I am usually not at all confrontational but I pretty much stunned them into silence. Now I'm waiting to let them process, expecting a couple to reach out to me to step back from some of the shit they were saying. If that doesn't happen, I guess I'm not really welcome in that group anymore and I'm ok with that.

There are no trans people in this group. I'm not a gay man nor am I trans. But when I hear shit like that, I hear echos of gay men activists not being willing to work with lesbian women activists, white feminists not includig black women, male laborers trying to keep women out of labor rights movements. It's stupid. It's tribal and hateful. It undercuts the strength the movement could have if we weren't asshats about it.

Rights campaigning 101, strength in unity. This is basic ass shit.

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Wholesome one this time.

I played a club sport in college. Nothing fancy and I was a fine but not top-of-the-roster player. Several of us rode the city bus to practice every day.

There was often a woman on the same bus as us. She obviously had some mental and physical challenges. She would chat with other passengers at times, and eventually figured out many of us were teammates. She started getting into it, asking us who was the best player and if we were going to win "the big game". (There was no "big game" ever upcoming, it was just a question she associated with sports and asked frequently). One time she brought her autograph book and asked us all to sign it.

When we did finally play in a "big game", it got posted on YT. So I showed her a bit the next time we were on the bus together. She was pretty excited and asked for another round of autographs now that we were TV famous.

She never came to a game, I think a disruption like that to her routine might have been really hard on her, but it was fun having such a non-judgemental, joyous fan.

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Ooh, thought of another. I once saw a gentlemen driving down the mountain who must not have known that riding his brakes all the way down would cause them to overheat and fail. He was free rolling and honking his horn, weaving in and out to avoid hitting people. Sheer panic on his face.

Fortunately, he had the wherewithal to steer up one of the emergency offramps. I caught up to him a couple mins after he passed me. He was standing, leaning against his car, and just breathing. He was not a white guy, but somehow he still looked so pale. Glad no one got hurt with that one, that could have easily led to one or more deaths if things had happened just a little differently.

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I dated a person who had a non-identical twin. A month later, I went on a date with the twin, not knowing they were family. I hit it off way better with twin #2 and continued going on dates for a bit. The introduction to family and realization they were twin to #1 was awkward to say the least.

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Woman, not girl. I'm an adult and expect to be treated as such.

I feel no pressure to respond to aggression with physical violence. I recently sat through two friends (men) talking about how they feel too old to fight but if a strange guy were to roll up to them under certain conditions, they would have "no choice" but to physically fight them. I have never felt the need to physically fight a woman who disagreed with me. I would consider it a win and a good reflection on me if I could deescalate or remove myself from the situation.

Most other things I can think of are a double edged sword. Like being seen as a "girl" instead of a fully functioning, self-sufficient woman is usually a negative, but I can twist it in my favor to avoid things sometimes. I see other people commenting about women being able to interact with children without being seen as a potential pedophile, but that only comes because society expects women to do all the child-carrying.

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I grew up in a very conservative Catholic community. Imagine a group where JD Vance and Harrison Butker would be considered mild. If a new person didn't show up in the right kind of clothes and faux humility, people would make a snap judgement and start gossiping. If the new person were wealthy or had a lot of children (8+) or were in a medical field, they would probably be ok. The single parent mom with two kids who dared to send one to public school for better STEM classes? Lol, she had no chance.

There was a "welcome wagon" type group who were supposed to invite new people to coffee and doughnuts with the congregation in the basement after services. I watched the one invite one family and offer a handshake, visibly retracted the hand to skip over Single Mom, and then extend an invitation to the next family. Ice cold.

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A neighbor saw me walking barefoot to my mailbox and complimented me on my healthy feet.

Hackles went up thinking he was some foot fetishist who was going to get weird on me. Nope, just a medical person of some sort that works with feet a lot and I genuinely have healthy arches and mobile toes. At least I choose to believe that explanation he gave. Otherwise, I have to assume my neighbor is jerking it every time I walk outside.

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i could easily drop a spoon in the tub and watch it cut straight through to the bottom.

Dude, if this is true, your freezer is not cold enough.

I take a break from caffeine for a week every two months. I do the same with alcohol every month. It helps me stay objective about the amount I'm consuming. It helped me cut way back from pandemic-levels of coffee especially. Hoo, boy, I was one jittery, confined ball of anxiety and despair.

Pro tip: don't schedule both during the same week.

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Air Canada has some really dumb lawyers. They could have quietly paid the guy a couple hundred bucks and moved on. Now they're all over the news, showing off how callous and idiotic they are.

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I don't have trouble explaining. I keep it high level and generic because 99 times out of 100, people are just making small talk and want to know just enough about you to categorize you.

Eh, are they asking about other ways to get into dating though?

This sounds like "cold approaching". Like a guy walks up to a woman he doesn't know or barely knows and asks her out. I can tell you for one woman's perspective, this sort of approach has a 0% chance of working on me. And before anyone says, "but what if he's good looking and rich hurr durr hypergamy". No, still no. If anything, a super good looking guy in slick clothes cold approaching me is gonna make me wonder if I'm about to be abducted into his fucked up forced prostitution ring.

Imagining what it might be like for a guy, yeah, "cold approaching" sounds terrifying and likely futile.

Wanna know how I got every single date with a guy ever? Online dating where I was actively open to being approached (no longer a cold approach on the part of the man) or doing some approaching myself. Or I met him through friends and got to know him a bit before we mutually decided the vibes were nice (no "approach" at all). This one requires having friends though, so lots of the worst of the chronically online misogynists are already opting out.

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I once got a reddit DM from a guy offering to be my sugar daddy. All I had to do was give up family, friends, hobbies, career, move in with him and have his babies. He assured me I would want for nothing. I turned him down, but I was just a simple "yes" away from being so wealthy and happy. He was also highly complimentary of my looks, despite never seeing even a photo of me, so I know he wasn't shallow.

Edit: ok, that's all a lie. I got like 6 DMs like this. And that's when I turned direct messaging off for my reddit account.

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The Immortal Jellyfish, taking their transdifferentiation ability in which they can reverse aging and damage at macro and cellular levels.

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I cracked a joke that made a person laugh who is very difficult to make laugh. I've known them for nearly a decade and it was the first time I ever heard them laugh out loud.

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Depends on context. "Cute" can be infantalizing and condescending, or not, or somewhere in between. In general, any blanket statements about relationships comes down to context.

I hope you are right. I am sure there are some Guardsmen who see themselves as Texas soldiers over US, and I am concerned that the number is growing. After all, someone voted in these state politicians who are laying deadly traps intending to kill brown people.

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The size. Longer pianos, upright < baby grand < concert grand allow for longer strings and larger vibrating surfaces, meaning richer sounds and less opportunity for undesirable harmonics.

Grands also have more space for better mechanical apparatus from the keys to the hammers striking the strings.

And a grand having the cabinet with strings and sounding boards open to the audience sounds better than an upright sending sound into a wall.

I haven't been since before Russia invaded Ukraine and I wouldn't go now.

The people there are not their government, yada yada, but there are quite a lot of people there who do agree with the Russian government. I have no interest in dealing with the inevitable person who wants to preach at me about how Russia is justified in their invasion, the potential person who takes their preaching too far, or the potential Russian law enforcement officer who finds it fun to harass a US tourist.

The US travel advisory against unnecessary travel to Russia is posted for a reason. The US embassy is going to be limited in their ability to help if something goes wrong. There are a hundred other countries I can visit that are more welcoming and safer right now.

Pre-Ukraine invasion, I found Russians to be more friendly to US tourists than Parisians, and less friendly than French people from outside of Paris. Russia is a big country, so take my evaluation with a grain of salt; it's like judging all of the US based on trips to New York City and Syracuse, NY and extrapolating what Texas and California must be like.

I was gifted a fancy-schmancy whiskey aged in port wine casks. It's delicious but I'm allergic to something in it. The warmth of the whiskey quickly turned into burning and itching.

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A couch is for a one-night stand. A sofa is for bringing home to meet the parents.

~ JD Vance, probably

The wealthy/powerful class is missing from Idiocracy.

Yeah, we have a spray tanned idiot taking another run at the "most powerful position in the world". But it's the billionaires behind him that are getting even richer and solidifying their grip on the global economy. They aren't idiots, and they will ensure their offspring won't all become total idiots.

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Friends also help with loneliness.

Don't skip friends. Romantic relationships are friendships+ with the difficulty level dialed up by x10. If someone can't build and keep friends, a romantic relationship is likely to be bad and will fix nothing.

If you literally just want a hug and don't currently have someone in your life to do that with, paying is an option. Friends can also give hugs.

Quirky, unique, eccentric, remarkable, mystifying, fantastic, unconventional, offbeat.

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Do you ever leave the house? Like to go to work or the library or to hang out with friends? Just leave as if you're doing one of those things, and then meet your date somewhere.

If you never leave the house, that is something you might consider addressing before you start dating. There can be lots of reasons to leave the house that don't involve an unwitting stranger getting pulled into your rather unique family situation.

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PD is annoying, for sure. But the FTC website I linked above covers that too:

some states require you to include the patient’s pupillary distance in their prescription. If your patient wants to buy glasses online, they will need that measurement. If you take a patient’s pupillary distance measurement, we encourage you to provide it to your patient. It is likely they are entitled to a copy under Federal or State record requirements, which involves a process that may be more time consuming for you and your patient.

"Oh, you don't share prescriptions with the patient? I thought that was an FTC regulation. Here, let me pull that up on my phone right quick to clarify. Pretty sure they even have an email contact I can reach out to if needed."

Knowledge is half the battle. Have the info to back yourself, then hold your ground. Scummy optometrists rely on people not knowing their consumer rights.

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Public library.

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Driving super drunk. Like, super drunk. I saw the guy getting pulled over and the officer helping him out of the car. The guy literally just folded down to the ground and passed out. I have no idea how he was moving the steering wheel and stepping on gas and brake because he seemed to have no control over his limbs.

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In the depth of pandemic lockdown, after my roommate moved out to return closer to family, I was in my house alone for a month straight. One day I hear the tea kettle whistling on the stove.

It was the middle of summer, I hadn't made tea in weeks. Maybe I bumped the stove control? But there shouldn't have been any water in the kettle. And I hadn't been in my kitchen for over an hour and it wouldn't have taken that long for the water to boil had I put it on and just forgotten about it somehow. I keep my doors locked.

Idk, the only thing I can think of is the isolation really got to me that day, I put the kettle on and completely forgot I had done it five minutes later.

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I guess reddit was feeding me all those ads out of the kindness of their hearts and took no money for hosting them. "Altruistic", lol.