1 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Pretty sure the webs are formulated to dissolve in a couple hours.

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I personally don't like Epic for paying developers for exclusivity deals, keeping games off other PC platforms for a year or more. Artificial scarcity is bad for consumers.

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As an actual game it was pretty terrible. Unique skills only being learnable by a single person, multiple nested menus to perform basic functions like equipping something, lots of questionable things like overtuned traps and trap rooms in low level areas.

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There's probably a rule or something that says the entire kit has to be different. And if you're in a scrum with your head down looking at the ball, you're not looking at the other players jersey colour so different socks is how you tell team mates apart.

Bold of you to assume I'm going to survive past the first day.

I'm hoping they move away from requiring specific weapons or mods to counter specific enemies. Stoked to learn more about Sentinel Prime.

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Lemmy reminds me of old school BBS where actual discussion happened. I know it's been a shift for me where I actually have to think about a response and hold a discussion instead of just following the patterns. Not that I don't appreciate rote comments, it's nice to expect a joke and have that delivered on. Not every thread though.

It was huge in the Ancient Gods 1 and 2. That one ghost enemy that would possess and power up others you had to hit with the microwave beam for example.

I bought so many games on sale after I got my first grown-up job, that just ended up sitting in my library while I played the same 3 games. I bought a Steam Deck 6 months ago and it's been great for clearing out my backlog. I love being able to play games sitting in the recliner instead of at a desk.

The game was so perfect that it was delisted from the PlayStation store because of bugs and performance issues.

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Added a per-device toggle to Settings->Bluetooth that controls whether a device is allowed to wake SteamDeck from sleep.

Does this work for older Deck models or only the OLED model?

I find turning off motion blur and screen shake/weapon bobbing really helps for me. Assuming you have the option that is.

I started with Jerboa for a few months but I think I've settled in Connect now. If I had to pick between Jerboa and Boost though I'd pick Jerboa.

It's a top-scrolling shooter, but give Tyrian 2000 a go. It's free on GOG.

Some alligators in Florida prefer salt water.

I'm replaying Doom Eternal right now and I feel this so hard. Even with ammo upgrades and judicious chainsaw use I'm constantly out of ammo. Really makes me wish for a melee weapon that doesn't have limited fuel or whatever.

I use a combination of PS4, PS5, and Nintendo pro controllers, all over Bluetooth. Works great.

I'd take perfect aim when throwing something. You always hit the garbage can, you're unstoppable playing darts. You never miss flinging a playing card at your friends.

This happens though. You can open a can of condensed soup or cranberries and it will pour out in the shape of the can because it's all congealed together. Canned foods are usually pasteurized in the can and have a lot of preservatives and emulsifiers so that can help "fix" the texture for long term storage.

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I keep taking breaks from Baldur's Gate to play action/fps games. I can only handle so much turn based tactical gameplay at once.

Warframe has great sound design, and it's f2p. The Corinth shotgun sounds like God slamming a car door.

I'm taking a break from BG3 to replay Doom Eternal. I got the DLC for it a while ago and never played. I also need the space back on my Steam Deck lol so I need to finish it so I can uninstall.

I can believe it, it's pretty fun and relatively fair for f2p. The new 2.0 update is out tomorrow so it's a good time to try it out.

I listen to a ton of audiobooks and I'm constantly rewinding when I realize I've zoned out and missed half a chapter.